stavrakis1821 Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 apla: the perfect setup alla einai perfect setup gia sarge. dld xreiazete allages alla tha pareis thn idea. oute graphical desktops oute tpt. mono power kai power kai power. esu vlepeis twra Debian 4.0 Etch pou einai xilies fores eukolotero sthn egkatastash. mexri pou skeftomai na to ksanaperasw etsi gia plaka se kanena upologisth na ksanazhsw to experience tou installer tou. fovero. oso gia sendmail pou anaferete sto tutorial kane ena aplo "skip" se auto to skalaki kai mhn peraseis tetoio teras. Argotera otan tha'ne etoimo to susthma sou perna apo edw gia ena uperoxo mail server: To susthma sou ligo polu tha to elegxeis me to ISPConfig an theleis sovara pragmata. Uparxei anafora s'auto kai sto tutorial. kai foverotato forum gia support/tips/how-to kai me oti allo skefteis gia Debian, pernas apo edw: Kai to web einai gemato tutorials kai eidika gia Debian. Sxedon panta as poume, ena aplo "install Etch", h "install php5 Etch" h "install apache2 Etch" klp tha fernoun kala apotelesmata. ax ta nicknames ti ta exoune? Ease the search. Ante enjoy Debian an apofasiseis gia auto. otan ginei installation xwris desktop kai sou anoiksei shell xtupa auta na valeis ena polu base installation tou kde: apt-get update apt-get install x-window-system-core kdebase kdebase-dev kdm h kai auto apt-get install x-window-system-core kde kde-dev kdm gia full installation.
L__E__O__N Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2007 Ego pisteuo oti gia tin douleia pou to thes pas xalara se Unix lisi gia kalitera apotelesmata. Protasi mou. FreeBSD - Solaris 10 - OpenBSD
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