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Το απόλυτο MMORPG - Age of Conan


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Εμένα μου άρεσαν τα feats που φαίνεται πως θα έχει.



Και αυτό έλειπε να έκανε πολλή ζημιά (στο βίντεο δεν φαίνεται, γιατί εκείνοι που ψόφαγαν από φουλ σε 0 ήταν λόγω της exploiter assassin) και να ψόφαγε και δύσκολα. :P

Το ότι μπορείς να γίνεσαι stealth και ότι έχεις κάποια stuns, μου φάνηκαν οκ. Θα δούμε κανονικά στο παιχνίδι...


Πάντως εγώ ανέκαθεν ήθελα χαρακτήρα με 2-handed σπαθί και να μην μου βάζουν την στάμπα "είσαι το τανκ" *γκουχ* Guild Wars, WoW *γκουχ*. Προτιμώ να μην αντέχω τόσο, αλλά να κάνω ζημιά και να έχω ένα μεγάλο (και ρεαλιστικό) σπαθί. :P


Ναι θα συμφωνησω μαζι σου νομιζω, αν και εγω θελω να ζησω τη φαση assasin. Παντως μια αλλη class που μου προκαλεσε το ενδιαφερον ειναι ο Bear Shaman... εχει και παρα πολυ ενδιαφερον talent tree και νομιζω οτι θα ειναι καλος dmg-healer σε siege που θελει πολλα aoe heal κλπ.. για να δουμε! :)


ιδέα μου είναι ή το game δεν έχει καθόλου Crowd Control? Σαν Lineage 2 μοιαζει. Ποιος θα κάνει πιο γρηγορα damage! Το περιβαλλον όμως ειναι φανταστικό!

ιδέα μου είναι ή το game δεν έχει καθόλου Crowd Control? Σαν Lineage 2 μοιαζει. Ποιος θα κάνει πιο γρηγορα damage! Το περιβαλλον όμως ειναι φανταστικό!


Κατα πασα πιθανοτητα δεν εχεις παιξει το παιχνιδι. Ειναι λοιπον ιδεα σου, γιατι το παιχνιδι εχει crowd control. Μην κρινεις απο την pvp beta που τα παιδια παραπανω postaran links με videos, γιατι οι χαρακτηρες ηταν μολις 20 lvl και μια ή δυο classes ειχαν cc σε αυτο το

lvl. Το κοινο με το lineage που το ειδες? Το lineage εχει περασει την ημερομηνια ληξης του εδω και χρονια, ειναι απαραδεκτο και δε μπορει καν να συγκριθει με παιχνιδια σαν το age of conan.


Παραθετω ακολουθως ενα post ενος τυπου απο τα forums του age of conan, νομιζω θα το βρειτε αρκετα ενδιαφερον!


This is a thread to make it clear for every single guy on this forum, to tell you what world pvp is really about and that it is really not a failure.



Many people do not seem to get the point what world pvp is.

Killing eachother in the wilds is just a small part of world pvp, world pvp was in DAOC, world pvp was in AC,UO,SWG pre cu ( is) in EVE ONLINE, In L2, L1, etc.


The history of mmo's, the majority of the mmo's had world pvp and where successful. Since this month ,many people claim world pvp fails because u look at world of warcraft and you can see it is a failed formula.


They are wrong.

You have 2 world pvp settings.


RVR, real versus realm


Not allot of mmo's have done this, you can say WOW has real versus realm but it isn't, realm versus realm is strictly a side versus side but with fighting over something, meaning there is real war going on between the nations ( realms), you fight for land, you fight for objectives and most importantly and the most fun thing is realm pride.


Realm versus realm is in now way carebear, you can make it carebear but you can also make it complex or even between it. DAOC was something that u could say: between it. 500/600 k if i am correct at it golden age. When your realm has won and defeated the opposent enemy and you have reached something awesome like a huge battlekeep or tower, then mostly there will exist realm pride because every single guy could help the realm.


Realm versus realm is really meaningful pvp and in DAOC it was extremely successful and extremely pleased by the audience.



FFA, free for all

The major difference between FFA and RVR is that in FFA , you can attack anywhere, that is, if you implan full FFA, which you can see in AC , darktide and the popular mmo UO and EVE ONLINE. FFA are the rules of the jungle , anybody decides, in FFA settings, politics mostly or can if implanted well , play a bigger role then in DAOC. FFA is mostly a formula that is more flexible and complex then RVR. You are free to attack anywhere, mostly led by guild versus guild warface and mostly has a bigger risk system in a RVR structure, this case in UO and EVE ONLINE, Full looting excist.


The majority favors RVR ( realm versus realm ) because it seems people prefer that over FFA because they feel they are in something, it is true that FFA is complexer then RVR, simply because it is more difficult to organize and is affected and struggled with more chaos.


But what this thread all is about. The thing that both DAOC and UO had is world pvp, either these systems ( rvr or FFA) cannot live without world pvp , both are needed to survive with world pvp. That is my argument against many people who claim to talk about modred because all other RVR servers have as much as world pvp as modred. The fact is, Modred was FFA and RVR servers where RVR. The system was just abit different. Modred did not fail because it had a FFA setting, most loved ( including me because i have been playing since meredian /UO times) it but it failed because mythic gave allot of support to the original RVR servers and to less support to modred, in which case it became unbalanced. A ffa server needs attention ,if it won't, then it get's indeed unbalanced which will cause people leaving that server.


What is world pvp and what makes world pvp such a success in past mmo's and what makes it a failure in mmo's


In these mmo's, COX,LOTRO,World of warcraft, ( don't know 100% about COX ) You had no world pvp because


1. they had no world pvp implanted due to not wanting somebody to play something. ( LOTRO, turbine didn't wanted to let you play the race orcs by example, thus already cutting world pvp away and simply no pvp overall)

2. RVR nor FFA formula was used in that game. Now people can tell me world of warcraft had RVR , now it didn't, in warcraft series ( i played the series and it was the presuccessor of WOW) was war between the horde and the alliance , especially in warcraft 1 and 2 which was all about these 2. It was also the most loved by the warcraft players and BATTLENET followers. Then warcraft 3 came which was again, another great product of blizzard.


Blizzard introduced world of warcraft in 2004 , always been stating pvp has been afterthought, yet people , who where new to the genre thought it had world pvp.


No it didn't, there was already from day 1 at launch ( i was there also) no world pvp. It had not the same system like DAOC Real versus Realm structure nor a Free for all setting. Sure you can attack people but that doesn't make it world pvp.


That dear madams and gentlemen , is Skirmish battles.

What i am about to tell to people is rather probably a tiny bit new of info to them since most people seem to be confused with the term: world pvp!


Skirmish and player versus player system


All mmo's have this. Skirmish settings, the major difference between skirmishes and world pvp are this:


* In skirmishes, it is a player versus a player but also group versus group battles, world pvp IS or COULD be excluded from it or included from it, a major example is skirmishes played a big role in DAOC and also UO. They are the core centeric of making world pvp alive but you don't need to have world pvp.


World of warcraft is the big example in this, it may had the code name: RVR by allot of people but my option is to call WOW : faction versus faction.


Although it had the name, world pvp doesn't excist in WOW. Even before the honor grind and battlegrounds, world pvp DID NOT exist. What wow really used is skirmish battles, do the tarren mill battle yes but it would only be world pvp if tarren mill would be affected , like in dark age of camelot. It was not world pvp , but skirmishes because after killing the horde in tarren mill, nothing was affected.


Skirmishes is the core part of player versus player, used in any mmo that had a system that led people fight against each other, without skirmishes, there is no pvp.



Wat did WOW do wrong?

World of warcraft before TBC and honor grind. Name WOW pre BG/honor grind was 100% a skirmish ( player versus player) system and not a world pvp system. The reason why people fighting in the world for fun or doing other things like if blizzard put rewards or fighting for something in WOW, then WOW would have world pvp indeed, but there choice was battlegrounds. In the beginning , this was not a problem, but it was , when they announced rewards like gear and weapons in the battlegrounds.


People loved doing pvp outside the battlegrounds, i think most prefered that, but they didn't because rewards where in those battlegrounds and a chance for implanting world pvp was thus zero/nihil. That is the reason why a skirmish setting outside the instanced battlegrounds was nihil.


It was only led by gankers and griefers, don't get me wrong, killin each other before the battlegrounds was fun for allot but if they implanted a RvR structure, then i bet it was allot more awesome for allot more people.


The fact that in this month , many threads come with : world pvp fails or isn't a success = wrong and is misinformed.


World pvp always has been a success, skirmish system also, Pre BG pvp was still an afterthought, yet people slaughter each other outside and raided cities, blizzard should gave attention to that. Blizzard had potential to make it RVR , to make it good but they didn't, they moved away from that and they shall NEVER return to that, they had a chance, to make a system that is more then just skirmishes , it is called RVR. War between nations , in this case: factions.


World pvp = not a failure, never it has been a failure, in WOW many people aren't doing it because it doesn't excist, many people hate pvping outside the BG now simply because it only affected by Pkers. It has allot of pkers/griefers and thus people think now that the so called world pvp in world of warcraft sucks so world pvp sucks in all mmo's?


That is the answer i will give to many people because it seems most people do not seem the difference between skirmish system ( only pvp system in WOW) in WOW and a RVR + skirmish and objective pvp in DAOC.




-objective pvp


-guild versus guild or faction/nation versus faction/nation.

- Instanced pvp as a passing time or just for fun and in WAR ( scenarios) a way to affect RVR.






-skirmishes outside the battlegrounds

- instanced pvp ala battlegrounds with honor system and the rest.



Shadowbane ,modred and EQ hardcore server + some things about AOC


A few things to say:

- SB failed due to lack of ubisoft support, failed due to unbalanced state and unfinished game state. NOT because it had world pvp in it or FFA.

-EQ hardcore server failed because EQ was never designed for this, EQ should not had incorporated this.

-Modred failed due to lack of further support of mythic, modred became unbalanced and people leaved because of lack of support, not because it had Free for all . All other servers had RVR WHICH had at it core: world pvp and not what most people say , only modred had world pvp. There was just as much world pvp in modred as in other servers.


UO had 250 k and was a success, it wasn't a big success like EQ but EQ was also considered hardcore. UO and EVE online with no 220 k aren't world of warcraft 2.0 because they don't focus on the asian market and have full loot and harsh penalties + a theme not everyone is known off. Sandbox do not fail, infact, they are a success, the rules you put into a sandbox, determine wether sandbox formula is good or not.


AOC will be niche or won't have millions because of the following things:

-AOC have uber graphics , you need a good system to play it lag free, the majority of WOW, still have a onboard graphic card.

-0% asian market, World of warcraft has 6 million + asian market, that is there goldmine, not USA/EU. 10 MILLION= NOTHING WITHOUT THE ASIAN MARKET

-Lore + setting do not attract what people actually want, shiny and good art attracts the masses.

- + a few minor others.



AOC and world pvp

AOC can have world pvp , the IGN arcticles may be misinformed, Bk's are not instanced and never will , i think we have to wait till launch to make a decision for ourselves but those who say mini games are the big part of pvp are fools, FC is not that stupid to shoot themselves in the foot.


We shall see at launch, wether you like it or not, chances can still be made because these changes what FC recently said this month are still presented after GOLD!



miketriple, perp and some others



Originally Posted by miketriple View Post

No. What I said was the you killing me in clearly unfair situations does not entitle you to the silly and pretensive attitude that you have.I love PvP. I truly do. Everybody that knows me on WoW knows that. The best PvP time in WoW was Pre-BC inside of blackrock mountain.


I answered this person, he talks about world pvp in WOW, and says World pvp failed, bud, there was no world pvp in WOW, you don't know what u are talking about. I quoted this guy since he was repeating hisselve again and again. These guys don't know a thing about what they are talking about.





Originally Posted by Perp View Post

Only AoC "IS" item based because market research has shown that people will chase a carrot on a stick much better than a mule will.

I still think AoC is and will be skill based. I'm sure you will disagree with me but so was wow if you weren't lazy. You just probably never saw the difference between players getting crushed wearing all greens and equally geared players.


Item based and skillbased cannot go to gether, if items decide how you play, then player skill won't matter, gear will play a role in age of conan, but will not decide how you play. Thus it is not gear centeric , thus risk vs reward is possible like inventoryl ooting or those things because this game = NOT ITEM CENTERIC, it helps like in most mmo's but not decides how you play.


Wow items decided how you play, sure, sometimes a really stupid player, yeah we all seen that but that's not how things in WOW, items decide there , it's all about that. That's why 60% is asian market. And AOC has 0% of it.



σε καποια φαση εχει δικιο οτι πολλοι θελουν να μπαινουν battleground για ξυλο

οπως οταν μαζευονται στην μεση και αδιαφορουν για

νικη ή ήττα

People loved doing pvp outside the battlegrounds, i think most prefered that, but they didn't because rewards where in those battlegrounds and a chance for implanting world pvp was thus zero/nihil. That is the reason why a skirmish setting outside the instanced battlegrounds was nihil.


It was only led by gankers and griefers, don't get me wrong, killin each other before the battlegrounds was fun for allot but if they implanted a RvR structure, then i bet it was allot more awesome for allot more people.


ωραια δλδ το pvp πως θα ειναι εχω καταμπερδευτει


D3mian: Cheers dude! Relax! Όλα θα πάνε καλα! xD

Το είπα από τα βίντεο που έχουν ποστάρει τα παιδία. απλά ο ένας κόλαγε σε ένα σημείο και βάραγε. Γι αυτο ειπα οτι ειναι σαν L2. Αρα λογικά είναι αυτο που λες... οι χαρακτηρες σε αυτά τα βίντεο ειναι low lvl.


πολυ ωραιο το ποστ, και διαφωτιστικο για την ιστορια του pvp στα διαφορα mmo που κυκλοφορουσαν.


υπαρχουν ατομα που το πρωτο τους mmo ειναι το wow και βγαλανε αυτοματως αποψη σχετικα με το pvp.


Όποιος θέλει να δει pvp τελείως ισορροπημένο που για να νικήσεις θέλει στρατηγική και εμπειρία το gw και τα gvg είναι μονόδρομος.


συμφωνω μαζι σου εχω λιωσει απειρες ωρες στο GW


αλλα απο την αλλη απο μια beta δεν μπορεις να βγαλεις συμπερασματα ειναι ακομα πολυ νωρις


θα δουμε....




@ και κατι αλλο - γιατι συγκρινετε wow με aoc ;


βασικά παιδιά για τα CC spells ξεχάσατε να αναφερθείτε στο Spellweaving. πολλά από τα 1target spells γίνονται massive area spells με ένα μικρό κίνδυνο να φάς και εσύ ψόφο. αλλά έχεις κατεβάσει και καμμία 10 αριά συνχρόνως.


Αυτο που ουσιαστικα περιμενουμε στο age of conan, ειναι αναπτυξη του pve και pvp τομεα 50 - 50 %. Η funcom απ οτι φαινεται κ εχω καταλαβει, ειδε ολο αυτο τον καιρο την ιστορια πολλων mmo, και ανεπτυξε μια νοοτροπια συνθεσης πολλων στοιχειων απο πολλα παιχνιδια, ενω ταυτοχρονα παρουσιαζει καινοτομιες στον χωρο αυτο.


Και η ουσιαστικη διαφορα που περιμενουμε να δουμε ειναι κατι αντιστοιχο με αυτο που ειχε το DAOC(Dark Age Of Camelot). Δηλαδη καθε εξελιξη του pvp και pve ισως τομεα, να επηρρεαζει αμεσα τον κοσμο του παιχνιδιου, και να μην ειναι skirmish battles ανευ ουσιας.


Επισης οπως διαβασατε απο την παραθεση, το AoC δε προκειται να ειναι gear centeric, οχι οτι το gear δε παιζει ρολο στο εν λογω παιχνιδι, απλως δε θα καθοριζει τον τροπο παιξιματος, εν αντιθεση του lineage2 ή του WoW που το skill δινει τη θεση του στο gear και μονο....


BTW χτες 1η μαιου με δεχτηκαν στην Final Closed Beta του Age Of Conan... για να δουμε τι θα δουμε...

Ετοιμάσου για sieging, μάλλον θα μπει σύντομα στην closed beta.;)


Ναι αλλα εχω ακουσει κατι το οποιο μου τη χαλαει λιγο... στα siege ειπωθηκε πως αν δεν εχεις δηλωσει συμμετοχη ως attacker η ως defender, θα στεκεσαι στο χωρο χωρις να μπορεις να χτυπησεις κανεναν ειτε να σε χτυπησουν... δε ξερω κατα ποσο αυτο αληθευει, κ αν ναι δε ξερω αν θα το κρατησουν ετσι, ελπιζω η closed beta να μας δωσει την απαντηση και αν οντως ισχυει κατι τετοιο να το αλλαξουν.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

Αυτό το θέμα είναι πλέον κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.
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