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problem me utorrent


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tha ta paro apo tin arxi.. otan anoigo to utorrent mou vgazei minima oti logo nvidia firewall mporei na parousiasei provlima.. anoigei kanonika katebazei kai meta apo ligo vgazei kapoio minima sextika me to imon tou nod32.. afta..


Γιατι δε βγαζεις το nvidia firewall? Ειναι γνωστο οτι προκαλει προβλημα στο utorrent επειδη ειναι κακογραμμενο ως firewall και πολυ πιθανον για αυτο χτυπαει το NOD. Δες την παρακατω παραθεση απο το site του utorrent


Help! My µTorrent process is using a ton of memory! (NVIDIA Firewall )


If you find your µTorrent process uses a huge amount of memory abnormally, or steadily increasing for no reason (especially with DHT on), and you use the NVIDIA integrated firewall, you MUST UNINSTALL THE FIREWALL. Disabling it will not work! The firewall has a serious bug (which has NOT been fixed to this date) that causes many programs to leak large amounts of memory. It is NOT a µTorrent bug. There is no fix for this, you MUST uninstall the NVIDIA Firewall. However, the latest version of the NVIDIA Firewall (bundled with the newest nForce drivers) appears to fix this problem. µTorrent still presents the warning dialog, but this will be rectified in the next version.

Sources for this info: http://forum.emule-project.net/lofiversion/index.php/t86089.html


Στο τελος λεει οτι αν εχεις την πιο προσφατη εκδοση του, μαλλον λυνεται το προβλημα, αλλα θα σου προτεινα να το βγαλεις τελειως και δες αν εχεις προβλημα μετα ή οχι...

ksanarxomai sto gnosto problima utorrent me nvidia firewall.. den yparxei edoli gia unistall mono tou nvidia firewall..otan kano unistall se olous tous drivers nvidia mpainei se safe mode kai anagazomai kai pairno tous odigous apo to cd tou mobo p5n32 sle se deluxe.. mia boithia plz!!!


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