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Προβλημα στο Live Messenger,helpppp


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


παιδια μου έχει σπασει τα νευρα το live messenger.Συνεχως το κανω install και unistall αλλα δεν αλλαζει κάτι,συνεχώς μου βγαζει ένα παράθυρο όταν προσπαθώ να ανοίξω το πρόγραμμα που γράφει: Run time error! Programm C programm files/MSN Messenger/msnmsgr.exe R6025 -pure virtual function call

Τι μπορει να σημαίνει αυτό και πως το διορθώνω?:confused:

> Getting this error message is a programming error in Windows and 
cannot be repaired really but there is a way of arranging it so it doesn't
cause problems anymore. Go to Control Panel then System, in the system
properties, click on the performance tab, click on Virtual Memory, 
click on : let me specify my own virtual memory settings, then click the 
" disable virtual memory (not recommanded). It is not recommanded but 
that's what you must do. You must restart your computer and do the 
same process but this time re-activate the virtual memory settings to 
its original position and re-boot once again! This should solve most 
problems, but don't forget to re-activate your virtual memory otherwise
your computer will be extremly slow...

  • 4 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

έχω το ίδιο πρόβλημα έκανα αυτό που προτείνετεμε την εικονική μνήμη

αλλά τα ίδια.βρήκα το παρακάτω αλλά βαριέέέμαι.

Πιστεύω οι insomniacs θα δώσουν Λακωνικότερες λύσεις

There are several reasons why you are experiencing this issue. It is possible that there is insufficient space on the hard disk to install Windows Live Messenger. You may also experience the issue when the system temp directory is not clean and may contain files that conflict with the setup files or these conditions may apply:

- The temporary folder is encrypted.

- A file that must be overwritten is being used.

- Another software application blocks the installation of the Windows Live Messenger files.


What we need to do is verify that you have sufficient disk space on your hard disk. Then, we need to clear the temporary files and folders. Additionally, temporarily decrypt the folder before you install Windows Live Messenger. We may also need to perform the following steps:

-disable spyware detection software

-reinstall Windows Live Messenger

-verify Internet connection


Rebbeca, the troubleshooting steps for this issue are rather long. I have explained the probable cause of the problem to give you an idea of what we�re about to do. Please try the following solutions in the order that they are listed:


1. Exit Windows Live Messenger setup.


2. Verify that you have sufficient disk space on your hard disk:

a. Right-click the "Start" button, and then click "Explore."

b. In the "Start Menu" window, right-click drive C in the left window, and then click "Properties."

c. Make sure that you have at least 50 megabytes (MB) of free space on drive C.


3. Use the Disk Cleanup Manager utility to clear the temporary files and folders:

a. Click "Start," click "Run," type "cleanmgr", and then click "OK."


Note: If you have more than one hard disk in your computer, the "Select Drive" window appears. If this is the case, select drive C on the drop-down menu, and then click "OK." The Disk Cleanup utility analyzes the drive to determine the amount of free space that you can achieve.


Note: This process may take several minutes.

b. In the "Disk Cleanup for (C:)" window, click the "Disk Cleanup" tab.


c. Click the check boxes to select the following items:

- Downloaded Program Files

- Temporary Internet Files

- Temporary Files

- Temporary Offline Files

- Offline Files


d. Click "OK" to delete the selected file types.

e. When you are prompted, click "Yes" to start the Disk Cleanup utility.


Note: This process may take several minutes.


4. If your computer is running Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows 2000, the Encrypting File System may have encrypted the %temp% folder on your computer. If the Encrypting File System encrypted this folder, you must temporarily decrypt the folder before you install Windows Live Messenger. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Click "Start," click "Run," type "%temp%\..\", and then click "OK."

b. Right-click the Temp folder, and then click "Properties."

c. In the "Temp Properties" window, click the "General" tab, and then click the "Advanced" button.

d. In the "Advanced Attributes" window, under the "Compress and Encrypt attributes" section, click to clear the "Encrypt contents to secure data" option.

e. Click "OK" two times to save the changes and to close the "Temp Properties" window.


5. If you have a spyware detection tool running on your computer when you try to install Windows Live Messenger, you must disable it. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Locate the spyware detection tool icon, such as Lavasoft Ad-Aware, in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar.

b. Right-click the icon, and then click "Close," "Exit," "Stop," or "Disable" to disable the application.


6. If you had an earlier version of Windows Live Messenger installed, uninstall it:

a. Click "Start," click "Run," type "control appwiz.cpl", and then click "OK."

b. In "Add or Remove Programs" window, click each Windows Live Messenger version listed, and then click "Remove."

c. If you are prompted to confirm that you want to remove the program, click "Yes."


7. Try to install Windows Live Messenger again. For more information, go to step 12.


8. If you still receive the error message, spyware may be preventing Windows Live Messenger from installing correctly. Some spyware can affect the system files that your system requires to connect to the Internet. To remove the spyware, use the following methods:

a. To clean the computer of spyware, use any anti-spyware tool that you may already have on your computer. To download and install the Microsoft-recommended tool, visit http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security...move.mspx.


Note: Read the system requirements for each tool before you try to install it.


b. To remove the spyware from your computer:

i. Install the spyware tool.

ii. Start the spyware tool, scan your system, and then remove any detected spyware.

iii. Restart the computer.


9. To verify that you can connect to the Internet, visit https://www.microsoft.com. If you receive a �Page cannot be displayed� message, you may have lost Internet connectivity when you removed the spyware. Contact your Internet service provider (ISP) for more help to reestablish your network connection.


10. After you verify that you can connect to the Internet, try to install Windows Live Messenger again. For more information, go to step 12.


11. If you still cannot install Windows Live Messenger, re-register and reinstall the Microsoft Windows Installer files. To do this, use the method for your operating system:


- United States:

-- Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)

a. Click "Start," click "Run," type "msiexec /unregserver", and then click "OK."

b. Click "Start," click "Run," type "msiexec /regserver", and then click "OK."


--- To install the Windows Installer file for Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP, Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 (SP4), or Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 (SP3):

a. Visit http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detai...aylang=en.

b. Click WindowsInstaller-KB884016-v2-x86.exe at the bottom of the page, and then click Run in the File Download dialog box to start the installation.


- Other Countries

a. Visit http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/wwlis...aylang=en.

b. Select you language.

c. In the "Keywords" box type Windows Installer.

d. In the "Product and Technology" box select your operating system.

e. Follow the instructions on the screen to download and install Windows Installer.


12. Try to install Windows Live Messenger again. To do this, follow these steps:

a. Go to http://get.live.com/messenger/overview

b. Click on the "Get it free" or �Download Now� button and step through the wizard to install Windows Live Messenger.

c. Follow the steps in the wizard to complete installation.


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