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ati radeon9000pro


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


re apidia exw thn parapanw karta grafikwn kai enw sta xp douleyei mia xara sta me de mporw na alaxw th syxnothta ths othonhs.periergo problhma,phga sta settings>advanced>displays>monitor kai enw sta xp mou dinei dynatothta na alaxw to defaults refresh rate pou einai sta 60 sta me de mou dinei.


Klassiko spasimo twn ME pou exei na kanei me tous drivers tou monitor. Ama exei drivers o kataskeyasths tou monitor sou sth selida tou, vale autous, alliws kane update manually apo Default Monitor pou tha einai se Plug and Play monitor.


tsekares an sto device manager einai anagrnwrismenh h othonh sou swsta?ean nai tote to mono pou sou menei na kaneis einai dokimaseis tous drivers pou exei to leitourgiko.


Ypothetw oti h othonh sou ypostirhzei panw apo 60 e? An den to ypostirizei alla exeis dei esy oti to antexei fysiko einai na mhn mporeis na to epilexeis ama valeis tous drivers. Anyway, kane update tous drivers se plug and play monitor, xetickare to get dcc information from monitor apo to panel ths ati, vale monos sou max refresh rate kai max res, phgene ekei pou epilegeis refresh rate, xetickare thn epilogh pou kryvei refresh rates pou den ypostirizei to monitor kai koita ama tha sta vgalei.


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