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AMIGA andraptora gia monitor PC


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<A HREF="http://www.hardwarebook.net/ca_AmigaScart.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.hardwarebook.net/ca_AmigaScart.html</A> <P>to parapano link gia adaptor einai apo amiga video se scart<BR> <A HREF="http://www.starnet.com.au/davem/amiga.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.starnet.com.au/davem/amiga.html</A> <P>to parapano link eine gia amiga hardware<BR>den einai akrivos ayto pou thes alla eine isos i akri toy nimatos gia na vreis ayto poy thes. <p>[This message has been edited by nemo (edited 20-05-2001).]


File eagleiiz<BR>prota ap'ola Nemo oxi M_emo<BR>An epsaxnes kalyrtera-perissotero<BR>tha evriskes ayto poy thes alla opos<BR>fanike kai pio pano kamia fora den diavazoyme prosektika.<BR>2 links-(parapompes epi to ellinikoteron) kai diavase to keimeno<P>ftp://de.aminet.net/pub/aminet/hard/hack/VGA_Hack.lha<BR>ftp://de.aminet.net/pub/aminet/hard/hack/ami2vga.lha<P>A. Maybe. The "double" video modes of the A1200's AGA chipset provide video<BR> frequencies of 23 kHz and up, and will work with many VGA monitors.<BR> However, true PC clone-type VGA operates at a frequency of 31.5 kHz, and<BR> some monitors won't operate at frequencies much lower than that. The "VGA<BR> Only" monitor driver may be used to raise the A1200 output frequencies,<BR> making them high enough to be recognized by some monitors. You should<BR> certainly try any VGA monitor before you buy it, though, just to be sure.<BR> (Note: many games and some system software operate only at 15.75 kHz. For<BR> instance, the configuration screen you get by holding down the mouse<BR> buttons during a reset only displays at 15.75 kHz, and will not be visible<BR> with a VGA-type monitor. However, there is some software that addresses<BR> this; look at the Aminet file gfx/aga/AAStarter12.lha.)<P>A. Ideally, you need it to have a sync range from 15 kHz to 31.5 kHz or<BR> higher. Digital presets are very helpful because they allow you to set<BR> screen size and centering for all the different screen modes.<P> goofy high-density HDD15 standard VGA connector that looks like a DB9?<BR>A. The adaptor that comes with an A4000 can be used, or you can get a wiring<BR> diagram from Aminet: hard/hack/ami2vga.lha. Alternatively, you could have<BR> Redmond Cable build one for you (call them at 206-882-2009).<P>A. Yes, but it won't work particularly well. CGA is digital RGB, so it can<BR> only generate 16 predefined colors. If it's the only monitor you have, you<BR> can probably live with it, but I would personally recommend even a<BR> composite video monitor instead (the old 1702 would work well for this).<P>A. My opinion: Don't buy any Commodore monitor. There are several monitors<BR> like the Microvitec 1438 and 1440 that are marketed specifically use with<BR> the Amiga (these are also resold under the Amiga Technologies label), and<BR> there are general-purpose VGA-type monitors that also work well. In most<BR> cases, these monitors are less expensive, better made, and more reliable<BR> than those that were sold by Commodore (which were OEMed from monitor<BR> manufacturers anyway). If you're looking for something inexpensive that<BR> will work with all the frequencies and output modes of the A1200, see if<BR> you can locate a used Mitsubishi DiamonScan (AUM 1381A) or NEC 3D. These<BR> monitors are quite cheap now, and will handle all the RGB output of the<BR> A1200 (the Mitsubishi also has a composite video input). If you're buying<BR> something new, I strongly recommend a monitor with digital presets, which<BR> makes screen adjustments much easier and eliminates the need to fiddle<BR> with knobs every time you change screen modes (the Microvitec 1440<BR> mentioned above is reported to have digital presets).<P>Opos vlepeis tetoio kalodio exoyn apo tin mana toys io A4000 kai epomenos mporeis na vreis kai etoimo.<P><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0>


<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.fleamarket.gr/lotimage2/VGA_Hack.jpg" border=0><BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0> <BR>na ka pics gia tou logoy to alithes<P>[This message has been edited by nemo (edited 22-05-2001).]<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.fleamarket.gr/lotimage2/VGA-interface.jpg" border=0><p>[This message has been edited by nemo (edited 22-05-2001).]


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