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EΔΩ ΘΑ ΒΡΕΙΤΕ ΤΟ FIRMWARE 3,09 ΓΙΑ ΤΟ PHILIPS CDD 3610 . H ANANEΩΣΗ ΓΙΝΕΤΑΙ ΜΕΣΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΑ WIN. ΣΕ ΕΜΕΝΑ ΔΟΥΛΕΨΕ ΚΑΝΟΝΙΚΑ ΚΑΙ ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ ΖΩΗΡΕΨΕ ΠΟΛΥ ΚΑΙ ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗΣΕ ΝΑ ΚΑΝΕΙ ΤΑ ΓΝΩΣΤΑ ΠΕΡΙΕΡΓΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΦΗ!! <A HREF="http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/solo/719/download.htm" TARGET=_blank>http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/solo/719/download.htm</A> <P>ΤΙ ΑΚΡΙΒΩΣ ΚΑΝΕΙ:<P>CHANGES<P>Reading above 75 minutes<BR>Data / audio reading was only possible below the MSF address of 75:00:00. The new FW allows reading up to 85:00:00. <P><BR>FAILURES SOLVED<P>PMA checking<BR>The PMA is a multiple of ten Subcode frames. Within such a unit the frames are labelled 0 to 9 in the zero byte of the Subcode-Q channel. A PMA sequence consists of a number of valid PMA units, which do not contain mode 0 frames. A PMA sequence is terminated by an unrecorded area or by one mode 0 unit (ten mode 0 frames. <BR>The drive updates the PMA after each recorded track, so the first frame is the link block and this subcode can be invalid. It was found that the first frame of a unit can be valid but filled with zeros (1 frame mode 0). Previous FW revisions saw this as the condition marking the end of the PMA. As a result of this the 'highest recorded track' number in the TOC was overruled and the next existing tracks were not recognised.<BR>To solve this failure the new FW applies the appearance of 5 consecutive mode-0 frames as condition for the 'end of PMA'. This is according to the standard.<P>OPC with different speeds<P>Signature Checking<BR>Previous FW revisions did not check the signature of the new micro-code before flashing the new code into the EEPROM. This is solved now.<BR>

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ΝΑΙ !!!<BR>Ανάσανα επιτέλους! Μετά από πολύ καιρό βρήκα επι΄τελους αυτό το κωλοfirmware για το σκατομηχάνημά μου. Δέκα δισκάκια έχω κάψει και τα δέκα τέλεια. Τα εφτά ήταν μουσικά (σε μονή ταχύτητα και τα ζώα μου αργά αλλά τουλάχιστον τα κατάφερεκαι τα έγραψε. Αντε να κρατήσει μέχρι τα Χριστούγεννα και μετά ΔΡΟΜΟ ! cool.gif


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