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PIII muliplier unlocked


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Φιλοσοφικό ερώτημα:<BR>Αν αρχίσω να βγάζω πράγματα από τον επεξεργαστή μου τότε αυτός θα συνεχίσει να λειτουργεί κανονικά;;


gia celeron iparxei tpt?den exw vri tpt...pouthena!!!!exw kanei ton arxaio mou 333 se 417 mpas kai pari anasa...alla frown.gif" border="0 thelw na ton paw 500..den me niazei an kaei...tha parw allon alloste...


Lol, mou thymizei ena giapwneziko pou eixa dei p4 na trexei se 2700, o typos eixe valei dika tou pll kai elege na valoume to maxairi sth mobo kai na kopsoume ena sygekrimeno meros ths socket......Egw mia fora den tha to kana........isws otan o p3 mou einai gia petama na dokimasw.......


ΓΟΥΣΤΑΡΩ ΤΑ ΤΡΕΛΑ OVERCLOCK<BR>ΕΧΩ ΕΝΑΝ 486.<BR>ΠΩΣ ΘΑ ΤΟΝ ΚΑΝΩ P3 800????!#$$%^&() grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0 <BR>ΦΙΛΕ ANONYMOUS ΟΛΛΛΛΛΑΑΑ ΑΥΤΑ, ΤΑ PINS ΑΥΤΟΣ ΠΟΥ ΤΟ ΠΡΟΤΕΙΝΕΙ, ΤΑ ΕΚΟΨΕ? confused.gif" border="0 <BR> shocked.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0 shocked.gif" border="0 <BR>ΚΑΛΑ ΒΛΑΚΑΣ ΕΙΝΑΙ?<BR>ΤΟΝ ΕΚΑΨΕ grin.gif" border="0 grin.gif" border="0


Link tou ar8rou iparxei?<P>Pes oti to dokimazoume... ta oria tis kokkinis gramis<BR>den einai kai poli safi... pou stamatas na koveis?<P>8a i8ela na diavasw to ar8ro, alla malon gia kakogousti farsa mou fenete!<P>(Oxi tou filou Anonimous veva.)


egw ton 333 pantos anevasa to fsb sta 84 kai to polaplasiasth sto 5.0 ...den paei parapanw kai den kserw pos na allaksw to voltage ths cpu..den ginete apo to bios kai den exei jumper gia afto.... frown.gif" border="0 gmt...thelw na paei 500 ....


apantisi gia ton roof<P><A HREF="http://www6.tomshardware.com/cpu/98q4/981215/sl2w8-06.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www6.tomshardware.com/cpu/98q4/981215/sl2w8-06.html</A> <P>First the theory. The 5 pins used for the voltage <BR>detection are pins VID0 - VID4, 'VID' standing <BR>for 'Voltage Identification'. The following table shows <BR>where to find the pins on the Slot1-connector: <P>Pin Description<BR> Pin #<BR> <BR>VID0<BR> B120<BR> <BR>VID1<BR> A120<BR> <BR>VID2<BR> A119<BR> <BR>VID3<BR> B119<BR> <BR>VID4<BR> A121<BR> <P><BR>The next table shows you how the pins have to be set up <BR>for voltages between 2 and 2.3 V. <P>VID4<BR> VID3<BR> VID2<BR> VID1<BR> VID0<BR> Core Voltage<BR> <BR>connected <BR> connected<BR> connected<BR> connected<BR> not connected<BR> 2.00 V<BR> <BR>connected <BR> connected<BR> connected<BR> connected<BR> connected<BR> 2.05 V<BR> <BR>not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> No CPU plugged in, BIOS error message<BR> <BR>not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> connected<BR> 2.10 V<BR> <BR>not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> connected<BR> not connected<BR> 2.20 V<BR> <BR>not connected<BR> not connected<BR> not connected<BR> connected<BR> connected<BR> 2.30 V<BR> <P><BR>As you can see, the default 2 V setting that is <BR>supplied by the CPU has already got VID0 'not <BR>connected', which cannot be changed by taping the pin. <BR>This is why you cannot reach 2.1 V or 2.3 V, both need <BR>VID0 'connected'. However, you can achieve 2.2 V, by <BR>covering the pins for VID2 - VID4 = A119, B119, A121. <P>I do not recommend increasing the voltage over 2.2 V, <BR>the next possible step for a non-Abit-board-owner would <BR>be 2.4 V, which is definitely way over the limit. <BR>Please also keep in mind that this operation here is <BR>certainly only for people who know what they are doing. <BR>I do not take any responsibility for damaged CPUs or ....<P> cool.gif" border="0<p>[ 07-06-2001: Message edited by: nemo ]


nemo tnx!oso gia tous AMD...an parw kai to mobo pou na tous dexete vgenei pio akriva ao einan kalitero celeron smile.gif" border="0tha eperna AMD mono an edinan dwro to motherboard.. :P


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