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Colin McRae: DIRT


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Ρε παιδια το Quattro S1 σε κιτρινο-ασπρο δεν ηταν βαμμενο?

Ας διορθώσω τα λάθη μου και ας παραμείνω off-topic!

Το Group B τέρας της audi ήταν το S1 και έβγαινε σε άσπρο-κίτρινο.

Μαύρο-άσπρο-κόκκινο ήταν το παλιό, πρώτο quattro του '81.

To S2 που έλεγα εγώ δεν πρόλαβε να τρέξει στους αγώνες επίσημα, γιατί καταργήθηκε το group B.

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McRae Gets Dirty With Neon

Codemasters unveils the next-gen game engine behind Colin McRae DIRT.



IGN: What has the Neon engine allowed you to achieve with DIRT that wasn't possible on current-gen technology?


Alex Grimbley: All the benefits of the Neon engine are too numerous to list. There are however some obvious highlights, such as the real-time soft body car damage. In more simple terms, you will literally be able to wrap your car round a tree. Track and environment damage will surpass anything that has been seen before in a racing title, with Armco bending, wire snapping and wood splintering. All these effects will create a sense of realism that hasn't been seen previously.


A further highlight of Neon is that it will allow us to stream in unique car engine audio sets and have the most realistic crash sounds ever, with no two crashes ever sounding the same. Our truly next-gen engine has allowed us to enhance every aspect of the game.




IGN: Neon has enabled you to create hyper-realistic mud and dust effects. Are these purely cosmetic or will they affect the way the game plays? If so, by how much?


Alex Grimbley: Ruts and bumps in the road will affect the cars, although we have been careful to avoid penalising the player unnecessarily. Dust and mud effects won't affect the car handling directly. If, however, you're trailing a car on a dusty or wet track your windscreen will soon become plastered, obscuring visibility, making all the more reason to overtake.


Every track in DIRT has been painstakingly recreated, from mud and dust to trees and buildings, resulting in a unique look and feel to each. This attention to detail has been applied to every surface the car drives over. Each surface type will alter the car handling in many different ways - from grip levels to the way the bumps unsettle the car. On loose gravel for example grip will be limited but, if you put the power down and spin the wheels, grip will increase as the wheels bite into the compacted surface underneath.


It wasn't enough to simply create one type of each surface. We've gone as far as creating multiple variations of each surface type. An example is asphalt for which we have six types, ranging from freshly laid asphalt to asphalt that has been worn and degraded over many years.


This leads onto another key feature: car tyre choice. With so many surfaces all affecting the way the car behaves it is vital that the right tyre choice is made. Gravel tyres will dig into the mud but lose grip on concrete. If a stage is made up of many different surfaces, the choice will be difficult. With all these aspects affecting the speed and handling of the car, the choice you make could be the difference between winning and losing.


IGN: Accurate wind and rain feature in the game, but how will this affect the game and will they occur in real-time, like halfway through a race for example?


Alex Grimbley: It is the subtlety of the effects that really brings the track to life. A rally stage or circuit race will not normally last longer than ten minutes so it is unlikely that the weather will change significantly during that period. As a result we had to ensure that the effects seem as real and natural as possible without going over the top.


The wind system is dynamic and real-time. Exposed areas of track will be windier than tunnels, for example. Everything you see in the environment will be affected by the wind - trees, grass, dust, exhaust smoke and even raindrops. All the subtle details add up to create an environment that is real and believable.


IGN: Car and track damage is a big feature in the game. How much will it affect gameplay?


Alex Grimbley: The extent to which you damage the car will have a direct impact on gameplay. If you scrape a panel it might affect your aerodynamics; bottom out over a jump and it could damage your gearbox. You can also total every car in game and if you smash into a tree at 100mph it will end your race, although it will be great fun to watch in the replay.




IGN: Can we expect the Neon engine to be a feature in other Codemasters' racing games such as TOCA?


Alex Grimbley: Yes, we've created some fantastic technology and effects that will be used by future games. We want to ensure that we don't waste development time creating systems from scratch for each new game and instead focus on creating new and exciting features.


IGN: Dakar-style trucks are included in the game - does that mean open, sprawling tracks will also feature, as well as the traditional rally legs? What other course types will feature in DIRT?


Alex Grimbley: DIRT will feature more tracks, events and head-to-head racing than any previous Colin McRae game, including Dakar-style desert environments sprawling across hostile terrain. In addition to Dakar we also have off-road racing in the form of the CORR desert series. Other events include all 12 miles of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb, featuring 800bhp cars racing on crazy mountain roads and winner-takes-all racing on purpose-built multi-route crossover stages. All in all there will be something to appeal to any fan of off-road motor sport.


IGN: What are your plans for multiplayer in the game?


Alex Grimbley: We plan to create an immersive online experience with up to 100 players competing to achieve the fastest time on rally and hill climb stages. Players will be able to vote on the choice of track and car ensuring that everybody has a say. Ticker tape messages will broadcast the latest information from the online community, notifying you when records have been broken or your friend has just beaten you. Creating an immersive online experience should ensure that players will rack up the online miles.


To blur που έχουν χρησιμοποιήσει πραγματικά με πονάει στα μάτια στην δεύτερη φοτο (σε συνδυασμό με το depth of field). Ελπίζω εν κίνηση να μην φαίνεται τόσο ΜΑΠΑ. Έλεος δηλαδή να πούμε,μην μας βγει και αίμα από τα μάτια


πω το γουσταρω πολυ γιατι ειναι πολυ φωτορεαλιστικο.περιμενω σα τρελος να δω ενα μαμημενο βιντεο να δουμε τι διατανο λεει.

Φαίνεται πολύ καλό, ελπίζω να είναι και σε θέμα φυσικής-ρεαλισμού το ίδιο καλό


Αν διαβάσεις την συνέντευξη που παρέθεσε παραπάνω ο privateer, θα σου διαλυθεί κάθε ελπίδα για ρεαλισμό...

Μπορεί από Φυσική να λέει αρκετά πράγματα, αλλά δεν σκοπεύουν να την αφήσουν να επηρεάζει το arcade gameplay που έχει πια υιοθετηθεί. Κοινώς θα κοπανάς πάνω σε ένα δένδρο, θα βλέπεις κομμάτια από το δένδρο και το αυτοκίνητο να πετάγονται με τρόπο πρωτόγνωρο,αλλά αυτό θα επηρεάζει την πορεία του αυτοκινήτου όσο γίνεται λιγότερο, ώστε να μπορείς, βρε αδερφέ, με το ένα χέρι να οδηγάς και με το άλλο να τρως το σαντουϊτσάκι σου...


μα καλα τοσο δυσκολο ειναι να κανουν 2 mode ενα arcade και ενα sim?


αρε codetragicmasters απο το κακο στο χειροτερο.:(

μα καλα τοσο δυσκολο ειναι να κανουν 2 mode ενα arcade και ενα sim?(


Καλή ιδέα αλλά μήπως αυτό απαιτεί διπλή δουλειά;


Όχι, απαιτεί πολύ περισσότερο από διπλή δουλειά! Το "ρεαλιστικό" (ο Θεός να το κάνει) arcade το φτιάχνεις σε χρόνο μηδέν, το sim θέλει 10 φορές την προσπάθεια;).

Καλή ιδέα αλλά μήπως αυτό απαιτεί διπλή δουλειά;

Ε, όχι και τόση δουλειά. Απλά φτιάχνεις από την αρχή ένα ρεαλιστικό μοντέλο οδήγησης και μετά το απλοποιείς και το κάνεις arcade. Δεν είναι και τόσο τρομερό.

Υπάρχουν πάρα πολλά παιχνίδια (flight sims, F1 2002-GTR και όσα προέρχονται από αυτήν τη μηχανή , xpand Rally, TOCA) που είτε ενσωματώνουν πολλές επιλογές ως προς τη διαμόρφωση του μοντέλου είτε έχουν ένα "sim" και ένα "arcade" mode.

Απλά ίσως η codemasters δεν ενδιαφέρεται για τους hard core. Και πώς να ενδιαφέρετα, όταν ξεφτιλίζει τη σειρά McRae και την κάνει ένα κοινό ραλάκι με πολλές μορφές αγώνων.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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