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Aliens: Colonial Marines

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Ας ελπίσουμε ότι δέν θα γίνει η ίδια $%$%^*& με το Jericho..


Οι γνώμες διίστανται φίλος..


Δεν ήταν καθόλου "$%$%^*&", αλλα ήταν κάτι που λάτρεψα στο Jericho.


Κάποιος θα μπορούσε να χαρακτηρίσει τον εαυτό του πολύ εύστροφο, και ο ενας χαρακτήρας δεν του φτάνει στα FPS.


Κάποιος άλλος θα μπορούσε να το χαρακτηρίσει ως προτότυπο. Και να το γουστάρει γι' αυτό.


Εγώ θα έλεγα, οτι το κάθε Member της Jericho Team είχε 5-6 Skills, και ΔΕΝ ΤΟ ΧΟΡΤΑΣΑ το Game..!


Κοινώς απο πολλές οπτικές πλευρές, ενας λογικός Player θα τοποθετούσε το Playable Team, σαφέστατα, στα θετικά του τίτλου..



  • 1 μήνα μετά...

Sega Delays Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines


A new Aliens vs. Predator game will arrive in early 2010, publisher Sega has announced, with the company noting that AvP will hit before its other two Aliens games.


That means Gearbox's shooter Aliens: Colonial Marines (PC, PS3, 360) and Obsidian's Aliens RPG won't debut until 2010, at the very earliest. Colonial Marines was originally expected last year, and was recently listed as a Q1 2009 release by Sega Europe.

  • 6 μήνες μετά...

Aliens: Colonial Marines Release Date Depends On Aliens Vs. Predator's Success


Aliens: Colonial Marines will be released eventually, Sega president and COO Mike Hayes told me in a phone interview last week. It's a question of when, whose answer hinges on another game entirely.


Sega's grand plans for rebooting the Aliens franchise have changed. The Aliens RPG from Obsidian Entertainment was cancelled, while Gearbox Software's Aliens: Colonial Marines was placed on the backburner and Rebellion's Aliens vs. Predator moved to the forefront. Gearbox continues to work on the squad-based shooter while its future remains in limbo.


Hayes said Sega still hasn't nailed down a release date for Aliens: Colonial Marines because there are several factors at play.


"I think the detail of that [release date] is probably still too early," said Hayes. "What I would say is it's unlikely that we'd launch anything within six months [after Aliens vs. Predator], but probably nine months, eight to 12 months possibly. Though we literally are looking at that at the moment and a lot of is going to depend, as well, on how successful AvP is at the box [retail]."


There's a problem for Aliens: Colonial Marines in this scenario. Sega has a great amount of confidence in Aliens vs. Predator. Hayes said Sega's received more feedback from fans about the release of that game than anything else in its lineup. If Aliens vs. Predator is wildly successful, Sega can move ahead with Aliens: Colonial Marines sooner, possibly even before the end of 2010. If gamers reject Rebellion's shooter, though, Sega could decide to hold off for a while.


"It's what level of 'well' does it do," said Hayes, speaking of Aliens vs. Predator's potential sales, "do we then determine when we want to bring the next one out and then, of course, determine what the third one in the series is likely to be."


Despite the cancellation of the Aliens RPG, Sega is still committed to producing a third Aliens game.


"Oh, absolutely," said Hayes.

  • 6 μήνες μετά...

Aliens: Colonial Marines resurfaces


Having missed its 2009 release date, Sega’s Aliens: Colonial Marines has been TBC on the publisher’s release schedule for some time now – but Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has once again began hyping the upcoming licensed title.


We have an Aliens game with Sega and 20th Century Fox which we're really excited about,” he told MCV. “It’s the thing I've been stealing from all my career. Now I'm really working on it, but we've been quiet about that so far.”


Furthermore, it’s the success of recent 2K Games hit Borderlands that seems to have slowed progress on the project.


Borderlands took over Gearbox,” he added. “We had so much fun working on that and when we finished we wanted to carry on. And the DLC – we've launched two so far and there’s a third to come which take us to a new level in every way.”


Sega’s appetite for the title is likely to have been ramped up following the success of Rebellion’s recent release Aliens vs Predator, which shot straight to the top of the ELSPA GfK Chart-Track All Formats Top 40 this week.

Article continues below


Check back to the site on Monday for the full interview with Pitchford.

  • 2 μήνες μετά...

Τυχαία, μόλις μπήκα στο youtube σήμερα, μου έδειχνε στα suggestions ένα με βίντεο με τίτλο "Aliens: Colonial Marines" ... Όντας fan της τετραλογίας Alien, και με την προοπτική να μην είναι κάτι που μπλέκεται με Predators, είδα το βίντεο και με χαρά είδα πως πρόκειται για video game... Μ' ένα search στο wikipedia βρήκα το αντίστοιχο άρθρο:




Λέει πως έρχετε το 2010, can't wait! :P


Έχει κανείς περισσότερες πληροφορίες?

  • 6 μήνες μετά...

Aliens: Colonial Marines Reveal Imminent


Aliens: Colonial Marines, the much-delayed first person shooter in development at Gearbox, is due an imminent reveal, according to Alan Pritchard, VP of Sales and Marketing at SEGA America.


Speaking to Game Informer, (picked up by SEGAbits), Pritchard revealed that fans of the franchise would get an annoucement regarding the SEGA title in the near future, "Colonial Marines is still on," explained Pritchard, "We've been working closely with Gearbox behind the scenes, and we'll be able to tell you a lot about that in the next couple of months. It won't be November 11th [as previously reported]. We haven't announced a date yet."


Gearbox is currently busying itself with the release of Duke Nukem Forever, another game that once threatened to be vaporware.


Aliens: Colonial Marines has officially been in development at Gearbox since 2006, although it supercedes an unconnected Playstation 2 title of the same name that was cancelled before its planned release in 2001 by EA.

  • 4 μήνες μετά...

Θυμίζει *επικίνδυνα* Dude το όλο story και δεν μου αρέσει :unsure:


Πάντως στη λίστα του Gamestop δεν υπάρχει το BF3 ούτε το MW3, οπότε δεν ξέρω κατά πόσο ισχύει.

  • 3 εβδομάδες αργότερα...

Νέο teaser ;)







Catch a First Look at E3 2011 of the Game That Pits You and Your Friends Against the Deadliest Killers in the Galaxy


“It'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night... mostly.” LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO (June 1st, 2011) –SEGA® Europe Ltd. and SEGA® of America, Inc. today announced that the highly-anticipated first-person shooter, Aliens: Colonial Marines™, will be launching in spring 2012 on PC, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. In partnership with Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products and developed by critically acclaimed studio Gearbox Software, Aliens: Colonial Marines will bring new levels of bone-chilling suspense and adrenaline-filled action to the renowned franchise. The game pits players against the universe’s ultimate alien killing machines, the Xenomorphs, in claustrophobic environments guaranteed to produce blood curdling thrills that the movie is renowned for. A first look of the game is presented in the South Hall at SEGA’s booth #2023, at this week’s E3 in Los Angeles.


“To Gearbox Software and its peers throughout the industry, ALIENS is one of the most influential science fiction properties of all time,” said Randy Pitchford, President of Gearbox Software. “Aliens: Colonial Marines, designed as an interactive successor to the landmark films from Twentieth Century Fox, is a dream project about which our studio is deeply committed and passionate.”


“Aliens: Colonial Marines will be THE definitive ALIENS gaming experience,” said Gary Knight, Senior Vice President of Marketing at SEGA Europe and SEGA of America. “Gearbox Software are doing a brilliant job translating the thrill and horror that ALIENS stands for into an action-packed shooter experience with co-operative gameplay at its core.”


Gary Rosenfeld, Senior Vice President of New Media for Fox Consumer Products added, “It’s no easy task to take on one of the most influential films of all-time, but SEGA and Gearbox are not going to disappoint. This game will be a must-have for fans of the ALIENS franchise and gamers around the globe.”


Aliens: Colonial Marines begins with an ostensibly abandoned ship, the U.S.S. Sulaco, recovered in orbit around LV-426. Players lead a group of highly trained United States Colonial Marines as they board the deserted craft to uncover the fate of the crew. They will have to fight to survive unspeakable horrors and their own anxieties as they chase down the truth behind a galaxy-spanning deception that places humanity at the mercy of the most murderous and deadly species in the universe. Aliens: Colonial Marines features authentic environments, such as the surface of LV-426 and Hadley’s Hope, weapons inspired by the film series and is designed to provide an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe.


Aliens: Colonial Marines will be available spring 2012 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC. The game is also on display in the South Hall at SEGA’s booth #2032, at this week’s Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles.

Aliens: Colonial Marines begins with an ostensibly abandoned ship, the U.S.S. Sulaco, recovered in orbit around LV-426. Players lead a group of highly trained United States Colonial Marines as they board the deserted craft to uncover the fate of the crew. They will have to fight to survive unspeakable horrors and their own anxieties as they chase down the truth behind a galaxy-spanning deception that places humanity at the mercy of the most murderous and deadly species in the universe. Aliens: Colonial Marines features authentic environments, such as the surface of LV-426 and Hadley’s Hope, weapons inspired by the film series and is designed to provide an exhilarating and engaging new chapter in the Aliens universe.

Υποθέτω πάνε να συνδυάσουν το σενάριο του Alien 1 + Aliens (Alien 2) σε ένα παιχνίδι. Κατ'εμέ, καλά κάνουν και πατάνε μόνο σε αυτά τα δύο parts της τετραλογίας, γιατί το Alien 3 και το Alien 4 ήταν παντελώς FAIL -παντελώς όμως-. Κορυφαίο από όλα για μένα το Aliens (Alien 2).


Ίσως στο παιχνίδι υπάρχει και κάποιο (side)mission που φανερώνει από που ήρθε το σκάφος των xenomorph (και στούκαρε στον lv426).


Από το trailer και την εικόνα πάντως οι xenomorph μου φαίνονται λίγο λεπτοί σε σχέση με τα νταγλάρια των ταινιών... κρίση υποθέτω... :D

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