Προς το περιεχόμενο

Η_str_Στην_ Pascal;


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Str Procedure


Syntax: Str(number, mystr)

where number is a numeric data type and

mystr is a string identifier


Str is used to convert an integer, real, etc. into a string. This procedure has little utility. It is provided basically to mirror/reverse the effect of the procedure Val. Given the following declarations and assignments, several things are possible.


num_int : integer;

num_real : real;

mystr : string;


num_int := 345;

num_real := 34.567;


* The following code would result in mystr containing '345'.


Str(num_int, mystr)


* The following code would result in mystr containing ' 345', with two leading spaces.


Str(num_int:5, mystr)


* The following code would result in mystr containing '34.57'.


Str(num_real:1:2, mystr)


* The following code would result in mystr containing ' 34.6', with three leading spaces.


Str(num_real:7:1, mystr)



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