Προς το περιεχόμενο

Test : Which Se7en Deadly Sin are you?


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Ποιο απο τα 7 αμαρτηματα ειναι κυριαρχο στην ζωη σας ?


Καντε το τεστ κ μαθετε .


( Εγω παντως δεν το εκανα . Δεδομενου οτι αμφιβαλλω οτι θα ξεχασω ποτε το Se7en , προτιμω να ζησω χωρις την -επιπλεον- αυτη γνωση . )


Gluttony- You eat more than your share of food, and your belly shows it.


You will eat yourself to death



10122 other people got this result!

This quiz has been taken 148714 times.

6% of people had this result.


Sloth- You don't do anything too difficult in your life. You take the easy way out and sleep way too much.


While sleeping, you will be burned alive in a house fire.



47864 other people got this result!

This quiz has been taken 148714 times.

29% of people had this result.




Greed- You think everything is yours. If you don't have it, you need it. NOW.


Everything will be taken from you.



40424 other people got this result!

This quiz has been taken 148714 times.

24% of people had this result.


Έκανα το test δύο φορές με τις ίδιες απαντήσεις και μου έβγαλε διαφορετικό αποτέλεσμα. Άκυρο...


--------------lust --------



με τις ίδιες απαντήσεις εκτός από το χρώμα [τώρα το έβαλα πράσινο]


μου έβγαλε sloth [τακατάκας εδώ]


γεμίσαμε με @@@@ στο νετ





>Wrath- Anger controls your life. You are abusive to those who love you.

You will pick a fight with the wrong person and end up dead in the gutter.

5699 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 148752 times.
3% of people had this result.


Όπως θα έλεγε και ο Mr. Spock: "Fascinating..."


Wrath- Anger controls your life. You are abusive to those who love you.


You will pick a fight with the wrong person and end up dead in the gutter.


Sloth- You don't do anything too difficult in your life. You take the easy way out and sleep way too much.


While sleeping, you will be burned alive in a house fire.


δεν με νοιαζει, εχω πυρασφαλεια...

τουλαχιστον καποιος θα τα παρει απο το θανατο μου... :-P :-P :-P


Lust- Sex is a major part of your life. You don't love, only chase tail.


You will make love to the wrong person and end up with an STD.



edit: της πλακας ειναι το τεστ δεν εχει κανενα σοβαρο ψυχολογικο υποβαθρο.



Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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