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Primary or logical partition...? help plz.....


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πηρα εναν εξωτερικο :-D και 8ελω να τον χωρισω..θα ειναι μονο για δεδομενα και οχι για OS..


η απορια μ ειναι η εξής..:(


γιατι να κανει κανεις logical partionions και οχι primary...?κερδιζει κάτι εκτος του οτι μπορει να κανει περισσοτερα απο 4 logical partionions...? (σε αντιθεση με τα primary π μπορει μεχρι 4..)


θελω να τον χωρισω σε 80 και 200 γιγα..πως να τα βαλω...?και τα δυο primary...?


Ας με ξεμπλέξει κάποιος plz plz...:confused: :confused:


otan ekanes palia fdisk ton disko ipirxe to primary komati pou itan to proto partition kai ola to ipolipo ginotan extended partition kai xorizotan se logical drivers.sinithos proto komati primary olo to ipoloipo extended kai meta to extended xorizetai se osa logical drives thes,


den nomizo oti tha exeis provlima alla oute oti tha deis diafora.den exo kai to pc mou tora na ekana dokimes.apla an thimame kala to primary partition is a bootable partition eno to extended me ta logical den einai.master boot record kai tetoia.episis an pathei kati to extended partition xaneis ola ta logical drives parea.sta 2000 kai xp oti kai na kaneis den exei poli simasia.kai episis auto

Actually, from a purely statistical point of view, logical partitions are safer.


In the MBR (Master Boot Record) of each DRIVE there is space for just FOUR partition ENTRIES.


Of those entries, only one can be relative to an Extended LOGICAL VOLUME.


The other 3 entries can be primary.


A few Operating Systems, including DOS, complained about multiple Primary Partitions FORMATTED WITH A KNOWN FILESYSTEM.


It is perfectly safe to have a partition table like this:

1) Primary Active FAT16 (with DOS)

2) Primary NTFS (dos cannot read it)

3) Primary FAT32 (dos cannot read it)

4) Extended


As said before, the entry for the Extended one does not point to an actual partition, but to a LOGICAL VOLUME, inside which you can make as many logical partitions you need.


To make it more clear, the difference in the entries is this:

1) the entry relative to Primary partition is the actual start address of the partition

2) the entry relative to Extended partition is the start address of the logical Volume; at the said address are stored the start addresses of the logical partitions within the logical volume


So the actual partition tables of logical partitions are NOT stored on track 0 of the HD.


If you get a "dumb" virus, it will probably try to wipe the first "n" sectors of your HD, you will lose info on WHERE the logical volume starts, but NOT the info on the LOGICAL PARTITIONS.


There are tens of freeware tools that can let you find the info that was wiped, whilst finding the actual partition info is a bit more difficult.


The same thing applies if you make a mistake editing directly the MBR.


And even from a statistical point of view, track 0 of the HD has numberless more accesses in a HD lifetime that track "nn" (where logical volume starts) so it is highly probable that a misreading can happen more likely on track 0 that on any other track.


I hope that the above is clear enough, sometimes trying to explain things I make it worse.




auto pou leei from a purely statistical point of view, logical partitions are safer erxetai se anti8esh me auto pou eipesepisis an pathei kati to extended partition xaneis ola ta logical drives parea..


otan leme bootable ennoume na mporei na 3ekina OS apo ekei etsi...?an nai dn me afora giati se auto ton disko dn 8a balw OS..



Telika mhpws emena me symferei na ta kanw 2 logical me diaforetika extended omws...?(afou ta statistika lene oti ta logical einai pio safe as mn pame kontra..:) oxi oti 8a exei thn terastia diafora alla gt oxi..)


thx again


ok euxaristw para polu!!

telika ekana 2 logical alla se diaforetika extended..(opote an ginei kati xtypa 3ulo na mn xasw k ta 2)

na sai kala gia th help..


edit::egine auto alla telika to alla3e mono tou se ena extended...opote ekana to ena primary..kai gia to allo to skeftomai..:P


den mporeis na kaneis dio extended oso xero.to extended einai ena kai apla exei pola logical.genikos min agxonesai na min xtipisei.ama ftasei se simeio na ginei auto tote den nomizo na katafereis na soseis tipota.pote den mou exei ginei.pote ma pote.kanto extended to allo me logical drivers


gia auto mou aresete!! :P

einai kalo forum opws k na exei..!!((glypsimataki...))

mhpws mporeis na ri3eis mia matia kai edw...?http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/showthread.php?t=182514


thx again


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