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Overclocking Pentium 3...


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Re paidia exo enan pentium 3 sta 450(katmai)<BR>kai oso exo psaxei den brisko plirofories gia na ton yperxroniso kai poso mporo na ton yperxroniso.Exo to motherboard tis soyo sy-6ba+si (chip ypostirixis to bx).An xerei kaneis tipota parakalo na me boithisei.Eyxaristo...


tora ti rotas re giorgio?Fisika kai einai klidomeno...3ereis kanena pIII pou na exei 3eklidoto multiplier?<BR>File porfyre anevaze me mikra vimata to fron side bus apo tabios alla afto na to kaneis afou exeis frodisei to thema psi3is.Episeis katevase kai kanena programataki gia na vlepeis thermokrasies gia na 3ereis pote tha eisai sta oria<P>Filika hello smile.gif


Ton exw paei sta 560 (4.5x124) me DIMM pC 133.Alla de mporw na pw oti htan idiaitera a3iopistos se ayth th syxnothta.Ton eixa katevasei meta sta 540 (4.5x120) opou kai douleve mia xara.<BR>Ola ta Intel apo to PII 333 kai panw exoun kleidwmeno to multiplier ,opote to mono pou sou menei einai na anevaseis to FSB-kai kanto afova smile.gif<BR>Se periptwsh asta8eias toy systhmatos dokimase na "pe3eis" ligo me thn tash toy CPU,dwstou kana 0.1-0.2 kai des an ayto voh8aei-alla panta me prosoxh oso afora tis taseis kai panta na exeis 1 programa elegxoy ths 8ermokrasias sta win (MoBo monitor gia paradeigma).


Den xero an o polaplasiastis ine klidomenos, malon ine ala an den ine anebase ton me bimata 0,5 kai mexri oso se perni to anemistiraki pou exis. An ine klidomenos tote anebase siga siga to bus. Pisteuo oti boris kai mexri ta 133 ala mono an oi mnimes sou ine PC133.


ego ton eixa paei kai doyleye statherotata gyro sta 560 kati den enthymoymai..<BR>alla eixa balei pano ena cooler globalwin me dipla fans..<BR>me pc100 ram..<BR>eixa alaxei omos to multiplier gia ta pci kai doyleyane gyro sta 30mhz alla den etrexe kai tipota..<BR>exo mia abit be6-II poy isos na epexe kai rolo sthn olh ypothesh..<BR>h thermokrasia poy doyleya htan se poly zoria 46-47<BR>kai normal gyro stis 35...<BR>volt den eixa piraxei..<BR>


...egω παιδια εχω pentium III στα 450 με πολλαπλασιαστή στα 4,5 και bus sta 100 Mhz...όμως άμα εχω καταλάβει καλά τον πολλαπλασιαστή μπορώ να τον αλλάξω....δηλαδή όταν κάνω εκίνηση τον υπολογιστή και μπαίνω στο Bios στα Cpu settings εκεί μπορώ και μεταβάλω μέχρι και 8......


nikosp DEN mporeis na alaxeis to multiplier<BR>MONO to fsb mporeis na alaxeis....<BR>tora pali exartatai kai ti epiloges soy dinei to bios ths mobo soy..<BR>arxise na anebazeis siga siga to fsb kai kathe fora bootare kai trexe kana prog poy thelei poly epexergastikh dynamh opos seti@home h kana poly apaittitiko 3d game..<BR>gia na deis an crasharei to systhma ...me mikra bhmatakia kai kalo burn in (etsi legetai h diadikasia me ta progs ..) tha fereis to kalytero dynato apotelesma..<BR>otan to ftaseis na kanei post (na fortonei bios) alla na mhn mporeis na bootareis win,dokimase na doseis ligo voltage ston cpu alla me prosoxh mh kaneis kamia zhmia..<BR> ola ayta ta kaneis enoeitai apo to bios kai<BR>PANO APO OLA afoy exeis eksasfalisei eparkh psiksh toy cpu kai tropo elegxou ths temp...<BR> PORFYRE den nomizo na exeis prob me thn karta soy ,epeidh to eixa psaksei paliotera eixa diabasei oti oles oi sygxrones kartes mporoyn xalara na doylepsoyn se megalytero bus.. an crasharei to pc dokimase na bgaleis mia mia tis pci na deis an fortonei tote..<BR>kai an einai kati tetoio alaxe to multiplier gia ta pci..<BR> an den ginei tipota etsi dokimase na deis mhpos ftaiei h ram...<BR> an kai pali tipota.. xamhlose to fsb ligo..<BR> (enoitai oti exeis dokimasei kai paraano volt etsi?)<BR> me tis kartes to thema einai na eisai gia tis pci oso pio konta se 33mhz kai gia tis agp se 66mhz..<BR> <BR>kalo overcklocking pedia..<BR> <IMG SRC="http://www.insomnia.gr/cpubb/smilies/cwm30.gif" border=0>


99420732 720ΜΗz 2.30VOLTS SL37C Malaysia 45 ABIT BE6-2 Air-Conditioned room(cool temp.),Abit BE6-2 at 160 fsb,L2 Enable,Custom made aluminium & Copper heatsink + 4 fans,Mushkin PC-133 cas 2(6 ns),Asus TNT 2 Ultra(heatsink modiffied),Lots of fans in the case,Bravo Abit!!!!! -Lucky Unitech(Ind) 4965 <P><BR>ΑΥΤΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΤΟ ΡΕΚΟΡ ΜΕ ΑΒΙΤ ΒΕ6-2 ΜΗΤΡΙΚΗ .<P>ΜΕΣΗ ΤΙΜΗ 589ΜΗz νομιζω. 600 πιανει για πλακα.


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