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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

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δε νομιζω οτι οι γιαγιαδες παιζουνε online και δινουνε και feedback.

απλα δεν θα κανουνε τιποτα και το λενε ετσι.

e mia gigia pou paizei wii 8a edine :P mhn kolas sthn giagia ;) krima an skeftei kaneis oti h n sto parel8on htan apo ths prwtes etaireies pou ebgalan online mode se konsola (estw kai apotyxhmeno)
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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Εάν αφήσουνε τα friend codes ως μοναδική επιλογή στο Online network του Monster Hunter 3, να ετοιμαστούν κυριολεκτικά για πολύ χαμηλές πωλήσεις και ίσως κιόλας να μην μείνει και ως αποκλειστικός τίτλος.

Καλά κάνει η EA και στο Medal of Honor Heroes 2 αφαίρεσε τα friend codes.

η nintendo μας δουλευει κανονικα!!


Μόνο αυτό είναι το απαράδεκτο; :rolleyes: Βάλε και την καθυστέρηση μηνών σε μερικούς τίτλους που βγαίνουν σε NTSC, και σε PAL έρχονται του αγίου ανήμερα. :mad:


Rumours: (EGM)


Skies of Arcadia sequel

Geist 2




Nintendo Power


Treasure interview: "When we were originally working on Sin and Punishment, there was some discussion utilising Wii-like controls, and I think now that weʼre working more with the Wii, [ Sin & Punishment 2 ] is something weʼd very much like to try."




O Akihiro Hino (CEO) της Level 5 δήλωσε ότι θέλει πραγματικά να ξεκινήσει ένα project στο Wii.


Manhunt 2 Review



Manhunt 2's escaped-mental-patient story is more dull than upsetting.[/Quote]


The game looks even worse than its predecessor.[/Quote]


It's possible that this might be an amazing, visceral simulation of smashing in someone's skull with a toilet seat, but I can't tell the difference from playing WarioWare in a butcher shop with my eyes shut. The PS2 version somewhat mitigates this, simply by virtue of the fact that there isn't anything Manhunt 2 accomplishes with the Wii controls that isn't easier and less distracting to pull off via just pushing a damn button. At the very least, you won't find yourself accidentally throwing a brick when you go to scratch your nose.[/Quote]





Άρα σύμφωνα με το 1UP, το Manhunt 2 είναι καλύτερο από το Jericho για το XBOX360 ;)


Pytzamarama, όταν βλέπεις reviews όπως αυτά του 1UP, κάνε μιά γύρα να δείς αν υπάρχουν και άλλα reviews εκεί έξω, να δείς τί παίζει γενικά, έτσι για να είσαι λίγο πιό σίγουρος....


Yπόψην, το πρώτο Manhunt, το βαθμολόγησαν με 5/10, όταν ο μέσος όρος του είναι 7.7 από 99 reviews.



IGN's Manhunt 2 Review. Score 7.7



Closing comments ( Jeff Haynes)


"I've played through and beaten both the original and Manhunt 2 multiple times on both difficulty levels, and while it's great to see Rockstar start to make this into a "franchise," it feels as though a number of things went missing in the sequel. The AI doesn't feel as good as the first game, the setting and environments don't feel as menacing, and the story is definitely weaker. That isn't to say that Manhunt 2 isn't a good game, because it is – Danny and Leo's adventure is enjoyable, especially if you've played the first title and have been waiting to eliminate enemies with plastic bags, crowbars or other household items. But as a whole, Manhunt 2 isn't the tour de force title that will grab your attention and keep you there like the first one did."


Clossing comments (Matt C)

"Manhunt 2 for Wii is, in my opinion, the version to buy, if only because it looks ever-so-slightly better and offers a deeper level of interactivity since the Wii remote is used to act out executions. I've referred to this game as Splatter Cell before and I still think that's a fair comparison. Even with its blurred and darkened executions, Manhunt 2 is still an incredibly violent game – easily the most brutal you will find on Nintendo's console. But strip away the blood and guts and an enjoyable stealth title remains. I also like the presentation of main character Danny Lamb's struggle to find himself as he explores a grotesque world filled with sexual deviants and hired killers. Where Manhunt 2 comes up short is in enemy AI, which never adapts to your repetitive attacks or reused hiding spaces; when group AI backs you into a corner and never relents; and when the finicky camera system interferes with the most ideal view of the world before you.


I can recommend this game to anybody who wants something darker and grittier than the Wii norm. But if you're expecting a sequel that obliterates the level of violence in the original, don't. The ESRB has forced Rockstar to make content changes which have in turn significantly reduced the impact of the franchise's trademark executions. In fact, oftentimes you won't even able to see who Danny is murdering or how he's doing it – instead, you'll behold a big, dark, motiony blur accompanied by gruesome sound effects. By comparison, many of the executions in the original Manhunt are much more satisfying."


Το 1UP ηταν το πρωτο.Οπως βγηκε στο NeoGaf το ποσταρα.

Προτεινεις να περιμενουμε κανα μηνα και να ποσταρουμε τα συνολικα και με average? :P


Όχι, αλλά δεν έχεις παρατηρήσει ότι τα reviews στο 1UP είναι τελείως mixed bag?


Είναι σαν να έχουν 2-3 καλούς δημοσιογράφους και τις υπόλοιπες θέσεις τις πιάσαν fanboys.

Άρα σύμφωνα με το 1UP, το Manhunt 2 είναι καλύτερο από το Jericho για το XBOX360 ;)


ισως και να ειναι, αλλα αυτο δεν λεει τιποτα (jericho = μαπα)


To Jericho δεν αξίζει 3 ρε petran. Αν είναι δυνατόν.


Και μόνο για την ατμόσφαιρά του, τουλάχιστον ένα 7 πρέπει να το πάρει. Τουλάχιστον.


Για να του βάλεις 3, θα πρέπει το παιχνίδι να είναι τελείως broken, που δεν είναι.


Εδιτ: να σε ρωτήσω, τελικά το Metroid 3 το είδες ή όχι ακόμα?

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