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Το αστρονομικό ποσό του 1 δισ. δολ. προσέφερε το Napster στις δισκογραφικές εταιρείες, για να επιτρέψουν τη διακίνηση μουσικής που προστατεύεται από διατάξεις για τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα, για τα απόμενα πέντε χρόνια. Η κίνηση των στελεχών της υπηρεσίας ανταλλαγής αρχείων έρχεται να προλάβει πιθανό κλείσιμο του Napster από δικαστική απόφαση. Συγκεκριμένα, το Napster προτείνει να αποδίδει 150εκατ. δολ. το χρόνο στις πέντε μεγάλες δισκογραφικές εταιρείες, ενώ και 50εκατ. δολ. ετησίως θα μοιράζονται ανεξάρτητες εταιρείες. Θυμίζουμε ότι από τον προσεχή Ιούλιο, η υπηρεσία θα γίνει συνδρομιτική, σύμφωνα με εξαγγελίες της Bertelsmann, η οποία έχει εξαγοράσει το Napster. Η συνδρομή για περιορισμένο αριθμό downloads το μήνα θα κυμανθεί μεταξύ 2,95 και 4,95 δολ. μηνιαίως, ενώ η απεριόριστη ανταλλαγή αρχείων θα κοστίζει από 5,95 μέχρι 9,95 δολ. το μήνα.<P>Το παραπάνω ήταν σημερινό άρθρο του NetFax...<BR>


Αν πάρουνε λεφτά ειδικά απο Ελληνες εμένα να μου τρυπίσετε την μύτη!!!<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm26.gif" border=0>


lyseis yparxoyn enallaktikes toy napster anafer8hkan se allo sxetiko topic,alla mallon tipota den einai toso kalo kai ploysio oso to napster.<BR>An ginei kati tetoio kai parameinei h syndromh se ayto to xamhlo poso,kala einai.an kai pisteyw oti apo ta 20? ekatommyria xrhstes toy napster sigoyra 8a meinoyn ligoteroi an anagkastoyn na plhrwsoyn estw kai kapoio mikro poso..<BR>oti prolaboyme mexri ton ioylio... frown.gif


<FONT face="Comic Sans MS">ego x8es pou xazeva sto internet eida sto MAD.gr ta parakatw...</FONT f><P><B><I>"Μετά την απόφαση του Δικαστηρίου κατά του Napster την περασμένη εβδομάδα, ήρθε και η ανακοίνωση από το Napster ότι σκοπεύει να προσθέσει ένα νέο τρόπο προστασίας στην 'ανταλασσόμενη' μουσική, για να υπάρχει μεγαλύτερος έλεγχος στο τί κατεβάζουν οι χρήστες από το internet στους υπολογιστές τους. <P>Σύμφωνα με τα νέα δεδομένα λοιπόν, οι χρήστες θα μπορούν να ανταλάσσουν MP3 files από τις συλλογές τους, αλλά η υπηρεσία θα απαγορεύει την εγγραφή τους σε cd!"</B></I><P><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">ta symperasmata dika sas...<P>Cya l8r<BR>----------------------<BR>SS<BR><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm30.gif" border=0> </FONT f>


OOOOOOO.....Kalaaaaaaaaaaa<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm10.gif" border=0> Ama ginei auto....tote mas vlepo olous me enan pc sto xeri gia na akoume ti mousiki pou theloume.....An kai de nomizo na mporesoun kai toso eukola na to kanoun....Mallon mexri ton Ioulio to kratane os exei, kai apo ekei kai pera fasouli to fasouli (2.000drx.)gemizeis to skliro sou<IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm1.gif" border=0> <P>------------------<BR>Mpeeeeeeee Power !!!


Επειδή διάβασα κι εγώ το αρθράκι σχετικά με τον κώδικα που θα απαγορεύει την εγγραφή σε CD, έχω κάποιες απορίες:<P>1. Εννοούν ότι δεν θα μπορούν να γραφτούν τα mp3s σε CD όπως έχουν, ως αρχεία δηλαδή, ή ότι δεν θα μπορούν να μετατραπούν σε wav για να γραφτούν σε audio CD; Γιατί το πρώτο μου μοιάζει λίγο ανέφικτο προγραμματιστικά. Πώς θα σου επιτρέπουν δηλαδή να το γράψεις στο δίσκο σου και όχι οπουδήποτε αλλού;<P>2. Οπως και να 'χει φαντάζομαι ότι σε λίγες μέρες/εβδομάδες θα το σπάσουν όλα τα καλά παιδάκια και θα κυκλοφορήσουν άπειρα σπαστήρια (βλ. παράδειγμα regions στα DVD).<P><IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm11.gif" border=0>


Otan ennoei na mhn mporei na mpei se CD ennoei se Audio Format...<BR>ayto einai efikto...dioti opws kapoia programata antigrafhs den kanoun MP3 se Audio...alla mono apo Wav...ypothetw oti tha ftiaksoun kati pou na mhn mporei na ginei Audio.<BR>Alla ayto to problhma sigoura tha kseperastei me programatakia tou styl MP3 2 WAV (MP32WAV)...kai alla polla.<BR>Den yparxei periptwsh na mas periorisoun...<BR>panta tha yparxei lysh...se oti exei sxesh me ta mhxanhmata panta yparxei lysh.Aplws kapoies lyseis einai dyskoles na pragmatopoihthoun.<BR>Egw proswpika den douleyw to napster dioti den thelw na bgazw to firewall mou.<BR>Kai ektos ayto ...oti alla tragoudia ta ebriska apo allou.<P>Telos panta...<BR>nature will find its way...<P>Filika<BR>Blackman


Paidia oti kai na kanoun emeis pali tsampa tha pernoume ta tragoudia opote min anoisixite. <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> <P> -= SpY =-


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SpY:<BR><B>Paidia oti kai na kanoun emeis pali tsampa tha pernoume ta tragoudia opote min anoisixite. <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> <P> -= SpY =-</B><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P>Auto ine sigouro!<P>Auto pou lene oti den 8a mporoume na pername ta mp3 se cd nomizo pos ine xazo, kai den ginete kiolas!<BR>A re ti kanei o kosmos (diskografikes eteries) gia na min tou kleboun lefta! grin.gif grin.gif grin.gif<BR><P>------------------<BR>Filika,<BR>Giannis<P><B>ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!!</FONT c></B><BR><B>Πρόσεξε τι θα απαντήσεις!</B><BR><B>Οι μ*λ*κ*ες <u>επιστρέφονται!</u></B>


kai autes tis p@p@ries na kanoune, pali stin koutra tha ta pairnoume ta tragoudia...plaka kanoume??<BR>edw iparxoune cracks kai cracks gia alla, giauta den tha iparksei crack??<BR>min leme kai oti theloume!!<P>------------------<BR><P><AcRoBaT>


Napster Offers $1 Billion Settlement Deal <P>SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Napster, the wildly popular online song-swap service, on Tuesday offered to pay $1 billion over five years to the recording industry to end a bitter lawsuit that threatens its survival.<BR>Napster officials, outlining a strategy they hope will keep their company alive in the face of a threatened legal injunction, said they were willing to pay $150 million per year in licensing fees to major record companies and $50 million per year in fees to independent labels and artists.<BR>"We updated on short notice everyone in the music industry," Andreas Schmidt, president and chief executive of the e-commerce group at German media giant Bertelsmann AG, said at a press conference on Tuesday.<BR>Bertelsmann in October joined forces with Napster in an effort to resolve the company's legal problems.<BR>Napster's new proposal follows earlier failed settlement efforts with its recording industry foes who have sued it for copyright infringement.<BR>Unlike previous offers, however, it is now offering music companies a fee based on the number of files traded over its service rather than a percentage of record company revenues.<BR>"We're saying this community should be allowed to stay together," said Napster chief executive officer Hank Barry.<BR>Napster's service has amassed over 50 million users who swap songs for free by trading MP3 files, a compression format that turns music on compact discs into small computer files.<BR>"I believe it is time for the music industry and Napster to create a win-win strategy for users, artists and the labels," Bertelsmann's chief executive officer Thomas Middelhoff said on Tuesday<BR>OFFER GETS COOL RECEPTION<BR>But many recording industry observers quickly scoffed at the latest proposal, privately noting that $1 billion over five years does not even come close to the money the labels figured they are due for copyright infringements on Napster which facilitates the downloading of billions of songs each month.<BR>"It is Napster's responsibility to come to the creative community with a legitimate business model and a system that protects our artists and copyrights," said Vivendi Universal's Universal Music Group in a statement on Tuesday.<BR>"Nothing we have heard in the past and nothing we have heard today suggests they have yet been able to accomplish that task," Universal said.<BR>Recording Industry Association of America President and chief executive Hilary Rosen on Tuesday accused Napster of waging a public relations campaign through the media while engaging in "delay tactics" in court.<BR>"We are exasperated that they have a public relations strategy rather than a business strategy. All you need to do is meet with record companies rather than holding press conferences," said Amy Weiss, a spokeswoman for the RIAA.<BR>The copyright battle is seen as one of the turning points in the development of intellectual property rights protection in the digital age.<BR>Last week, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in support of U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall Patel, who in July found Napster guilty of copyright infringement. A new injunction from Patel, which many say could shut Napster down for good, could be issued at any time.<BR>Officials at AOL/Time Warner Inc, and Sony Corp had no immediate reaction to Napster's latest offer, but some said they are awaiting more concrete details about Napster's promised plan to unveil a new, secure, fee-charging membership service<BR>"If there is a compelling and convincing business model, we would be interested in participating," a spokesperson for EMI Group Plc . said.<BR>"We understand Napster's desire to not have to cease its operations in order to comply with an injunction order from the court," Rosen said earlier in a statement. "It is unfortunate that Napster still has not developed a legitimate system that protects the interests of both consumers and creators."<BR>At the press briefing, Napster's Barry confirmed earlier promises by Bertelsmann's Middelhoff that the companies would roll out its new, secure business model by July.<BR>"What we have thought through is a secure, rational business model for peer-to-peer" file sharing, Barry said.<BR>Bertelsmann and Napster officials said the envisioned service would consist of a free promotional membership, as well as basic and premium membership plans.<BR>Under the basic plan, members may be charged anywhere from $2.95 a month to $4.95 a month, while the premium plan would cost $5.95 a month to $9.95 a month for unlimited transfers.<BR>Exact membership fees have not yet been determined, Barry said.<BR>NEW MODEL WOULD PROVIDE NEW RESTRICTIONS<BR>Napster said Digital World Services, a unit of Bertelsmann is working on the business model with technology that enables music files to be transferred from user to user but with new restrictions like requiring additional payments for users to copy files onto a CD.<BR>Users would still be able to share MP3 files, but with an added "protection layer" such as limiting further use and verifying members' account statuses.<BR>The new service would include an accounting feature that would feed track or song information and usage data into a rights database, Barry said.<BR>He likened Napster's latest settlement to the model used by record clubs in the past in which labels were paid an estimated $15 million to $20 million per year for their licenses.<BR>"Our offer of $30 million is more than a fair statement," Barry said.<P><BR>Copy-Paste από email...<P>------------------<BR>Look Into My Eyes, You'll See Who I Am, My Name Is Lucifer Please Take My Hand.


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