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Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


giati merikes fores merika arxeia

otan ta kaneis copy kai pas na ta kaneis paste p.x. sto flashaki

vgazoun to minima oti periexoun extra plirofories kai 8a xa8oun

apo to arxeio pou 8a kaneis paste?

kai telika an to arxeio einai .....exe den douleuei (to 2o arxeio to epikolimeno)


kav = kaspersky antivirus ...



LADS - Freeware version 4.00

© Copyright 1998-2004 Frank Heyne Software (http://www.heysoft.de)


LADS lists the name and size of every alternate data stream (ADS)

it finds in the specified directory (with or without subdirectories).


This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind!

Use it on your own risk!


Usage: LADS [Directory] [/s] [/D] [/A] [/Xname]


Directory: directory to scan, current if ommitted


/S include Subdirectories


/D Debug LADS (I hope you never need to use this option ;-)


/V Verbose error reports


/A give a summary of All bytes used in the scanned directories

(All files and directories are considered as uncompressed

and all security decriptions are skipped for calculating

this number!)


/Xname eXclude any ADS "name"


/Pfile read Parameters from "file"


The /X switch allows to eXclude ADSs which have a name of your choice.

It is useful if you run some kind of AV software, which adds an ADS to

every scanned file. The output of LADS is difficult to handle if it lists

tens of thousands of ADSs with the same name.

Therefore you now can, for instance, run




and get only a list of those ADSs which have not been created by

the AV software.


Since version 3.20 of LADS you can exclude as many ADSs as you want from scanning.

To not need to write the parameters for every scan again and again, you can put

all or a part of them into a parameter file. The parameter file is a simple text

file, each line contains a parameter and no white space. For the example above,

you could create a parameter file LADSparam.txt with the following 3 lines:






and call the program this way:


LADS /pLADSparam.txt



Since version 4.0 of LADS you can scan remote drives by their UNC names:


LADS \\Server\C$\temp




To learn more about alternate data streams, have a look at the

ADS FAQ at http://www.heysoft.de/


Pleas send bug reports and queries regarding LADS to

Frank Heyne ([email protected])


Guarantee and responsibility


This program was developed with largest care. However, the author can

not guarantee, that the program runs under each version of Windows NT

on each computer flawlessly.

There is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by

applicable law. The copyright holder provides the program "as is"

without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including,

but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and

fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality

and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove

defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or

correction. In no event unless required by applicable law will the

copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including any general,

special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or

inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of

data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or

third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other

programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the

possibility of such damages.



psa3e gia to KLStreamRemover.exe


en taxei mias kai tora exo xrono.

to kav version 5 pros9etei se ka9e exe arxeio kapoia epipleon dedomena pou to voi9oun na vriskei pio grigora an exei molin9ei me io i oxi ...


auta ta epipros9eta dedomena mporeis na ta afaireseis i me to KLStreamRemover.exe i me to adsspy (http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/files/adsspy.php) ...

prospa9ise kai pes mou


yparxei kai i lysi tis egatastasis tis version 6 kai o elegxos olon ton arxeion tou diskou sou me auto (prosopika den to exo dokimasei)

elpizo na voi9isa


gv me to KLStreamRemover.exe i den htan sosto auto pou katevasa i den ekane tipota ,me to adsspy efygan ~19000 epipros8eta dedomena :kavichs:$data.

euxaristo gia ton xrono sou

elpizo na voi8i8ikan kai alloi


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