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Provlhma me neo pc


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Kalhspera kai sorry gia ta greeklish alla grafw apo live dianomh xwris ry8miseis:-D .


Prox8es parelava ta ekshs ylika gia to sthsimo enos neou pc:


Motherboard: DFI Infinity

CPU: Intel Dual Core 6600

Ram: OCZ 2x1GB, sta 800MHZ

Trofodotiko: Tagan 530W

DVDRW:Plextor 760 Sata

GPU: Asus 7600GT


thn egkatastash twn parts thn ekana monos mou, alla antimetwpizw to ekshs periergo provlhma.

enw to pc ksekinaei kanonika kai emfanizei to bios kai tis plhrofories oti anagnwristhke h CPU, kai oi mnhmes meta apo 15" kanei ena synexh hxo, elafrws diakoptomeno kai kleinei mono tou!!


gia na katalavw ti mporei na prokalei to provlhma ekana ta ekshs:

1-aposyndesa tous anemisthres tou koutiou

2-aposyndesa tous sklhrous diskous

3-aposyndesa to DVDRW

4-aposyndesa tis extra trofodosies (anti gia 24 pin afhsa ta 20, anti gia 8pin, afhsa ta 4pin)

5-aposyndesa kai to anemisthraki ths CPU mhpws htan auto (giati paizane ligo oi strofes tou ypopta)

6- kai telos antikatesthsa to trofodotiko me ena allo HEC 525W alla pali xwris kanena apotelesma!


8a h8ela na mou peite mhpws entopizete eseis kapou sygkekrimena to provlhma, an kai nomizw oti ftaiei h Motherboard.


Euxaristw polu, kai pali sorry gia ta greeklish.


To provlhma einai antistoixo me to ekshs:

I experienced the normal 1 beep and then 5 seconds later, 3 short beeps and then my system went into sleep mode. Changing the Suspend Mode to off OR increasing the # of seconds to enter suspend from default cured the problem.
alla dystyxws oute auto doulepse :(


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