IKARIWTHS Δημοσ. 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 paidia opws eixa grapsei kai se prohgoumeno mou post se ena laptop hp500 egatesteisa to ubuntu 6.10,brhke ta pada ektos apo to touchpad(to opoio de brhskei kamia ekdwsh linux),meta apo poly ereyna brethike mia lysh to link me th lysh einai to parakatw http://hp500.xf.cz/us/Main.html an kai arxareios sto linux katalaba oti katebazei neo kernel ,ton kanei compile etsi wste na tairiazei me ton pentium m ,kai diorthwnei kai kapoio bug.poloi eipan pws doulepse alla meta de tous douleue to wifi. mia lush gia to wifi pou brhka einai h parakatw: Hey guys! I got the wifi card working! The problem is that after recompiling the kernel, the firmware for the card and other hardware is not copied to a directory with the same name as the new kernel. In order to fix this, you just need to make a symlink in the /lib/firmware directory that points to the firmware files of the old kernel. For example, my old kernel was called "2.6.20-8-generic" and my new kernel is called 2.6.20-ubuntu1hp500. In that case, I did the following (as root): # cd /lib/firmware # ln -s 2.6.20-8-generic 2.6.20-ubuntu1hp500 Reboot and voilá! apo esas thelw na mou apadhsete se 3 pragmata pou pisteyw de tha sas fanoun dyskola: 1)thelw na mou peite me apla bhmata pws tha energopoihsw to wifi(eimai arxarios) 2)ti diafora exei enas kernel pou einai akribws gia th cpu mou(pentium m)apo enan generic?epidwseis?diarkeia batarias? 3)an diabasate to link pou dinei o filos mas thelw na mou peite an h diadikasia einai swsth.nai men thelw na balw ubuntu KAI ston forhto,omws de tha hthela se kamia periptwsh na kanw format xwris apotelesma kai meta na paleyw pali na balw ta xp. sas eyxarhstw gia to xrono sas kai perimenw anypomwna apadhseis
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