I_Choose_Noise Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2007 kalispera paidia , prospa8o na ftia3o to round robin se c , alla lamvano to e3is exception : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unhandled exception at 0xcccccccc in miniOS.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xcccccccc. pd {process_id=1 num_ticks=0 function=0xcccccccc ...} data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- visual c++ express edition k de mporo na vro ti ftaiei , kalodexoumeni opoiadipote voi8eia k sumvouli oriste k o kodikas /******************************************/ /* Doubly_Linked_List */ /******************************************/ typedef struct node { struct node *next ; struct node *prev ; void *data ; } NODE ; typedef struct { long num ; NODE *head ; NODE *tail ; } ROOT ; #define NEW( x ) (x *)malloc( sizeof( x )) #define VALID( x ) ( (*x) != NULL ) #define NUM( x ) ( (*x)->num ) typedef int DATA ; /* making a root node */ ROOT *make_root( void ) { ROOT *root ; if( (root = NEW( ROOT )) != NULL ) { root->head = root->tail = NULL ; root->num = 0 ; } return root ; } /* making a node for a doubly linked list */ NODE *dbl_make_node( void *data ) { NODE *node ; if( (node = NEW( NODE )) != NULL ) { node->data = data ; node->next = NULL ; node->prev = NULL ; } return node ; } /* inserting data into a doubly linked list */ int dbl_insert_data( ROOT **root, void *data, int position ) { NODE *temp ; if( !VALID( root ) ) if( (*root = make_root()) == NULL ) return (-1) ; if( (temp = dbl_make_node( data )) == NULL ) { if( NUM( root ) ==0 ) { free( *root ) ; *root = NULL ; } return (-1) ; } if( NUM(root) == 0 ) (*root)->head = (*root)->tail = temp ; else { if( position == 0 ) { temp->next = (*root)->head ; (*root)->head->prev = temp ; (*root)->head = temp ; } else { (*root)->tail->next = temp ; temp->prev = (*root)->tail ; (*root)->tail = temp ; } } NUM( root )++ ; return 0 ; } int dbl_insert_at_position( ROOT **root, NODE *node, void *data, int position ) { int flag = 0 ; NODE *temp, *prev ; if( !VALID( root ) ) return (-1) ; if( ((*root)->head == node) && (position == 0) ) flag = dbl_insert_data( root, data, 0 ) ; else if( ((*root)->tail == node) && (position == 1) ) flag = dbl_insert_data( root, data, 1 ) ; else { prev = node->prev ; if( (temp = dbl_make_node( data )) == NULL ) return (-1) ; if( position == 1 ) { temp->next = node->next ; temp->next->prev = temp ; node->next = temp ; temp->prev = node ; } else { temp->next = node ; node->prev = temp ; prev->next = temp ; temp->prev = prev ; } NUM( root )++ ; } return flag ; } /* deleting a node from a doubly linked list */ void *dbl_delete_node( ROOT **root, NODE *that ) { void *data_ptr ; if( !VALID( root ) ) return (NULL) ; if( NUM(root) > 1 ) { if( (*root)->head == that ) { (*root)->head = that->next ; that->next->prev = NULL ; } else if( (*root)->tail == that ) { (*root)->tail = that->prev ; that->prev->next = NULL ; } else { that->next->prev = that->prev ; that->prev->next = that->next ; } } data_ptr = that->data ; free( that ) ; if( --NUM( root ) == 0 ) { *root = NULL ; free( *root ) ; } return (data_ptr) ; } /* traversal of a doubly linked list */ void display_list_tail( ROOT **root, void (*disp)( void *data ) ) { NODE *node ; if( VALID( root ) ) { printf( "Backwards : " ) ; node = (*root)->tail ; do { disp( node->data ) ; node = node->prev ; } while( node != NULL ) ; } } /* save and recover a doubly linked list */ int save_list( const char *filename, ROOT **root, size_t datasize ) { FILE *fp ; NODE *node = (*root)->head ; if( VALID( root ) ) { if( (fp = fopen( filename, "wb" )) == NULL ) return (-1) ; do { if( fwrite( node->data, datasize, 1, fp ) != 1 ) return (-1) ; node = node->next ; } while( node != NULL ) ; return ( fclose( fp )) ; } return 0 ; } int recover_list( const char *filename, ROOT **root, size_t datasize ) { FILE *fp ; void *dptr ; if( (fp = fopen( filename, "rb" )) == NULL ) return (-4) ; do { if( (dptr = malloc( datasize )) == NULL ) return (-1) ; if( (fread( dptr, datasize, 1, fp )) != 1 ) { if( feof( fp ) ) return 0 ; else { free( dptr ) ; return (-2) ; } } if( dbl_insert_data( root, dptr, 1 ) != 0 ) return (-3) ; } while( 1 ) ; } /*************************************/ /* Cicular_Queue */ /*************************************/ typedef ROOT CQUEUE ; /* inserting data into a circular queue */ int insert_circ_queue( CQUEUE **cqueue, void *data, int position ) { if( dbl_insert_data( cqueue, data, position ) != 0 ) return (-1) ; (*cqueue)->tail->next = (*cqueue)->head ; (*cqueue)->head->prev = (*cqueue)->tail ; return 0 ; } /* deleting data from a circular queue */ void *delete_circ_queue( CQUEUE **cqueue ) { void *p1 ; if( (p1 = dbl_delete_node( cqueue, (*cqueue)->head )) == NULL ) return (NULL) ; if( VALID( cqueue ) ) { (*cqueue)->tail->next = (*cqueue)->head ; (*cqueue)->head->prev = (*cqueue)->tail ; } return p1 ; } /* extracting and replacing data in a circular queue */ #define extract( cqueue, dptr, type ) ( (*dptr) = *(type *)((*cqueue)->head->data) ) #define replace( cqueue, dptr, type ) ( *(type *)((*cqueue)->head->data) = (*dptr) ) /* rotating a circular queue */ int rotate( CQUEUE **cqueue, int direction ) { if( !VALID( cqueue ) ) return (-1) ; if( direction == 0 ) (*cqueue)->head = (*cqueue)->head->next ; else (*cqueue)->head = (*cqueue)->head->prev ; (*cqueue)->tail = (*cqueue)->head->prev ; return 0 ; } /* traversing a circular queue */ void traverse( CQUEUE **cqueue ) { int count = 0 ; NODE *node = (*cqueue)->head ; do { printf( "Visiting Node %d\n", count++ ) ; node = node->next ; } while( node != (*cqueue)->head ) ; } #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <limits.h> #include "Doubly_Linked_List.h" #include "Circular_Queue.h" typedef struct data { int process_id ; int num_ticks ; /* number of ticks received by the process */ int (*function)( void ) ; /* pointer to a function that simulates the process */ clock_t time ; /* total time received by the process */ } PROCESS ; #define ADD_JOB insert_circ_queue #define KILL_JOB delete_circ_queue #define SHOW_JOBS display_circ_queue #define SWAP_JOB rotate #define UPDATE_PROCESS replace #define GET_NEXT_JOB extract #define MAX_JOBS 5 int func( void ) { static int count = 5 ; long int i ; for( i=0 ; i<LONG_MAX ; i++ ) ; return ( --count ) ; } void display( void *data ) { printf( "%d ", ((PROCESS *)(data))->process_id ) ; } void display_circ_queue( CQUEUE **cqueue, void (*disp)( void *data ) ) { NODE *node, *head ; printf( "Process Queue = [ " ) ; if( VALID( cqueue ) ) { head = node = (*cqueue)->head ; do { disp( node->data ) ; node = node->next ; } while( node != head ) ; } printf( "]\n" ) ; } int main( void ) { CQUEUE *c_queue = NULL ; PROCESS pd, *process ; clock_t t1, t2 ; int i ; int (*ptr[])( void ) = { func } ; for( i=0 ; i<MAX_JOBS ; i++ ) { process = NEW( PROCESS ) ; process->process_id = i ; process->function = ptr[ i ] ; process->time = 0 ; process->num_ticks = 0 ; ADD_JOB( &c_queue, process, 1 ) ; SHOW_JOBS( &c_queue, display ) ; } while( VALID( &c_queue )) { GET_NEXT_JOB( &c_queue, &pd, PROCESS ) ; printf( "Running Process [ %d ] : ", pd.process_id ) ; SHOW_JOBS( &c_queue, display ) ; t1 = clock() ; i = pd.function() ; t2 = clock() ; pd.time += (t2-t1) ; pd.num_ticks++ ; if( i==0 ) { free( KILL_JOB( &c_queue ) ) ; printf( " ... Process %d Died after %g seconds of CPU time and %d ticks\n", pd.process_id, pd.time/CLK_TCK, pd.num_ticks ) ; } else { UPDATE_PROCESS( &c_queue, &pd, PROCESS ) ; SWAP_JOB( &c_queue, 0 ) ; } } printf( "\n\n\nProcess Queue is Empty ...\n" ) ; return 0 ; } euxaristo ek ton proteron . ( na simeioso oti trexei sosta stis 2 protes epanalipseis k meta ... exception )
Directx Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 12 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Δεν έχω ασχοληθεί με το συγκεκριμένο ζήτημα (task scheduling) εντούτοις στην CodeGear Turbo C++ Explorer το σφάλμα προερχότανε από την εντολή process->function = ptr[ i ] ; όπου το i υποδεικνύει εκτός του ptr[ ] array, μια πολύ γρήγορη λύση (πλην του να δεσμεύσουμε σωστά τον πίνακα ptr[]) είναι να ανακατευθύνουμε το process->function στο func (process->function = func;) οπότε ο κώδικας δουλεύει -τώρα αν δουλεύει σωστά το αφήνω σε σένα. Επίσης για να δούμε σχετικά γρήγορα το rounding ας αντικαταστήσουμε το for( i=0 ; i<LONG_MAX ; i++ ) της func από LONG_MAΧ (υπερβολικός χρόνος) σε 50 (for( i=0 ; i<50; i++ ). > #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <limits.h> /******************************************/ /* Doubly_Linked_List */ /******************************************/ typedef struct node { struct node *next ; struct node *prev ; void *data ; } NODE ; typedef struct { long num ; NODE *head ; NODE *tail ; } ROOT ; #define NEW( x ) (x *)malloc( sizeof( x )) #define VALID( x ) ( (*x) != NULL ) #define NUM( x ) ( (*x)->num ) typedef int DATA ; /* making a root node */ ROOT *make_root( void ) { ROOT *root ; if( (root = NEW( ROOT )) != NULL ) { root->head = root->tail = NULL ; root->num = 0 ; } return root ; } /* making a node for a doubly linked list */ NODE *dbl_make_node( void *data ) { NODE *node ; if( (node = NEW( NODE )) != NULL ) { node->data = data ; node->next = NULL ; node->prev = NULL ; } return node ; } /* inserting data into a doubly linked list */ int dbl_insert_data( ROOT **root, void *data, int position ) { NODE *temp ; if( !VALID( root ) ) if( (*root = make_root()) == NULL ) return (-1) ; if( (temp = dbl_make_node( data )) == NULL ) { if( NUM( root ) ==0 ) { free( *root ) ; *root = NULL ; } return (-1) ; } if( NUM(root) == 0 ) (*root)->head = (*root)->tail = temp ; else { if( position == 0 ) { temp->next = (*root)->head ; (*root)->head->prev = temp ; (*root)->head = temp ; } else { (*root)->tail->next = temp ; temp->prev = (*root)->tail ; (*root)->tail = temp ; } } NUM( root )++ ; return 0 ; } int dbl_insert_at_position( ROOT **root, NODE *node, void *data, int position ) { int flag = 0 ; NODE *temp, *prev ; if( !VALID( root ) ) return (-1) ; if( ((*root)->head == node) && (position == 0) ) flag = dbl_insert_data( root, data, 0 ) ; else if( ((*root)->tail == node) && (position == 1) ) flag = dbl_insert_data( root, data, 1 ) ; else { prev = node->prev ; if( (temp = dbl_make_node( data )) == NULL ) return (-1) ; if( position == 1 ) { temp->next = node->next ; temp->next->prev = temp ; node->next = temp ; temp->prev = node ; } else { temp->next = node ; node->prev = temp ; prev->next = temp ; temp->prev = prev ; } NUM( root )++ ; } return flag ; } /* deleting a node from a doubly linked list */ void *dbl_delete_node( ROOT **root, NODE *that ) { void *data_ptr ; if( !VALID( root ) ) return (NULL) ; if( NUM(root) > 1 ) { if( (*root)->head == that ) { (*root)->head = that->next ; that->next->prev = NULL ; } else if( (*root)->tail == that ) { (*root)->tail = that->prev ; that->prev->next = NULL ; } else { that->next->prev = that->prev ; that->prev->next = that->next ; } } data_ptr = that->data ; free( that ) ; if( --NUM( root ) == 0 ) { *root = NULL ; free( *root ) ; } return (data_ptr) ; } /* traversal of a doubly linked list */ void display_list_tail( ROOT **root, void (*disp)( void *data ) ) { NODE *node ; if( VALID( root ) ) { printf( "Backwards : " ) ; node = (*root)->tail ; do { disp( node->data ) ; node = node->prev ; } while( node != NULL ) ; } } /* save and recover a doubly linked list */ int save_list( const char *filename, ROOT **root, size_t datasize ) { FILE *fp ; NODE *node = (*root)->head ; if( VALID( root ) ) { if( (fp = fopen( filename, "wb" )) == NULL ) return (-1) ; do { if( fwrite( node->data, datasize, 1, fp ) != 1 ) return (-1) ; node = node->next ; } while( node != NULL ) ; return ( fclose( fp )) ; } return 0 ; } int recover_list( const char *filename, ROOT **root, size_t datasize ) { FILE *fp ; void *dptr ; if( (fp = fopen( filename, "rb" )) == NULL ) return (-4) ; do { if( (dptr = malloc( datasize )) == NULL ) return (-1) ; if( (fread( dptr, datasize, 1, fp )) != 1 ) { if( feof( fp ) ) return 0 ; else { free( dptr ) ; return (-2) ; } } if( dbl_insert_data( root, dptr, 1 ) != 0 ) return (-3) ; } while( 1 ) ; } /*************************************/ /* Cicular_Queue */ /*************************************/ typedef ROOT CQUEUE ; /* inserting data into a circular queue */ int insert_circ_queue( CQUEUE **cqueue, void *data, int position ) { if( dbl_insert_data( cqueue, data, position ) != 0 ) return (-1) ; (*cqueue)->tail->next = (*cqueue)->head ; (*cqueue)->head->prev = (*cqueue)->tail ; return 0 ; } /* deleting data from a circular queue */ void *delete_circ_queue( CQUEUE **cqueue ) { void *p1 ; if( (p1 = dbl_delete_node( cqueue, (*cqueue)->head )) == NULL ) return (NULL) ; if( VALID( cqueue ) ) { (*cqueue)->tail->next = (*cqueue)->head ; (*cqueue)->head->prev = (*cqueue)->tail ; } return p1 ; } /* extracting and replacing data in a circular queue */ #define extract( cqueue, dptr, type ) ( (*dptr) = *(type *)((*cqueue)->head->data) ) #define replace( cqueue, dptr, type ) ( *(type *)((*cqueue)->head->data) = (*dptr) ) /* rotating a circular queue */ int rotate( CQUEUE **cqueue, int direction ) { if( !VALID( cqueue ) ) return (-1) ; if( direction == 0 ) (*cqueue)->head = (*cqueue)->head->next ; else (*cqueue)->head = (*cqueue)->head->prev ; (*cqueue)->tail = (*cqueue)->head->prev ; return 0 ; } /* traversing a circular queue */ void traverse( CQUEUE **cqueue ) { int count = 0 ; NODE *node = (*cqueue)->head ; do { printf( "Visiting Node %d\n", count++ ) ; node = node->next ; } while( node != (*cqueue)->head ) ; } typedef struct data { int process_id ; int num_ticks ; /* number of ticks received by the process */ int (*function)( void ) ; /* pointer to a function that simulates the process */ clock_t time ; /* total time received by the process */ } PROCESS ; #define ADD_JOB insert_circ_queue #define KILL_JOB delete_circ_queue #define SHOW_JOBS display_circ_queue #define SWAP_JOB rotate #define UPDATE_PROCESS replace #define GET_NEXT_JOB extract #define MAX_JOBS 5 int func( void ) { static int count = 5 ; long int i ; for( i=0 ; i<50/*LONG_MAX*/ ; i++ ) ; return ( --count ) ; } void display( void *data ) { printf( "%d ", ((PROCESS *)(data))->process_id ) ; } void display_circ_queue( CQUEUE **cqueue, void (*disp)( void *data ) ) { NODE *node, *head ; printf( "Process Queue = [ " ) ; if( VALID( cqueue ) ) { head = node = (*cqueue)->head ; do { disp( node->data ) ; node = node->next ; } while( node != head ) ; } printf( "]\n" ) ; } int main( void ) { CQUEUE *c_queue = NULL ; PROCESS pd, *process ; clock_t t1, t2 ; int i ; int (*ptr[])( void ) = { func } ; for( i=0 ; i<MAX_JOBS ; i++ ) { process = NEW( PROCESS ) ; process->process_id = i ; process->function = func; process->time = 0 ; process->num_ticks = 0 ; ADD_JOB( &c_queue, process, 1 ) ; SHOW_JOBS( &c_queue, display ) ; } while( VALID( &c_queue )) { GET_NEXT_JOB( &c_queue, &pd, PROCESS ) ; printf( "Running Process [ %d ] : ", pd.process_id ) ; SHOW_JOBS( &c_queue, display ) ; t1 = clock() ; i = pd.function() ; t2 = clock() ; pd.time += (t2-t1) ; pd.num_ticks++ ; if( i==0 ) { free( KILL_JOB( &c_queue ) ) ; printf( " ... Process %d Died after %g seconds of CPU time and %d ticks\n", pd.process_id, pd.time/CLK_TCK, pd.num_ticks ) ; } else { UPDATE_PROCESS( &c_queue, &pd, PROCESS ) ; SWAP_JOB( &c_queue, 0 ) ; } } printf( "\n\n\nProcess Queue is Empty ...\n" ) ; return 0 ; }
I_Choose_Noise Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 13 Ιανουαρίου 2007 euxaristo Directx gia ti voi8eia , den katalava akomi giati den pernaei o ptr alla grafontas process->function = func ; opos eipes ekteleitai men , xanei ti leitourgikotita tou de alla 3exnontas- diagrafontas ti metavliti static int count kai kanontas tin global , as tin poume callie kai an orisoume episis mia global ( axi aparaitita ) as poume killed pou deixnei tis diergasies pou exoun termatistei kai me mia alximeia stin main : if( i==0 ) { free( KILL_JOB( &c_queue ) ) ; printf( " ... Process %d Died after %g seconds of CPU time and %d ticks\n", pd.process_id, pd.time/CLK_TCK, pd.num_ticks ) ; killed++ ; if ( MAX_JOBS-killed == 1 ) callie = 1 ; else callie = 5 ; } diladi an pros8esoume tis 4 teleutaies grammes einai ola OK euxaristo ton Directx gia ti voi8eia kai tous upoloipous gia to endiaferon :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.