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FreeStyle Street Basketball - Online Demo

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

  • Απαντ. 54
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα


παιδια τελικα υπαρχει τροπος να παιξουμε αυτο το φοβερο παιχνιδακι? Αν ναι θα μπορουσε καποιος να μου τον πει?



Mporei o kathenas na paizei kanonika me to account tou, apla tha einai "trial user" pou simainei oti mporei na ftasei mexri lvl 16 k den mporei na agorasei bills oute na kanei gifts. An plirwseis mporeis na kaneis upgrade se premium account k na exeis access se ola osa sou prosferei to game ktl. Enas filos dokimase na to agorasei me visa k den tou epetrepsan tin sinallagi k dokimazei twra me paypal. Se mia epikoinwnia pou eixame me tin etaireia (vivendi) eipan pos tha vgaloun europaiko release mono an to paixnidi einai ikanopoihtika dhmofilis stin North America. Mas esteilan k ena mail kana 2 meres poio meta pou elege ta idia alla edeiksan oti uparxei endiaferon gia europaiko release ara mporoume na elpizoume. Auta!


Αυτα ειναι τα email που ελαβα απο τα ευρωπαικα και αμερικανικα γραφεια της Vivendi:


- Unfortunately there is nothing planned for the European release, however it really depends how popular it will be in North America. If it is popular then it will be released also for the european public. So hang in there and hope it will be very popular and we will get it then as well.


- To answer your question about game play in the European Theater. We

will be basing our decision on the success of the American Market, and to

give you any timelines at this point would be impossible. We know there

are some players overseas who would love to play the game and we are

definitely listening to your feedback. The best advice I can give you is

to watch the forums for any news, you may also drop me a line

periodically and if I have some news I will let you know.


- Thanks a lot for your beta test participation and your continued interest in Freestyle Street Basketball. We are aware of the level of interest in Greece for basketball in general and are currently evaluating all opportunities to expand our market reach. Unfortunately we have no concrete plans to share at this point in time – for now, Sierra Online is only publishing and running the product for North America and Australia/New Zealand. Please understand that an MMOG is a very complex and expensive product which requires many more resources than releasing a regular computer or videogame – and therefore requires a very large market to support it.


We will share additional MMOG plans for Sierra Online sometime later this year – and who knows what we might announce?! :o)



PS. Bibby, Potapenko για Baron, Monta.


Gia sas paides. Eimai pleon o monadikos apo tin parea pou to synehizei. Vrika tropo na to agorasw :P Ena filaraki mou zei US k 8a mou to kanei dwro. Apla einai apistefto pws 1 paixnidi me ekane na min paizw c/s edw k 1 mina ka8olou.


Η χαζομάρα της εταιρείας είναι ότι αν πρόσεχε το παιχνίδι λίγο περισσότερο, δηλαδή έβαζε και single player modes, πολλά extra modes και μεγαλύτερες αναλύσεις+καλύτερα γραφικά γιατί ξενίζουν αρκετά, θα έκανε τρελλές πωλήσεις για Βasket-game για Pc. Δεν μπορώ να το πώ τώρα όμως με τον τρόπο που κυκλοφόρησε το παιχνίδι αποκλειστικά οn-line.


Έχει όμως το καλύτερο αnimation που έχω δεί παρότι είναι cartoonistika τα γραφικά μετά το Νba2k7.

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