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Guild Wars 2

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Guild Wars 2 Announced


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Tuesday 27th March: NCsoft Europe and ArenaNet today revealed their exciting plans for the future of the hugely successful Guild Wars franchise. The companies announced that development already is underway on a full sequel to the original Guild Wars games. Guild Wars 2 will draw from the game mechanics that made the original Guild Wars one of the most popular online games ever and will add a fully persistent world. It was also revealed that, like its predecessors, Guild Wars 2 will not have a subscription fee. No launch date was announced, but the ArenaNet team anticipates that Guild Wars 2 will go into beta sometime in the second half of 2008.

In addition, ArenaNet developers are working on the first true expansion for the Guild Wars franchise, Guild Wars Eye of the North. Due to hit store shelves during the Q3 2007, Guild Wars Eye of the North will require at least one of the previous Guild Wars campaigns (Prophecies, Factions, or Nightfall) in order to play. It's a game that will benefit long-time players of the Guild Wars games, with all of the content targeting existing Guild Wars characters.

"We felt it was extremely important to reward those people who have been playing Guild Wars since the game first launched in 2005," said Jeff Strain, co-founder of ArenaNet. "Those players have seen three very large campaigns created in a little under two years and so we think it's time to begin filling in the details of the existing world and to provide more content for current characters. We are thrilled to focus our time on something that our players have been asking for." Set largely in the dungeons and caverns of the lands of Tyria that players first explored in Guild Wars Prophecies, Guild Wars Eye of the North will have 18 large, multi-level dungeons, 150 new skills across all 10 Guild Wars professions, 10 new Heroes, 40 new armor sets, and even more items, weapons and titles. And for those looking even further down the road at Guild Wars 2, Guild Wars Eye of the North will provide a Hall of Monuments where players' accomplishments are memorialized and eventually inherited by their Guild Wars 2 characters, unlocking exclusive items and bonuses in Guild Wars 2.

"It's the payoff we hope players will appreciate as we continue to build on the Guild Wars franchise," said Strain. "We're excited to announce these two new products and we want players to know that Guild Wars has an extremely exciting future in the months and years ahead."

More information on the Guild Wars franchise can be found at http://www.guildwars.com.


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Guild Wars 2, Part One Interview


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Gearing up for Guild Wars 2


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It's been a long time since we've heard any news about Guild Wars 2, so we thought it was about time to sit down and have a refresher course on what we can expect with the sequel to one of the most successful MMOs of all time. We are going to only give you the facts, and not follow any vicious rumors floating around, to give you a good idea of what to expect with Guild Wars 2, and fire up that old rusty enthusiasm for what could be a major contender in the MMO space when it releases...

  • 7 μήνες μετά...
  • 6 μήνες μετά...

Guild Wars 2 Hype Machine Rumbles To Life



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Amidst all of the sound and fury surround the impending release of Aion, NCsoft has been quietly gearing up for a big reveal of Guild Wars 2.


The teasing has begun, the website is stirring, and the official Guild Wars 2 Twitter is now active, pointing the said web page, where the above image hovers, awaiting a day this week when it shall give way to something that should hopefully please patient fans immensely.


ArenaNet head Mike O'Brien has been teasing up a storm at the Guild Wars wiki, hinting at a big reveal to take place this week.



  Αναφορά σε κείμενο

I want to thank all our fans for their patience as we developed the game to the point where we can start talking about it publically. I know you've all been anxiously awaiting this moment. You'll soon understand how ambitious we've been and what we've accomplished during these past two years of development. We still have a lot of work ahead of us, but from here on out we'll be able to provide you with more regular updates.


Guild Wars 2 is going to be a huge leap beyond the original. We have the best team in the industry executing at the top of their game, and I'm very proud of what our team has accomplished so far. As I said last week, I'm confident that when you get your first look at what we've been working on, you're going to love what you see. Stay tuned for an exciting week ahead.

Excited yet? Not only is O'Brien teasing, but during communications regarding press appointments at Gamescom, NCsoft said that had a big announcement coming, along with the reveal of Aion 1.5. Certainly looks like this is shaping up to be a big week for fans of guilds and the wars they have.



Πολύ καλά νέα. Υπάρχει τεράστια κοινότητα που περιμένει τον τίτλο πως και πως. Αλλά δυστηχώς η ncsoft μας πούλησε για τα μάτια του aion....


Με το σταγονόμετρο η πληροφορίες αλλά το hype έχει ξεκινήσει για τα καλά



και όπως απάντησε και ένας στο youtube


COME OOON! :) give us the meaty dragons!


GC 2009: Guild Wars 2 - First Details and Q&A

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We went straight to the developers at ArenaNet to learn more about the brand new online RPG sequel.


Ever since Guild Wars: Eye of the North shipped almost two years ago we've eagerly waited for news on Guild Wars 2, the next big step in ArenaNet's popular franchise. While Guild Wars 2's existence was no secret, the company kept a tight lid on the game, and ArenaNet all but disappeared from sight last year. However, at Gamescom in Cologne today, the wraps came off of Guild Wars 2 for the very first time. This promises to be a bigger, more epic game than its predecessor, and we've got some of the very first details, as we were able to ask ArenaNet about the sequel. Answering our questions is Mike O'Brien, ArenaNet studio head and co-founder; Eric Flannum, lead designer; and Ree Soesbee, world designer and writer.


First, some details. Guild Wars 2 is set about 250 years after the events of the original games, and this is a world in upheaval and conflict. While there have always been dragons in the world, the Elder Dragons have emerged, and they're much more powerful than the first type of dragon. To battle these Elder Dragons will require new heroes. The Elder Dragon of Orr raised an entire landmass from the ocean. You and others will have to challenge these Elder Dragons and learn more secrets about the world...


Watch the brand new debut trailer for Guild Wars 2!







Και εδώ η συνέντευξη από το eurogamer




Αρκετά εντυπωσιακά τα στοιχεία που λένε. Καταρχήν στο παιχνίδι θα υπάρχουν πλέον και instance αλλά και περιοχές που θα μπορείς να παίξεις μαζί με άλλους. Στο σύστημα pve θα μπορείς πλέον να παίξεις μόος σου χωρίς να χρειάζετε να κουβαλάς τα npc όπως γινόταν στο πρώτο τίτλο.

Το πιο εντυπωσιακό στοιχείο όμως είναι ότι πλέον θα μπορείς όχι μόνο να μπεις στο νερό αλλά και να κάνεις explore!! Υπόσχονται ένα τελείως νέο σύστημα που θα σου επιτρέπει να κάτσεις αρκετή ώρα μέσα στο νερό χωρίς να υπάρχει ο περιορισμός του αέρα όπως υπάρχει στα άλλα mmorpg.

Εντυπωσιακές και οι αλλαγές στο pvp αφού πλέον εκτός απο το hardcore σύστημα με το lader και τις ισσοροπιμένες ομάδες θα υπάρχουν και περιοχές με μαζικές μάχες 200vs200!! για πιό casual pvp καταστάσεις.

Για το story τώρα. Διαδραματίζετε 250 χρόνια μετά τα γεγονότα του πρώτου μέρους. Κάθε race έχει γυρίσει στην περιοχή της και η tyria είναι υπο τον έλεγχο δράκων. Φυσικά θα πρέπει να διαλέξεις κάποια race και να αρχίσεις την μάχη ενάντιον τους. Το πιο εντυπωσιακό είναι ότι πλέο παραδοσιακά εχθρικά races θα πρέπει να παίξουν μαζί.


Guys, οι Power of Greece φτιάξανε site-forum σε προετοιμασια για το Guild Wars 2 και καλούνε όλους τους φίλους τους παιχνιδιού, αλλά και αυτούς που απλά ενδιαφέρονται για ότι νέο υπάρχει, να μπούνε στο site και να φτιάξουμε ένα μεγάλο και δυνατό community με ανθρώπους από όλα τα guild ώστε να διεκδικήσουμε προνόμοια και πράγματα απο την Arena Net!

Απλά κάντε APPLY To GUILD και μάθεται οποιοδήποτε νέο υπάρχει για το παιχνίδι, σχολιαστέ κάθε ανακοίνωση καθώς περιμένουμε να βγεί το παιχνίδι που όλοι περιμένουμε!




Είναι και πλέον επίσημο. Το αρχαιότερο και μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό guild δεν θα μπορούσε να λείψει από το guild wars 2. Εχεί αρχίσει η δουλειά για την προετοιμασία ίδρυσης των power of greece και στο guild wars 2.

Καλούμε όλους του βετεράνους και πρώην μέλη μας να ξαναμαζευτούμε και να θυμηθούμε τις παλιές καλές εποχές :D

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