Προς το περιεχόμενο

προβλημα με δισκο


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


εφτιαξα ενα partition στο δευτερο δισκο για να βαλω εκει τα linux και ολα καλα με την εγκατασταση και οταν ειμαι στα linux.οταν ομως μπαινω στα xp δε μου εμφανιζεται καθολου ο συγκεκριμενος δισκος αλλα οταν μπαινω στο partion magic 8(με το οποιο εκανα και το partition) μου τον βρισκει σαν hidden.


ξερει κανεις ρε παιδια τι να κανω γιατι εχω πολυ πραγμα στο δισκο και δεν αξιζει να παει χαμενο...


den exw gnwsi gia peri linux.

mias pou aneferes omos oti to partition magic to vlepei den mporeis na kaneis me auto kati?

apo ta ergaleia diaxeirishs/diaxeirhsh diskvn vleepis kati?

tha elega na anoikseis to idio thread stin enotita linux mias kai to linux pisteuw einai o ypaitios gia to provlima sou kai pithanos mesa apo auto isos kai na to liseis. tha vreis sigoura perisoteri voitheia ekei.


το προβλημα ξεκινησε αμεσως μετα το partition, ΠΡΙΝ ακομη βαλω τα linux στο δισκο(για αυτο και εγραψα σε αυτη την ενοτητα και οχι στην ενοτητα των linux).απο τα εργαλεια συσκευων τον βλεπει κανονικα το δισκο.

Το partition magic δε το ξερω καλα και προφανως κατα τη δημιουργεια του νεου partition εκανα καποιο λαθος και εβαλα το δισκο hidden, αυτο που θελω να κανω τωρα ειναι να τον βγαλω απο hidden(μεσω του partition magic).


ευχαριστω παντως για την ανταποκριση



den sou exei sxetikes epiloges?

an kai to exw ki egw den mporw na piramatistw.

eida sto help file tou omos (mporeis na deis ki esy) sxetika:


To hide a partition


1 Select a disk and a partition.

2 Click Partition > Advanced > Hide Partition.

3 Click OK.




· To unhide a partition, repeat the steps above but click Unhide Partition in step 3.


· If you hide a Windows NT boot partition, you must manually edit your BOOT.INI file to point to a new Windows NT boot partition.


· Unless you are running Windows NT/2000/XP, unhiding multiple primary partitions may cause your machine to be unbootable.


· PowerQuest recommends running DriveMapper when you are prompted. Hiding a partition can make your drive letters change, causing applications not to run because application shortcuts, initialization files, and registry entries refer to incorrect drives. DriveMapper, a utility included with PartitionMagic, helps you easily update drive letter references. Under most conditions, DriveMapper will run automatically after you hide or unhide a partition.


· Windows 2000 does not recognize a partition you have hidden using PartitionMagic. Therefore, the only effective method to hide a partition from use under Windows 2000/XP-without deleting it-is to remove the partition's assigned drive letter.


About Hide Partition


Use Hide Partition to secure partitions against unwanted user access. You can perform this operation on FAT, FAT32, and NTFS partitions.

When you hide a partition, the next time you boot your computer the partition is not assigned a drive letter. Conversely, when you unhide a partition, the next time you boot your computer the partition is assigned a drive letter.

Hiding and unhiding partitions (under DOS or Windows 95/98/Me) can cause the drive letters of other partitions to change. When this happens, your computer may not boot and applications may not run. PowerQuest recommends that you allow DriveMapper (a utility included with PartitionMagic) to run automatically to update drive letter references that change as a result of hiding or unhiding partitions.


If your hard disk has more than one primary partition, only one is visible by default. When you use the Set Active operation, PartitionMagic unhides the selected primary partition and hides other primary partitions. While you can unhide more than one primary partition, we recommend that you do not.

If you are running Windows NT/2000/XP, partitions are not hidden automatically; therefore, you can have multiple visible primary partitions.

To hide a partition


Understanding Hidden Partitions


PartitionMagic allows you to hide a partition from OS detection. When you hide a partition, that partition is not assigned a drive letter

during OS boot up. Therefore, the partition is invisible to the OS and all connected applications. Subsequent partitions that are still visible to the OS are assigned a new drive letter.

Hiding a partition is useful when you need to protect sensitive data from other users or you want to prevent others from inadvertently deleting critical files. You can hide any primary or logical FAT, FAT32, or NTFS partition.


Of course, PartitionMagic also allows you to unhide any partitions that you have hidden. Making a partition visible allows the booted OS to detect the partition, and therefore assign it a drive letter. Once a partition is unhidden, subsequent partitions are again assigned a new drive letter.




· Operating systems can only detect partitions that recognize the partition's file system. Unhiding a partition with an unrecognized file type will not make the partition visible to the OS.


· You must be careful when unhiding primary partitions. In general, you should not make two primary partitions on the same physical hard disk visible at the same time, as this can cause data loss in some operating systems.


den sou exei sxetikes epiloges?

an kai to exw ki egw den mporw na piramatistw.

eida sto help file tou omos (mporeis na deis ki esy) sxetika:


To hide a partition


1 Select a disk and a partition.

2 Click Partition > Advanced > Hide Partition.

3 Click OK.




· To unhide a partition, repeat the steps above but click Unhide Partition in step 3.


αυτο ηταν ολο και ολο-τον βλεπει κανονικα τωρα.

χιλια ευχαριστω μολις εσωσες περιπου 350 gb!!!!!:-D :-D :-D

(και εμενα απο νευρικο κλωνισμο:wink: )


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