nske Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 "διασωληνώσεις" και "συνώνημα" αντί για pipes και aliases (μαντεύω );; τελείως φρίκη οι μεταφράσεις, δεν τις αδικώ τις κοπέλες!
Manos-Sx Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Δημοσ. 7 Δεκεμβρίου 2006 Καλά οι κοπέλες είναι... Βαράτε με και ας κλέω με τι μαλακίες που λέω... Σωστά μάντεψες. τα alias ειδικά πολύ τα γουστάρω
stavrakis1821 Δημοσ. 6 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Eftiaksa ena overview ths upotheshs kai mou menei na mazepsw notes. 3 lectures 1 lab. Polu brief pragmata. Lecture 1: Historical overview of GNU/Linux. - Reference to Linus Torvalds' involvement (creator of Linux Kernel). - Reference to Richard Stallman (creator of GNU). Description of distributions, communities, Free Software (open source), developers etc. - Focus on the Debian organization. - Web access to show a Debian forum, Debian community, Debian's women organization, Debian's main page and where a Debian distro can be downloaded and installed. - Meaning of Linux packages, how they are maintained, how they can be downloaded and installed with apt, and what a package manager is. - Web access to browse two of the main bodies of free software hosting. Lecture 2: Very Brief: Partitioning. Why partition a hard drive. Difference between partitions and filesystems. What filesystems are supported by Linux. Also worth mentioning is how a Linux OS can work alongside with a Windows or DOS operating system (dual booting). Detailed: Steps that occur during a Linux startup. From power-up to terminal access (V.I). Most of the lecture should be spent here. What is the Kernel. Various advantages of using a Linux Kernel. Cannot talk about Linux without explaining what a Kernel is. ;-) Kernel modules. Drivers. Why the Kernel does not need to reboot. User-space VS Kernel-space. Very Brief: Linux Live (booting from a CD or USB). Just a brief explanation and where they can get it from. Permissions. Most important concept of Linux. What is ROOT. Brief for this lab, more technical on the next. Custom Linux. Lecture 3: Linux filesystem hierarchy. Where things are. Different levels that programs/utilities fall under, and generally how the system is organized under the common standards. Much detail here. Mounting/unmounting drives, filesystems etc. simple concepts. You can show commands but not really use them. Even on the lab such a task would require root privilege, so just an explanation is enough. X-window system. - History. - Web access to show screenshots of the various desktops, browse KDE theme/configuration sites and much more. Lecture 4 (practical): Terminal Use Show the filesystem. Permissions. - show and explain permissions (simple concepts). - Create a file (text and directory. both are files). Show default permissions (umask), try to access the file without privilege, change permissions, access the file again. Change default permissions to increase security. - Show passwd file. Explain how it is structured and talk about the process which takes place when a new user is being created. Making simple backups (create a tarball, compress the tarball, uncompress). Searching for files, searching contents of files and output streams. I/O redirection and pipelining. Environment variables, adding them to a user's path and using them as custom commands (important concept but can do without). Show where information is (info and manual pages). Should already know where and what these files are from the previous lecture on filesystem's hierarchy. Use vimtutor. super special tutorial built into the system for using VI. Simple and Special commands to do the above: - commands to navigate through the filesystem and show User specs. - commands to create, backup and remove files (many options). - commands to perform searching. - echoing, redirection and pipelines. - man and info. - playing with permissions and creating users.
NullScan Δημοσ. 6 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Δημοσ. 6 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Μιά χαρά το βλέπω αν και νομίζω ότι οι λεπτομέρειες για τον kernel θα πέσουν βαριές σε κάποιους (user-space/kernel-space, modules). Κακό πάντως δεν θα κάνει σε computer scientists να ακούσουν και 5 πράγματα επί του θέματος. Η μοναδική μου διαφωνία είναι στο focus πάνω στο debian. Προτιμότερο θα ήταν μιά κουβέντα για το τί είναι distro και μιά μικρή αναφορά σε κάποιες ιστορικές (redhat, slack κτλ) αλλά και τωρινές leading διανομές (ubuntu, gentoo κτλ).
stavrakis1821 Δημοσ. 6 Ιανουαρίου 2007 Μέλος Δημοσ. 6 Ιανουαρίου 2007 mallon dikio exeis nullscan alla des pws to skefthka ki'egw kai me diortwneis an thes. Sigoura tha sumperilavw kala arthra pou perigrafoun oles tis dianomes kai sigoura sto bundle me notes pou tha paroun tha uparxoun references (sites) gia tis pio gnwstes efarmoges linux. Douleuw Debian omws. Auto mou dinei thn euxeria na dwsw anafora sta diafora communities kai sthn organwsh tous kai akoma kai pws mporei kapoios na sunisferei sto development tou distro kai twn paketwn tou. Mallon kati tha gnwrizoun gia Ubuntu kai kala einai na mathoun 1-2 pragmata perissotera gia tis katagwges tou Ubuntu. Einai Debian unstable, etsi mporw na episumanw thn diafora tou stable apo to testing kai to unstable. Mporw na dwsw notes ws prws to ti einai ena kalo package system opws to apt (afou to xrhsimopoiw kai o idios), pws to douleuei kapoios, apo pou erxontai ta packages kai episis poies oi diafores otan kanei compile kapoios dika tou packages pou den einai supported apo to distribution tou. Den kserw tpt gia Slack an kai tha htan kalh epilogh na dwsw focus se auto pou einai kai to arxeotero Linux ap'oti gnwrizw. Thelw na tou emvathunw estw se ena distro gia na katalavanoun kai oi foithtes pws einai organwmeno ena community apo developers klp. Redhat, oute gi'auto kserw polla an kai den tha ithela na parousiasw ws paradeigma ta rpms. Gia kernel, mallon tha frikaroun otan akousoun gia modules klp alla monaxa perigrafes skefthka na vrw na sumperilavw, kai arketa sources gia further studies gia opoion epithumei.
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