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Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


exo katebasei ena arxeio torent to opoio einai se morfi ''flt-il2s.001'' kai ftazei mexri to ''flt-il2s.075''


einai ena arxeio iso alla den mporo na to enoso gia na bgei, exo to ''Hjsplit'' alla den mou bgazei iso! mou bgazei men ena arxeio ''lt-il2s'' alla oxi iso, to bazo ego kataliksi .iso kai den mou to anoigei,


ti mporo na kano??


anoikse to flt-il2s.nfo me enan editor (px to notepad) kai des mipws exei odigies. alliws psakse sta sxolia apo to site pou katevases to torrent.

Episis den mas eipes ti einai to 1o arxeio. exei k auto kataliksi 001?

An nai mallon einai hjsplit. Otan ta enwnei ti arxeio vgazei omws? Me ti epektasi?


vrika auto

BTW To get this working, right click on the first file (the one that ends in .001), and click open with. if you have WinRar open with that and extract it to where ever you want. Then you will have a nice .iso file that you can mount or burn. I mounted it w/ Daemon and it worked flawlessly. Also includes the no-dvd crack. Excellent package masseur.


episis edw exei merikous tropous gia enwsi



elpizw na vgaleis akri twra

anoikse to flt-il2s.nfo me enan editor (px to notepad) kai des mipws exei odigies. alliws psakse sta sxolia apo to site pou katevases to torrent.

Episis den mas eipes ti einai to 1o arxeio. exei k auto kataliksi 001?

An nai mallon einai hjsplit. Otan ta enwnei ti arxeio vgazei omws? Me ti epektasi?


vrika auto

BTW To get this working, right click on the first file (the one that ends in .001), and click open with. if you have WinRar open with that and extract it to where ever you want. Then you will have a nice .iso file that you can mount or burn. I mounted it w/ Daemon and it worked flawlessly. Also includes the no-dvd crack. Excellent package masseur.


episis edw exei merikous tropous gia enwsi



elpizw na vgaleis akri twra



sostos, etsi egine!! thanks paidia

Του winrar ειναι κι ας μην έχει επέκταση .rar. Κάνε δεξί click και open with winrar και θα το ανοίξει κανονικά.

επρεπε να πονηρευτουμε απο το ιδιο μεγεθος των αρχειων...;;)


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