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ΚΤΗΝΩΔΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΟΓΚΩΔΗΣ ΑΓΝΟΙΑ ΜΑΖΙ. Πόσο ζώο είναι ο συγγραφέας. Συγχωρέστε με για τις εκφράσεις μου αλλά είναι τουλάχιστον άσχετος ο άνθρωπος και επικίνδυνος για παραπληροφόρηση.


Ξέχασε να αναφέρει οτι το macmini δεν έχει κουμπί reset στη πρόσοψη και οτι ο συνδυασμός ctrl+alt+del δεν κάνει καμία λειτουργία...

Πού πήγαν οι μπλέ οθόνες (BSOD) ΟΕΟ???

Πόσο κ@ρ@γκιόζης μπορεί να είναι κάποιος που αρθρογραφεί στο internet?

  • Super Moderators

Παιδιά, πρέπει να είναι χιουμοριστικό το άρθρο. Ειλικρινά και χωρίς διάθεση απαξίωσης του συγγραφέα.


Κοιτάξτε τι γράφει στο Windows vs Linux: Server & Desktop:


Για Server, προτιμά Window 2003 Advance Server.



And since all of my buddies at work use Windows Media Player 9 to rip, mix and burn CDs that we can't share with each other or play in the car, we are extremely excited about the Windows Media Player 10 beta that comes integrated with Advanced Server 2003. Now we can rip, mix and burn right on the server! Try getting a streaming video, DVD, CD, mp3, wma, and active content player all tightly integrated into a Linux server. Not likely!


Και για το σπίτι; Windows XP Home φυσικά!

Γιατί; Μα θέλει και ρώτημα;


Windows XP features the dependable DRM features home users demand (keeps you from getting sued!), while product activation and restrictive EULAs limit what people can do with their PCs to the point that someone like cousin Joe or Grandma won't want one, saving guys like you and me from having to deal with annoying family tech support calls - the kind that we don't even get paid for!


Και για τα παιχνίδια έχει να πει αυτό:


I especially like the four games it comes with - Hearts, FreeCell (so addictive!), Minesweeper, and Solitaire. It's easy to see why XP is considered the ultimate platform for gamers.


Και πιο κάτω:


I have dabbled with Mandrake Linux for a day or so, and I was shocked by how few preference-gathering applications were running in the background and how it did absolutely no "calling home", never even contacting the Mandrake server to make sure my product's license key was intact. Who wants to use an operating system that doesn't learn about you, that doesn't keep track of what you like to look at on the web, listen to, or watch? With Windows XP Home, I have the peace of mind that comes with knowing my habits and activities are being monitored by Microsoft, and my computer's hardware configuration and list of installed software is being stored in a database in Redmond.


Εντάξει, δεν συνεχίζω, έχει όμως πολύ γέλιο. Αξίζει να το διαβάσετε όλο! :D


Μετά από μια κουραστική μέρα στη δουλεία, αυτά τα άρθρα ήταν ό,τι καλύτερο για να φτιάξει το κέφι μου!

Ο τύπος ΣΙΓΟΥΡΑ ειρωνεύεται τη Microsoft, αφού παρουσιάζει όλα τα μειονεκτήματα των Windows σαν πλεονεκτήματα : "Γιατί να είμαι πλούσιος, όμορφος και υγιής, όταν μπορώ να είμαι φτωχός, άσχημος και άρρωστος?" :)


etsi pisteyw kai egw giati an diabasate kala sto link pou dinei o Mercyful_Fate,sto telos leei oti


When I consider that a good deal of my time is spent running applications like Disk Defragmenter, Scandisk, Norton AV, Windows Update and Ad-Aware--none of which are available for the Mac platform--it doesn't make sense for me to "switch" to a Mac at this time.


mallon apo oti fainetai koroideyei thn microsoft ektos kai an ontws thn briskei m e to adivirus,win update kai ad aware


Αυτό μου άρεσε εμένα:

Secondly and possibly even more glaringly, there is no antivirus program shipped with the Mac. In todayʼs climate of non-stop worms, trojans and viruses, releasing a computer with no virus removal software is irresponsible on the part of Apple.

  • 1 μήνα μετά...

"In fact, it took our techs about fifteen minutes before we realized the unit itself was operating normally and it was the monitor that was not plugged in properly."


Auto apla ta leei ola, XAXAXAXA :D:)


"Jorge Lopez is a DeVry graduate with an MCSE certification and is currently the Chief Software Reviewer at Divisiontwo.com's Technology Insider.


Previous Technology Insider"


πραγματικά ελπίζω να είναι ειρωνικό


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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