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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

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Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες

Όσοι έχετε modchip με αυτό το channel μπορεί να σας κατασκοπεύει η Nintendo.

Άρα να μην το βάλω έτσι? Ευχαριστώ για την πληροφορία! :-) Και 1 ακόμη ερώτηση... Σήμερα έψαχνα το site της nintendo και είδα αυτό http://www.nintendo.gr/el%2Dgr/News.aspx?ElementID=20153ef5-5266-475b-a663-3764ed9212c6 Ξέρω ότι είναι παλιό αλλά.... αν τους πάρω τώρα τηλέφωνο θα μου στείλουν? Επίσης θα μου ζητήσουν να δουν την κονσόλα (επειδή είναι μονταρισμένη) ή μονο το s/n από το τηλέφωνο? Ευχαριστώ.


Εγώ πάντως το έβαλα είτε με κατασκοπεύει, είτε όχι. Δεν έχει δείξει σημάδια Microsoft ακόμη αλλά και στην χειρότερη, τι μπορεί να κάνει; Στο κάτω κάτω πιστεύω πως μπορώ να κάνω format και να είναι όπως παλιά. Το καλό με το Nintendo Channel είναι πως τους στέλνεις τις προτιμήσεις σου για τα παιχνίδια που έχεις παίξει (feedback). Δηλαδή αν κάποιος θέλει να υποστηρίξει ας πούμε τα harcore παιχνίδια, βάζει πολύ καλή βαθμολογία στα Hardcore παιχνίδια και μετά την στέλνειςστην Nintendo. Έτσι δέχεται έναν συγκεντρωτικό αριθμό πληροφοριών και αν υποθέσουμε πως όλοι έχουν στείλει υπέρ των hardcore παιχνίδιων, φιλοδοξούμε πως θα σταματήσει να βγάζει χαζό casual παιχνίδια.

Άρα να μην το βάλω έτσι? Ευχαριστώ για την πληροφορία! :-) Και 1 ακόμη ερώτηση... Σήμερα έψαχνα το site της nintendo και είδα αυτό http://www.nintendo.gr/el%2Dgr/News.aspx?ElementID=20153ef5-5266-475b-a663-3764ed9212c6 Ξέρω ότι είναι παλιό αλλά.... αν τους πάρω τώρα τηλέφωνο θα μου στείλουν? Επίσης θα μου ζητήσουν να δουν την κονσόλα (επειδή είναι μονταρισμένη) ή μονο το s/n από το τηλέφωνο? Ευχαριστώ.


Νομίζω πως αν θα τους πάρεις θα σου τα στείλουν δωρεάν ταχυδρομικώς στο σπίτι σου. Πριν κάμποσο καιρό έτσι έκαναν. Σε έναν φίλο μου. Και όχι δεν χρειάζεται να ελέγξουν την κονσόλα σου.

Εγώ πάντως το έβαλα είτε με κατασκοπεύει, είτε όχι. Δεν έχει δείξει σημάδια Microsoft ακόμη αλλά και στην χειρότερη, τι μπορεί να κάνει; Στο κάτω κάτω πιστεύω πως μπορώ να κάνω format και να είναι όπως παλιά. Το καλό με το Nintendo Channel είναι πως τους στέλνεις τις προτιμήσεις σου για τα παιχνίδια που έχεις παίξει (feedback). Δηλαδή αν κάποιος θέλει να υποστηρίξει ας πούμε τα harcore παιχνίδια, βάζει πολύ καλή βαθμολογία στα Hardcore παιχνίδια και μετά την στέλνειςστην Nintendo. Έτσι δέχεται έναν συγκεντρωτικό αριθμό πληροφοριών και αν υποθέσουμε πως όλοι έχουν στείλει υπέρ των hardcore παιχνίδιων, φιλοδοξούμε πως θα σταματήσει να βγάζει χαζό casual παιχνίδια.


Τι μπορεί να σου κάνει;Το ρωτάς;Εφόσον έχει αποδείξεις ότι παίζεις πειρατικά μπορεί σε συνεργασία με τη Nortec να κινηθεί νομικά εναντίον σου,φυσικά αυτό παίζει μόνο αν έχεις δώσει αριθμό χρεωστικής ή πιστωτικής κάρτας.Όσα format και να κάνεις τα πειρατικά είναι εύκολα εντοπίσημα και ειδικά τα VC games με τα αρχεία .tik


Formula 1 2009 Confirmed For Wii


A portion of a Formula1 interview with Codemasters CEO Rod Cousens:


Then thereʼs the issue of which format when - clearly weʼll be targeting formats where thereʼs been no Formula One experience for a number of years, and the Nintendo Wii, the fastest-selling hardware console in the world today, where the plan is to use the controller like a steering wheel. Weʼll go through a parallel development process on that, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3. The artwork involved will be intense and a lot of that will be done overseas to make sure weʼre up to speed.




New Sadness Screenshot


Επισης ακουγεται οτι το επισημο site της Nibris, developer του Sadness, θα λειτουργησει αυτες τις μερες.






Nintendo: 100 WiiWare Games in Queue

NOA's senior director of project development gives us the scoop on Wii's successful game download service.


Nintendo of America debuted the WiiWare addition to its Shop Channel on May 19 and the service, which enables Wii owners to connect online and download original Wii games, has proven to be a success story ever since. Titles like LostWinds and Dr. Mario have provided players extra incentive to boot up their Wii consoles again and again, but Nintendo hasn't pulled back the curtain on its continuing plans for WiiWare just yet, and so a number of questions remain. How many games will launch each week? How many are in the queue? And are demos of WiiWare titles a possibility going forward? NOA's senior director of project development, Tom Prata, gives us some answers below...




Fatal Frame IV - New Scans


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Mario Super Sluggers - New Scans


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We Love Golf - New Screens







Little League World Series - New Screens





GameSpy's Death Jr Review. Score: 9/10



Perfectly executed control scheme; beautiful high-res textures; surprisingly funny story.



Childish themes and puerile humor could be a turn-off; considerably more difficult than it looks.


Our last couple of previews for Death Jr.: Root of Evil have been decidedly positive, so it was delightful to see the finished product incorporate all of our favorite things from the preview version, particularly the tight Wii controls. Backbone Entertainment has done a fantastic job of creating responsive Wii Remote and Nunchuck controls that don't rely too heavily on motion-sensing, but also provide accurate shooting mechanics. Throw in the kooky plot and characters, and you've got a classic formula for a nice mix of platforming and shooting action... and even split-screen co-op to get other members of your family on the Wii.










Quirky in the story department, beautiful in the graphics department and eminantly controllable in the controls department, Death Jr.: Root of Evil is a bit of a surprise. Though it could be viewed at first glance as a warmed-over port of a middling PSP title, DJ finds new life on the Wii through its tight control scheme and clever writing. After a few choice first-party successes amongst a fleet of lackluster third party sword-wielding games, Death Jr.: Root of Evil is a rare gem that hits all the angles pretty much flawlessly.


Capcom To Announce New Wii Project?


Capcom may be ready to announce a Wii project similar to Lost Planet and Bionic Commando very soon...


Were you disappointed when you discovered that Bionic Commando wouldn't be coming to Wii (or even the Virtual Console)? We have some news that might be of consolation to you.


Staff writer Maikel de Bakker recently got the chance to pose a question to Christian Svensson, who is the Corporate Officer/Vice-President of Strategic Planning & Business Development at Capcom (by the way, we tried to say his job title and ended up out of breath and rolling about on the carpet - Wii Fit clearly hasn't worked its wonders).


The question was "Are we going to see Bionic Commando, Lost Planet or something like this on the Wii?" Mr. Svensson replied, "Possible... the "or something like this" part we could talk about in a couple weeks perhaps."


A couple of weeks conveniently falls right before the E3 2008 conference. What exactly are Capcom planning? A spin-off of either Lost Planet or Bionic Commando, or a completely new IP?




Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Screens


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Next Mario Kart Wii Tournament Is Live





New Wii Title









IGN Nintendo Voice Chat Podcast Summary


Reader Questions

- Bozon will still use Wii Fit after his 30 day program, but in a different way

- Deadly Creatures preview coming shortly: Tarantula missions in the near future

- New James Bond game: Matt thinks, but canʼt confirm a Wii version

- New Capcom game that will be revealed tomorrow involves puzzling & questing at the same time

- Good WiiWare projects coming that not a lot of people know about

- There are much better shooters on Wii Shop Channel + retail than Protothea (wait for Gyrostar)

- Matt thinks Wii hard drive has to happen, but devs contradict his opinion; Bozon thinks itʼll happen

- Bozon worked on chucking weapons, challenge mode for Contra 4

- More first party games, such as Wario Land, will be announced/discussed in the future - 5-10 titles by the end of the year: Matt

- Good Ubisoft support doesnʼt look too good - Only a few decent titles coming from them - Ex: Rayman Raving Rabbids, rumored Prince of Persia, etc. - putting a lot of emphasis on 360 + PS3

- General salary of gaming journalists - $40,000 - $100,000 a year - depends on position + company

- Nintendo upping Wii supply on a monthly basis

- Nintendo announced, unofficially, new DS games - The DS commercials with celebrities are just a way to draw in more gamers

- Matt: Nintendo will wait until - at least - next year to announce a new portable - should be able to download new games directly to a new DS

- Matt tried to follow up the interview with more questions in Tom Prata interview (such as hard drive questions), but Nintendo said they wouldnʼt be able to respond in time

- Next step for Nintendo console - know where your whole body is - get entire self into the game

- Sales figures for Okami arenʼt so hot (canʼt say exact numbers) - not over 100,000 sold

- Skip Lost in Blue for the Wii: Bozon

- Not sure when official Elebits 2 announcement coming

- The Conduit: Hands on impressions in the near future (not sure when this will happen yet)

- Video game play time varies for Matt at his home

- Retro Studios has multiple projects in development - will seem some stuff from Retro this year

- Brothers in Arms is still coming to Wii

- Red Steel 2 wonʼt be released this year, maybe shown at E3

- Matt & Bozon see Nintendogs 2 as a possibility

- LucasArts - no announcements of porting classic games to the Wii yet

- New visuals for Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party - looks a bit like Shaun White

- First trailer of Sonic Chronicles should be coming tomorrow

- Fatal Frame 4 will be showed off at E3 most likely

- Fatal Frame is also coming out in July in Japan

- Fatal Frame is a very big game that people should be excited about



- Dull, bland

- Random that it was even remade


Toki Tori

- Awarded with an 8.0

- Good game, even at $10

- Fun - only downside is its price

- Straight up puzzle platforming


Clone Wars

- Unofficially announced

- Just for DS, Wii apparently

- Based on upcoming movie, TV series

- Bozon is sure there wonʼt be 1:1 controls


Tecmo Bowl

- Coming to Wii and DS

- Bozon thinks Wii version should be 2D

- A lot of customization on DS version

- Can control Tecmo Bowl with stylus or Dpad - Online Wi-Fi (DS)


Wario Land Shake

- New Wario game for Wii

- Hold Wiimote on side, shake Wiimote to pick up/throw enemies

- Traditional, came out of nowhere - coming out in July (Japan)

- Weʼll probably get a WarioWare game with balance board support in the future


Shaun White

- Wii has unique visual style - cartoonish

- Not a port of the other versions

- Focuses on Wii Balance Board

- Visuals look nice, turn balance board sideways

- Remote used for tricks


Summon Night: Twin Age

- 3D is sort of like Phantom Hourglass

- Real time strategy game

- Classic dungeon crawling

- Pretty good game




Are these Capcomʼs Wii announcements?




Ενδιαφερον παρουσιαζει και το Street Fighter IV (To Be Determined)... :rolleyes:

Μηπως θα υπαρξει καποια εκδοση του Street Fighter IV για το Wii... :confused:






The Wii version meanwhile is set to feature multiple control methods, one said to play just like PES on Wii, another where passing is automatic and 'Footii' mode, an 8-aside, arcade-y Mii match.


First Look: Spyborgs

Bionic Games reveals its Capcom collaboration.


At the end of April IGN reported that new developer Bionic Games is working on a third-person action game for the Wii based on new intellectual property (IP). The developer has teamed up with Capcom and the two companies recently revealed the project: Spyborgs. The designers are aiming for the feel of a Saturday morning cartoon, in both look and pacing.


The Spyborgs are a team of super heroes, each with their own unique abilities. The game is designed for local co-op play, so two heroes will be engaged in action at all times. Each scenario requires the specific talents of two 'borgs, so over the course of the game we'll get to play the whole team. If you don't have any friends, the AI will handle your team mate for you and you can switch between the two at will. The game is controlled with the Remote and Nunchuk...




Hands-on: Neopets Puzzle Adventure

The Nickelodeon property is getting the Puzzle Quest treatment.


At its recent Captivate event, Capcom unveiled a surprising new game from the makers of Puzzle Quest. Based on the Nickelodeon license of the same name, Neopets takes the Puzzle Quest formula and dresses it up with the popular children's property. Neopets are similar to Pokemon in that there are hundreds of little animals for kids to train and interact with. There are a slew of mini-games available at Neopets.com...




Castlevania Essentially Confirmed For Wii

Castlevania: Curse of Darkness


A new hint from a comic magazine may point to a confirmation of Castlevania on the Wii. Koji Igarashi, the creator of the series, has teased numerous times in interviews that a Wii Castlevania is in development. One of the “key selling points” from a Badger Comics webpage may be one of the final clues that some may need in order to believe that a new Castlevania is coming. On the Badger Comics website, the following can be seen: “Cross-promoted with the 2008 video game releases, which include games for the Nintendo Wii and DS (Fall 2008).” Basically, a particular comic will apparently coincide with a Wii and DS Castlevania. So, will we really be seeing Castlevania on the Wii? And if yes, will it be in 2D? These questions, in addition to many others, will of course be answered soon.






Capcom: Spyborgs to be Next Zack & Wiki


Capcom's Christian Svensson:


"Dark Void [PS3, 360 title] and Spyborgs are the two biggest titles our office is working on. To say that either of them isn't an incredibly high priority for the company, with major resources against them would be a pretty big misunderstanding of the reality.


The team working on Spyborgs is an all-star team of some of the best character action game developers in the world, backed by us. Have faith.


This is a game that is incredibly thoughtful in its design, incredibly varied in its mechanics and will be incredibly fun to play (both alone or with a buddy/son or daughter/father or mother) when its done.


The initial reaction here I swear is the EXACT reaction so many of you posters had when we first revealed Zack & Wiki. Somehow, Z&W is now a poster-child title for the Wii in your eyes. Mark my words... you will feel exactly the same way about the level of quality in Spyborgs when it is done."


Και μια συνεντευξη για το Spyborgs:





Tenchu 4 to Be Wii Exclusive?


Well, this came out of left field. News from the latest issue of Famitsu seems to indicate that Tenchu 4 will be coming to Wii on October 23rd... and only to Wii. And, even more interesting (at least for longtime Tenchu fans) is the news that apparently From Software, the developer of the last few games in the series, will not be developing Tenchu 4. Instead, original developers Acquire will be taking over the series once again.


Which would be great news for Tenchu fans, as From Software's entries in the series have been seen as fairly weak by many. Regardless, until there is a solid confirmation, this should be considered a rumor for now. But, now that both Monster Hunter and Fatal Frame have jumped to the Wii, nothing would surprise Siliconera.




New side-scrolling shooter revealed for DS, Wii, PS3

Innovative shooter, Matchman, the first project from new two-year deal


The game is the first project to come from the new collaboration, with "a number of new IP" planned throughout the two-year agreement for DS, Wii and PS3.


"Matchman' is a side scrolling shooter involving extraordinary graphics, manipulation and creative features. The graphic style is consisted by black and white line drawing, and the script is based on a combination of some classical fairytales such as Grimm's and Anderson's fairytales," says the official blurb.


On gameplay, it says: "One of the special features is the unconventional means to knock through some of scenario. In this case, you're not going to kill bosses directly. For instance, conventionally you kill monsters by using weapons; but to kill an evil bird named "Baba Yaga", you need to throw apples and feed it until its stomach bursts."


The game is due for a Q1 2009 release on DS, with Wii and PS3 versions to follow - probably as PSN and WiiWare games, we assume.






Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 Announced

D3 and TOMY deal up another course of anime brawling on Wii.


TOMY Corporation and D3Publisher of America, Inc. (D3PA), publishers of interactive entertainment software, today announced NARUTO: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2, a fighting game for Wii. As the first NARUTO Wii title designed specifically for the North American audience, Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 promises an impressive list of playable characters from the NARUTO universe, a polished and well-balanced fighting engine, and a deep, original storyline that expands upon episodes from VIZ Media's hit animated TV series NARUTO. NARUTO: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 will support widescreen (16:9) and progressive scan at 480p when it hits stores this fall.


"Because Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 is an original title for the U.S., we have had the opportunity to blend new features with the best elements from the previous games," said Laura Yoshioka, director of consumer software at TOMY Corporation. "In addition to the new storyline, we have worked closely with the development studio, Eighting, to implement fan feedback. We actively pursued advice from tournament players to update the fighting mechanics and create balanced characters to improve the gameplay experience."


NARUTO: Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 will provide players with quality fighting game mechanics and a fast-paced gameplay experience on Wii. Set after Sasuke leaves the Leaf Village to gain more power from Orochimaru, the title offers a slew of playable characters, including those developed especially for the storyline. Clash of Ninja Revolution 2 features destructible stages and four-player multiplayer battles, along with gameplay modes and characters not yet seen on the Clash of Ninja series.







Dokapon Kingdom Announced


Atlus U.S.A announced Dokapon Kingdom, an addictive multiplayer RPG where the King of Dokapon has offered you his throne; all he asks for in return is that you dispose of an invading horde of thieving monsters. Trouble is - youʼre not the only one he asked.


Key Features:

  • Innovative board game-RPG crossover – Tired of shallow gameplay in party games? The genre gets retooled in this exuberant mix of role playing and board games! Encounter zany characters, collect rare items, and explore a fascinating kingdom on your quest to vanquish monsters, gather treasure, and level up!
  • The friendship-destroying game – Turn the heat up on your rivalries! Take on up to three other soon-to-be-ex-friends in the race for Princess Penny and the crown. Battle, steal, deface – playing dirty is the name of the game – through a variety of locales and challenges. After your friendships are broken, the game is just as much fun to play alone.
  • Never the same game twice – Tons of battles, magic spells, mini-games, and multiple play modes add up to endless replayability!
  • Easy, intuitive, and effective combat system – This is no boring game of hack-and-slash. Players covertly choose their actions in an intuitive battle interface that guarantees every fight will surprise.

Dokapon Kingdom is currently scheduled for release on October 14th, 2008.




Fatal Frame IV

Screens, Official Site Opens


Fatal Frame IV - Official Site

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Rune Factory Announced for Wii

Marvelous brings the portable sim series to the big screen.


The Rune Factory series is coming back for a third round, only this time it's on a different platform. The latest issue of Famitsu has first details on Rune Factory Frontier, the first Wii entry in a series that has seen two DS titles so far.


In Rune Factory Frontier, you play as Laguna, who's starting life in a completely new land. Your goal is to build up your village in classic Harvest Moon style (Rune Factory is an offshoot of that series), attracting new residents, and eventually earning the affections of some possible marriage targets.


With the move to Wii, Marvelous appears to be embracing the vastly improved technology at their disposal. Frontier will feature a choice of either 16x9 or 4x3 output modes.


Rune Factory Frontier is set for Japanese release some time this year.




Bomberman Wii - Screenshots







Control MSX Virtual Console games with a USB Keyboard




Late last month Nintendo and D4 Enterprise finally got around to releasing the first MSX game on the Virtual Console. Aleste came and went with a scarce amount of international attention, but there is a neat unannounced feature packaged in the revised Virtual Console release. Aleste supports four control options: Wii remote, Classic Controller, Gamecube controller, and a USB keyboard. Thus far the Wii only supported USB keyboards for the internet browser. Aleste is the first game to utilize the peripheral as a gaming controller.


I wonder if LucasArts is aware of this feature. They have an archive or graphical adventure games that would work well with a Wii Remote / USB Keyboard combination. Imagine The Secret of Monkey Island revised for WiiWare or SCUMM games on the Virtual Console.

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