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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Δεν έχει νόημα να διαφωνείτε για το παρών ζήτημα.


Ο καθένας μπορεί να εκλάβει όπως θέλει τη δήλωση του Nintendo PR.


Εγώ προσωπικά την εκλαμβάνω όπως της εκλαμβάνει και ο Dare.


Εσύ την εκλαμβάνεις διαφορετικά.


Δεν βρίσκω πρόβλημα ούτε στο ένα ούτε στο άλλο.




Ας πάμε τώρα στα σημαντικά.


Ειδού κύριοι πώς μπορείτε να κάνετε στο Wii Sports Bowling Strike με 91 κορίνες χωρίς κάν να τις αγγίξετε!


  • Απαντ. 5k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


The Homemade Wireless Wii Sensor Bar!


LOL, this really is true. Brian Moore decided to go and make his own Wii sensor bar upon hearing the original contains a set of IR LEDs only. He says his homemade version works just as good as the real thing!




Placed on top of my TV showed that it was a success... the Mii plaza, the Wii menus, Wii sports, and Zelda all worked and moved just as well as it had with Nintendo's stock sensor bar. There is no
a wireless transmitter or an extension cord. Just unplug Nintendo's stock bar, put your homebrew wireless Wii sensor bar in place, and you're good to go.


Official Website: Doctabu


Wii DVD player planned


Next year, according to rumours


By Nick Farrell: Thursday 23 November 2006, 07:13

Click here to find out more!

NINTENDO HAS plans to release a new version of the Wii next year that will ship with a HD DVD player, according to industry rumours.


Gameinformer.com quotes Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime as saying that Nintendo decided not to ship with high-definition capability when it launched on Sunday because it wanted to keep the cost down.


However, his words indicate that it may have plans to release one in the future. Later next year Nintendo has plans to release a new version of the Wii and Gameinformer is speculating that this will be when the outfit will stick on the new drive.


A spokesNintendo said that the outfit was "absolutely not currently announcing any plans to upgrade the maximum resolution from 480p". But then again everyone knews that.


However, the spokesNintendo admitted it shouldn't be impossible in theory. In fact, said the spokesman, Microsoft was able to patch the Xbox 360 to support 1080p and Nintendo has already released a patch to allow Wii gamers to transfer game saves to SD cards.



Wii launch stock around 3x that of PS3


New information coming from analysts puts the Wii launch availability far ahead of the PS3.


Sony had intended to launch the PS3 with launch stock in the region of 400,000 units. However, in the run-up to the launch this figure began to come down to around 200,000 units. According to analyst PJ McNealy of American Technology Research the actual launch figures of the PlayStation 3 are likely to be even lower than 200,000 at between 125k and 175k.


The Wii launch was much closer to expectations with McNealy indicating that launch stock was in the region of 425k to 475k.


"This number is in-line with our expectations, and bodes well for consumers looking for a Wii this holiday season. Our research indicates that Nintendo will likely ship at least 1.5MM to 2.0MM units to North America this calendar year, which indicates that availability of the Wii both at retail and via online stores should provide buying opportunities," said McNealy.


Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian has also commented on the two new platforms. Sebastian expects Nintendo to ship a further 150,000-200,000 Wii consoles to North America each week in 2006, bringing 2006 shipments of the console roughly inline with pre-launch estimates.


The PS3 does not look to be fairing as well, with Sebastian estimating that the console will only ship in the region of 750,000 units, some 250,000 units shy of Sony's one million target.


Another concern for the PS3 is a relatively low software tie ratio of approximately 1.5 games per console. This falls short of the Xbox 360 tie ratio which has maintained roughly 4 games sold per console. This low figure hasn't been helped by the large percentage of early buyers who bought a PS3 to sell on eBay.


"Based on our analysis of auction listings," notes Sebastian, "we estimate that approximately 20,000 PS3s have sold on eBay since pre-orders for the console began last month, with an average auction price of approximately $1,500 (a 150% premium over the retail price)."


Whatever happens, expect some impressive spin to come from each camp when they release sales figures for their respective launches.


Nintendo Wii Useable As Bluetooth Device In Windows !


200k Wii units for US retail per week - analyst


Firm also predicts console shortages will boost 360 sales


Nintendo is expected to deliver between 150,000 and 200,000 Wii units to North America every week until the end of 2006, according to the latest report by Lazard Capital Markets.


All the major new hardware manufacturers should benefit from impressive sales where units area available according to Lazard's Colin Sebastian, who noted: "Our retail checks and comments from specialist retailer GameStop indicate that there is strong demand for PS3 and Wii ahead of meaningful replenishments, while the Xbox 360 appears to be benefiting from new console shortages and the release of new title Gears of War."


Sebastian also expects the sale of PlayStation 3 software to improve by the year end, stating: "We note that the initial PS3 tie-in ratio is a little light of expectations, however, we expect follow-up game sales and holiday gifts to provide a boost by the end of the year."


For some industry watchers it might be stating the obvious, but ahead of the Thanks Giving weekend in the US, the firm also predicts strong sales for software including, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Resistance: Fall of Man, Guitar Hero 2, Call of Duty 3, WWE Smackdown, Need for Speed Carbon and Final Fantasy XII.


More interesting is the estimation that between 10 and 15 per cent of all PS3 purchases may have been bought with the intention of being resold by profit-minded consumers.


"We estimate that approximately 20,000 PS3s have sold on eBay since pre-orders for the console began last month, with an average auction price of approximately US $1500," said Sebastian.



Nintendo clears up confusion on Wii's Opera Web Browser


Posted By: gunntims0103


news via n-philes


Most importantly, still free until mid June 2007.


In the January issue of Nintendo Power, Nintendo confirms that the Opera Web Browser will be available for download free until mid June 2007. This was said when the browser was first announced, but later denied. Hopefully this time the news is final.

A release date is not yet known, but it is known the browser will be distributed through the Wii Shop channel.



Uncovering the Wii and Wii Channels secrets


05:31 November 23rd, 2006

Posted By: gunntims0103


news via vooks


Nintendo are famous for having lots of hidden features in games and in OS and consoles. The Nintendo DS makes a different noise on your birthday, if you hold down Z when you boot your GameCube is makes a child like squeak.


Now with the great interface that is Wii Channels a post from the IGN boards has compiled all the quirks and Easter eggs from the Wii Channels as well as a few from Wii Sports. Of course if youʼre the adventurous type and want to find out most of these yourself then maybe give it a miss.


• In the Photo Channel, you can catch the evil cat that runs across the screen to get tips! It appears in the Fun option, and you can grab the cat with the A and B button.


• You can have a 194 piece puzzle by holding down the 1 button before selecting any piece amount.


• If you donʼt have an SD card and still want to check out Photo Channel, you can e-mail a Jpg to your Wii Message Board. There is a size limit for any mail you send to it - possibly 1mb.


• In Bowling, you can throw your ball into other peopleʼs lanes.


• If you put mp3s in your SD card along with your photos, you can change the background music during a slide show to one of your mp3s.


• When the message board records your play time, if you donʼt exit to the Wii Menu before you power off the machine, it records the play time as “other”. If you properly exit to the menu and then shut off it will record it as the correct game.


• You can rearrange almost anything on the Wii…like the channels and messages by just holding the A and B


• The plasma burn in reduction kicks in the second the Wiimote shuts down.


• When you get an e-mail, not only does the disc drive light up and pulsate blue, but your Wiimote sends out a little chirp


• when youʼre in the Mii channel and you donʼt use the Wiimote for a little bit and your Miiʼs start walking around, if you then suddenly use the Wiimote, all the Mii stop and follow the ʽhandʼ for about 3 seconds….


• When typing messages, and you need to go back and edit the message(while still typing) instead of deleting letters, just point to where you want to edit to move the type cursor.


• In Wii Sports Bowling, when you press up on the Directional Pad, it will zoom in on the lane. The zoom in sound is the exact same sound from Super Mario 64 any time you moved the camera.


• Co Op Jigsaw puzzles in Wii photos


• You can place the sensor bar upside down and it doesnʼt reverse the directions of your movements…

• In Wii sports bowling, you can release on the back swing and throw the ball backwards. It scares all the Miiʼs behind you.


• Classic controller has analogue shoulder buttons. With the GC “click” at the bottom

Θα συμφωνήσω με τον Daredevil.


Αν η M$ δεν έκανε το εν λόγω firmware update, που δίνει 1080p capabilities στο XBOX360, δεν νομίζω να είχαμε τη συγκεκριμένη δήλωση από τον Nintendo PR.


Από κεί και πέρα όμως, στο XBOX360, υπήρχε το απαραίτητο hardware για την αναβάθμιση αυτή.


Στο Wii υπάρχει κάτι τέτοιο?


Ή αντίθετα, θα βγάλουν σε κάνα χρόνο βελτιωμένη έκδοση του Wii και όλοι εμείς οι early adopters θα πάρουμε τα @@ μας σε πακετάκι.


Μή ξεχνάτε ότι η Nintendo το συνηθίζει αυτό στις φορητές της.




DS----->DS Lite


Οπότε? Να περιμένουμε ένα Wii-HD???


Θα είναι πολύ άσχημο αν γίνει κάτι τέτοιο.


Ας ελπίσουμε ότι το Wii έχει ήδη το hardware για κάτι τέτοιο ή δεν είναι ικανό και η Ν δεν θα βγάλει στο άμεσο μέλλον καλύτερο Wii.


Η Νintendo έχει ήδη συμφωνήσε με την ΙΒΜ για τη χρήση Cell επεξεργαστή.


Τωρα για το Wii-HD υπάρχουν οι εξής περιπτώσεις: ή είναι αυθαίρετο συμπέρασμα απο κάποιους ή μας κρυβει η Νin extra hardware capabilities του Wii ή θα πάρουμε τα @@ όπως ανέφερες στο μήνυμα σου :)


Και ξαναλεω : αν βγαλει wii hd σε αυτην τη γενια και δε μας βολεψει καπως εμας θα παρει τα @@ μου η Ninty!


ΥΓ Ρε σεις γιατι δε βλεπω/μπαινω στο youtube???

Και ξαναλεω : αν βγαλει wii hd σε αυτην τη γενια και δε μας βολεψει καπως εμας θα παρει τα @@ μου η Ninty!


ΥΓ Ρε σεις γιατι δε βλεπω/μπαινω στο youtube???


Κανε 2-3 φορες κλικ με το ποντικι. Εκτος και αν φταιει ο Browser σου


Με τα gba και ds μια χαρά της έκατσε και ας χάλασε κάποιους! Εγώ px έχω και gba και sp και micro! Με το ds την ψιλιάστικα τη δουλειά και έχω μόνο το lite. Από την άλλη μιλάμε για home console οπότε το βλέπω λίγο απίθανο... στη τελική και να το κάνει δε βλέπω κάτι κακό. Δεν έχω hd tv δε θα πάρω το hd wii :)


Καλύτερα να βγάλει DVD κονσόλα τώρα (όπως και κάνει) και HD-DVD αργότερα όταν θα είναι αρκετά φθηνότερη και παγιωμένη τεχνολογία, παρά HD-DVD από τώρα σε εξωφρενικές τιμές και με όλες τις παιδικές αρρώστιες.



?250 Wii (2006) + ?300 ευρώ Wii-HD (2007) = ?550

είναι καλύτερα από

700 ευρώ Wii-HD (2006 και με πιθανά bugs, κλπ)

Φυσικά οι τιμές είναι υποθετικές (αν το PS3 κάνει ?600 τότε ένα Wii-HD με παρόμοια χαρακτηριστικά + τα innovations με τους controllers, κλπ, θα πήγαινε ?700). Για να μην βάλω στην υπόθεση και τη ζημία που (λέει ότι) έχει η Sony για να κρατήσει "χαμηλά" την τιμή του PS3.


Nintendo Wii, the Surprise-Winner of the Console War?


Do you know what the first condition of a perfect console launch is? Releasing enough units so that everyone can get one! Well, if not everyone, at least as many as possible.


Of the three competitors on the console market, Nintendo seems to be the only one to have understood this necessity. Sony would have certainly liked to have millions of consoles available for sale, but problems determined by the incorporation of the BluRay unit didnʼt allow the Japanese company such a luxurious release of its product.


Microsoft released Xbox 360 a year ago, however, as it didnʼt respect this condition, the unit was sold out shortly after its launch. Lucky for the Redmond company that they had a whole year at their disposal in order to solve this problem – now they can be proud of having sold 7 million consoles. Microsoft hopes to celebrate having delivered 10 million units to consumers by March 2007.


Nintendo Wii, deemed a bona fide outsider at the beginning of the console war, has already sold 700,000 models if we are to believe what the site monitoring console sales is saying.


In less than a week, Nintendo will launch another 400,000 consoles in Japan and another number of consoles in Europe, undisclosed for now, in an attempt to reach its goal of selling 4 million units by the end of the year.


Sony is in the paradoxical situation of being defeated by a console greatly inferior to PS 3 technically. PlayStation 3 is undoubtedly a must have for any self-respecting gamer, but Nintendo Wii does hold one advantage: it will be available for purchase in stores. Sony has sold out its few hundred thousand PS3s at launch and it is unclear when the next units will hit the market.


As the holiday season is only days away, itʼs hard to imagine that Sony will miraculously come forward with another couple of hundred thousand consoles, conjured out of thin air.


Surprising as it may be, the war of the consoles is not being fought over technical specs, as weʼd expect it to be, but over availability. Whoever produces more units faster will win, and from this perspective, Nintendo is carefree.


Compared to Wii, Xbox 360 is no happier case. The console has already turned 1 year old and Microsoft will have to initiate a publicity campaign or price reductions in order to stimulate sales growth.


In case youʼve missed the most recent episodes of “Attack of the Next-Generation Consoles: Sony and Nintendo Counter-Attack”, donʼt be mistaken into thinking Nintendo Wii will sell just because thereʼs so much more of it than of its rivals on the market.


While Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 were competing in categories such as “who can stuff more memory and processors per square centimeter”, Nintendo bet on the human factor and instead of concentrating on graphics and processor power, it reinvented the magic wand, creating a wireless controller which allows gamers to make any kind of movements they desire while playing.


Is Nintendo the winner of the console war? Itʼs still too soon to draw a conclusion, one way or another, especially since Sony will fight mightily to regain its footing. Wii certainly is this seasonʼs revelation.



Create your own Wii games online


Do you fancy making your own mini-games for people to play on their Wii? Wiicade.com is a Flash-based mini-games website that is designed specifically for use on the Wii's Opera Browser.


Cleverly, all the games on the site are played using the mouse pointer which, when browsing on a Wii console, will be operated with the pointer functionality of the Wii Remote. So you'll be able to play the games with the Remote.


The best part is that it has an option that allows users to create and upload their own games for other Wii users to play - essentially starting a homebrew scene of sorts on Wii.


There is already a decent selection of cool games, from shooter to puzzle games, all made to fit the ration of a TV and many of them even imitating the visual style of the Wii's interface menus.


Now we're just waiting for someone to make a Flash version of Duck Hunt. It's bound to happen.



Zelda wins Wii players but critics query future demand


LOS ANGELES, Nov 23 (Reuters Life!) - The rush to get hold of Nintendo's new Wii video game console is being fueled by demand for another attraction -- the new game in Nintendo's legend of Zelda series -- but game critics were uncertain this level of interest would continue.


Nintendo turned to one of its most popular franchises to make sure its Wii console got off on a good start in the three-way race for sales this holiday, against Microsoft's Xbox360 and Sony Corp.'s Playstation 3.


For almost 20 years the Legend of Zelda has been one of the top properties in the video game industry, selling more than 47 million copies, so Nintendo ensured "The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" came in tandem with the launch of Wii.


The new game makes use of the new controls of Wii such as its motion-sensitive controller, with players swinging the remote to make sword attacks, pointing it to fire arrows, and even simulating reeling motions in fishing challenges.


"Nintendo has an opportunity to reclaim the market share lead (with the Wii)," said Jamil Moledina, executive director of the Game Developers Conference.


Nintendo has some ground to make up. Its GameCube held just 14 percent of the global video game market compared to Sony's Playstation 2 winning a 70 percent share and Microsoft Xbox's 16 percent, according to DFC Intelligence.


The new Zelda game has received rave reviews since its release with some critics calling it one of the best Zelda titles yet. According to Gamerankings.com, the title has an average rating of 97 percent among critics.


"It took Nintendo almost a decade to do it, but the publisher has finally created a new Zelda game that is so epic that it deserves to be crowned the best in its class," raved game critic Matt Casamassina on IGN.comHowever the long-anticipated release of the Zelda title was expected to create a buzz but Nintendo has said that only about two of the 30 new Wii games by year-end are Nintendo titles.


Critics said they would look more at the pick-up of other games to realistically gauge future third party support to Nintendo which has been lacking in the past.


A new release "Red Steel" is an original created by developer UbiSoft for the Wii that puts gamers in a modern conflict with Japanese gangsters, firing with a variety of guns and swing the remote during in-game swordfights.


"Red Steel," however, has received mixed reviews from game critics, who have criticized its sluggish controls. It received a 5 out of 10 on 1Up.com, which called the game a "ho-hum shooter with a creative but flawed gimmick stapled on."


"Having the support of third party publishers is a bigger issue than having a hit game (like Zelda) at launch, because Nintendo already had an amazing reputation for first party titles," said Moledina.




Hacking the Wii - Whats Our Options ?



Posted By: wraggster


Ok we all know by now that Gamecube Homebrew Works on the Wii via the Action Replay and SD Card Method, but the Gamecube Homebrew scene apart from 5 or 6 emulators and a few games and the GCos was never a massive success, does this mean an upturn for the Gamecube scene, maybe Datel will bring an action replay for Wii that opens it up for Homebrew and Hacking.


Thoughts anyone ?


Ρε παιδια τι HD και πρασινα horses λετε?

Με αυτο το hardware τι HD περιμενετε?

Καλα για HD games ουτε καν το συζητω αλλα ακομα και για ταινιες,προσφατα δημοσιευτηκε συνεντευξη των devs της MS που λεγαν οτι ο player τσιταρει τα 3cpu του!!

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