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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

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A portion of a GamerzEdge review…


While not all of the five included games are worth playing, the two—Tennis and Bowling—that shine really shine. We wasted hours the other night just handing off one Wii-mote and playing a round of four-player bowling (ten frames). Itʼs a truly social experience if youʼve got the friends handy with whom to play. However, even if you donʼt, the training exercises are a lot of fun, and the uniqueness of the experience as a whole make this game worth playing. After all, once you get your Wii, youʼll have it anyway—so you might as well spend time with it!

  • Απαντ. 5k
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Review: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)


Το πρώτο review για το Zelda που εντόπισα.






Good: Brilliant dungeons, great new weapons, beautiful art style, best story in the series, variety of enemies, soundtrack, sound effects, epic boss fights


Bad: Visually, you can tell it was made for the Gamecube


Definitely: One of the greatest gaming experiences of all time


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is without a doubt one of the greatest achievements in the history of the industry, and it would be a crime to go without this experience.


Graphics: 9.5


Sound: 10


First Play: 10


Replay Value: 9.5


Gameplay: 10


Overall: 9.9

6 ή 7 Δεκεμβρίου θα το έχω με το Zelda :D

Επίσης θα πάω και στο Hilton στις 17.

Άκουσα και διαφημίσεις στο ράδιο για το event!


Material Defender 1032


Ωπα,για πες πως θα το εχεις νωριτερα απο το επισημο euro launch???


Και σε ποιο σταθμο εχετε πετυχει ολοι διαφημιση του Wii?

Δεν την εχω πετυχει πουθενα!

Ωπα,για πες πως θα το εχεις νωριτερα απο το επισημο euro launch???


Pre-order @ nintendo.gr ;p


Και σε ποιο σταθμο εχετε πετυχει ολοι διαφημιση του Wii?

Δεν την εχω πετυχει πουθενα!


Εγώ το άκουσα στον Red.


Material Defender 1032


GAMESPY's Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Review


Kαί αυτό όσο και το προηγούμενο review είναι spoiler-free και μπορείτε να τα διαβάσετε άφοβα.


"In the end, there's no way that The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess disappoints. It's an excellent addition (and homage to Ocarina) to the franchise, and you'll have an enormous amount of fun playing it from start to finish. Get over the fact that the Wii's hardware is simply not as powerful as the other next-gen machines and get into the fact that Twilight Princess is one of the best games you'll play this year. If you've been on the fence in any capacity, then please rest assured that you'll not be disappointed. I'm looking forward to checking out the GameCube version later next month, but I'm having a hard time imagining it being any better than the Wii interpretation. Nintendo's flagship game has finally arrived and you better damned well appreciate it. It's ultimately fantastic."


SCORE: 5/5 (100%)


Πιθανότατα το Zelda να βγεί το παιχνίδι της χρονιάς και ένα από τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια όλων των εποχών.

Και σε ποιο σταθμο εχετε πετυχει ολοι διαφημιση του Wii?

Δεν την εχω πετυχει πουθενα!


Και γω την άκουσα σήμερα στο Ρυθμό 94.9.

Πιθανότατα το Zelda να βγεί το παιχνίδι της χρονιάς και ένα από τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια όλων των εποχών.


Αυτό ακριβώς είχα προτείνει στο forum, σε όσους δεν τους αρέσει το Wii. Πάρτε το για το Zelda...


Nομίζω οτι την πλοκή, την ευρηματικότητα, το γενικότερο gameplay δεν τα συναντάμε σε άλλα παιχνιδια οτι γραφικα, physics,hd να προσφέρουν.

Για αυτό άλλωστε και μετα το Ocarina of Time, oτι παιχνίδι έπαιζα σε PC(*) ή σε κανα PS2 φίλου, είτε το βαριόμουν μετα απο λιγο καιρο, είτε μου φαινόταν εντελώς πεζό και στατικό.



(*) εξαιρείται το Pro Enolution, το οποιο ανήκει στα sports και είναι άλλου είδους πόρωση :)


Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Ακομα ενα review απο το The Hylia (Zelda fan site) που ειναι spoiler-free.




Game play - 9: The Wii remote surprisingly simplifies the control scheme to something rather enjoyable for all fans. Basic controls are intuitive and never detract from the experience. Aiming mechanics may frustrate some in certain situations, and the lack of camera controls leads to a few issues. Controlling Wolf Link and Link on horseback is fun and refreshing. Game follows traditional Zelda model, but strays into some new territories and throws some wrenches into the common setup, with pleasant results. Wide array of weapons and unique game play mechanics to keep the game refreshing and entertaining.


Graphics - 9: The best looking game on Wii, though it doesn't quite come in the same league as PS3's launch titles and XBOX 360's "Gears of War" or "Oblivion". Still, the game is massive in scale and the world is just so vibrant and rich. Dungeons have very unique designs, and each area is simply breathtaking. Some animation issues, though a solid frame rate throughout the game. Overall, very impressive, and if you have component cables, enjoy the sharper visuals. Composite setup has some slight blurriness, but nothing horrible.


Sound - 10: Forget the live, orchestrated argument. Sound effects really hit home and are well suited. Voice work is great and will leave many lingering for full-blown vocal work in later installments. Soundtrack is just breathtaking, with a great mix of revamped classics and truly memorable new additions. Best score in the series, period.


Story - 10: Oh man, this story kicks ass. Nintendo, thank you for growing up and giving us a story that is worthy of the game play that Zelda has boasted for over two decades. If Ocarina of Time was a revolution in Zelda game play, Twilight Princess is a revolution in Zelda storylines. Before this game is done, fan boys will be pissing their pants and message boards will be aflame with rabid fans going nuts over the plethora of twists and turns the game throws at you. Prepare to have your world of Zelda rocked.


Replay/Challenge/Fun - 10: You can't play this game just once. Alright, maybe you can, but to fully enjoy this title, you're going to need to see and do everything, probably more than one time. There are plenty of side quests and minigames to keep you addicted for a long time, including the famed fishing. The difficulty is not at an insane level, but it is more difficult than previous outings, and it progresses nicely and fairly. Bottom line, you're going to have fun, and you're gong to be wowed. Get ready to say goodbye to life for awhile.


Final Score: 9.6 out of 10


Να κάνω μιά ερώτηση.


Η δικιά μου η TV ( SD-TV) έχει SCART, τα κόκκινα-κίτρινα-άσπρα βύσματα και τέλος S-Video.


Ποιό είναι το καλύτερο για το Wii???


Ή επειδή δεν υποστηρίζει 480p δεν θα έχει καμία διαφορά όποιο και να βάλω.

to kalitero neo gia to zelda einai oti epitelous exei story.poli kalo neo auto


"epitelous exei story" : Εχεις παιξει το Ocarina of Time? Δεν νομίζω.


Pre-order @ nintendo.gr ;p


Material Defender 1032


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