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OKLAHOMA CITY -- With their starters heading to the bench with 40 seconds left, Game 4 in hand and a 3-1 series lead in their pocket on the way back home, the Portland Trail Blazers had an opportunity to bask in their 111-98 win over the Oklahoma City Thunder a little. But there was no celebrating, no trash talking, no taunting, no dunks at the buzzer. It was, as Damian Lillard said, all business from start to finish.

"After Game 3, we were in the locker room saying they lived at the free throw line and all this stuff, but Game 4, we're not talking to nobody but ourselves," Lillard said. "Referees can call it how they want to call, we're just going to worry about ourselves.

"After last game, it was a big deal being made out of the back-and-forth and we weren't emotional about it -- we were just competing," Lillard continued. "We were just passionate about the game as well. But like I said earlier, we didn't really engage in it because our focus was our team. Like I told you guys, we're not gonna come out here and go crazy on the referees, we're not gonna go out here and get in any shouting matches and back-and-forths and all that stuff. We're gonna focus on the stuff we need to focus on that's gonna give us a chance to win the game. I was proud of how our team stuck to that."

7 ώρες πριν, naimore είπε

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Δημοσ. (επεξεργασμένο)

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Επεξ/σία από Sorath
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1 ώρα πριν, Sorath είπε

Απολαυστικότατος Γιάνναρος πάλι χθες. Ασταμάτητος! Μέχρι και τον Andre Drummon εκτοπίζει ο άτιμος....




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