Προς το περιεχόμενο



Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR> Όταν κάνω Setup τον τύπο ενός Modem , αποθηκεύεται αυτός ;; <HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Mipos thes na peis,pou apothikeuetai autos?se poio fakelo?kai ego den to ksero,alla me endiaferei poli! cool.gif" border="0


PROSOXI: MIN ta diagrapsis giati meta 8a ta rixnete stin micrososft ke ta windows pou den exoun ta apetoumena arxia gia tin sosti litourgia tou modem sas.<BR>Ta arxia .inf ine i gnosti drivers ke apo8ikevonte ston skliro mazi me tin egatastasi ton windows...


Yparxoun kapoia INF arxeia mesa sto directory ton Windows i mesa sto system den thimamai...!!!<BR>Se auta ta arxeia yparxoun kai entoles opos <BR>strings gia tin epikoinonia tou modem me tin com porta kai dail - strings...!!!<P>Kante ena search kai tha to breite...!!!<BR>Emena einai mesa sto system ton windows..!<BR> smile.gif" border="0


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