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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

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EA unveils Wii stabilisers


EA has added a new feature to its sports games to help beginners and advanced users play together on Wii.


It's called Family Play and it will be included in FIFA 08, Madden NFL 08, and NBA LIVE 08.



With it you'll be able to choose between two control options, Advanced or Family Play. The first is a simplified method that lets you dictate key actions such as passing, shooting and throwing using big, clear gestures - with the rest of the responsibility handed neatly over to the AI.


And for those of you confident enough to kick away the stabilisers there's the Advanced option, which lets you regain full control of your players.


"EA Sports Family Play on the Wii creates an incredibly accessible and user-friendly experience that the whole family will enjoy," said Dave McCarthy (not our one!), executive producer for the three games at EA Canada. "While many fans love to control every piece of the action, novice players can have just as much fun jumping in to throw a touchdown pass, nail a three pointer or take a shot on goal."


"Family Play brings together fans of all ages to enjoy playing EA Sports games, and even lets them ease in to Advanced play if they desire."

  • Απαντ. 5k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Hudson reels out Fishing Master


Hudson is developing a new game for Wii based around the action-packed sport of fishing.


The game will only be making a splash in the US for the time being, with any European announcements looking likely to be held off until the Leipzig Games Convention in August.



Fishing Master rather unsurprisingly lets you control your rod using the motion-sensing controls of the console - casting, baiting, hooking and, er, battling fish as you would in real life. It's described as an arcade take on the sport for armchair aficionados, which sounds really rather handy if you don't want to lick maggots or stand in a pond all day.


Initially it will be your grandfather who gives you challenges to overcome, but once you're ready you'll enter the underground world of fishing tournaments where there's bigger fish to fry. Sorry. Get bored of that and you can always try to beat three of your friends in the multiplayer mode.


"For years gamers have looked to Hudson for innovative and enjoyable videogaming experiences, and we're more than excited to say we're back with a great game like Fishing Master," said John Greiner, big fish at Hudson. "Fishing Master is sure to become an instant hit with the entire family."


Fishing Master will be on show at E3 this year, so expect more information on it next week.


Meanwhile you can head over to our Fishing Master gallery for the first shots of the game.


Pre-E3 2007: Madden NFL 08 Hands-On


Διαβάστε το hands-on για να μάθετε για ποιό λόγο το Madden 08 στο Wii θα είναι η καλύτερη έκδοση από όλες.


Closing comments


So until we see more, that's where we'll leave Madden 08. It's an amazing title yet again, and from what we've played it'll be well worth any Wii sporting fan's cash. You'll be getting stronger overall gameplay, better motion recognition, more party games, full Mii integration, online, family play, an exclusive Telestrator for rival-bashing goodness, and a deeper single player experience. There's more to Madden 08 than what we've seen thus far, but from what we've played already we're extremely confident that Madden 08 will surpass last year's effort. Forget the PS3/360 "Next Generation" efforts; Madden 08 for Wii is the closest thing to stepping out onto the field.




Πω πω τα γραφικα του προηγουμενου παιχνιδιου με το ψαρεμα,ειναι χειροτερα κι απο 1η γενιας παιχνιδια του Ν64...


Γιατί, είδες μέχρι στιγμής κάνα Hudson παιχνίδι της προκοπής στο Wii???


Πάρα ταύτα, μή βιάζεσαι να κρίνεις...


Ok. Madden στο Wii με online. Αυτό ήταν!! :lol: Επιτέλους!!!! :D :D :D :D


Άντε γιατί στο professional τώρα μοιράζω 60άρες. :lol: Περιμένω πως και πως να παίξω με κανένα Αμερικανάκι. :lol:


Το καλό είναι ότι στην Ευρώπη φημίζεται πως το Mario Kart θα έχει βγει το 2007 αλλά το κακό είναι πως το Smash Bros θα αργήσει μέχρι 2008????


Driver: Parallel Lines Review ( Ακόμα ένα ποιοτικό παιχνίδι από τη Ubisoft...)






Closing Comments


Driver: Parallel Lines for Wii isnʼt a bad game, itʼs just late to the party. In the last year and a half since the gameʼs initial release open-world games have come long way, and that shows not only on the hard-hitting HD consoles, but on Wii as well. Driver attempts to join the ranks of more successful Wii-makes such as Godfather and Scarface, but will find itself at the bottom of the open-world barrel on Nintendoʼs console, as the game lacks depth, fine-tuned control, and the right mix of motion/IR control. Driving one-handed can be extremely annoying, as can dealing with the touchy nunchuk steering that canʼt seem to be turned off, forcing you to constantly focus on keeping your hand straight. On foot, Driver is missing out on the speed and precision that Wiiʼs IR can offer, and falls short again to both Godfather and Scarfaceʼs direct cursor control. Wrap these issues up in an open-world game that tries to blend the best of the Driver series with a few of the higher points of GTA and youʼve got a core game that is better than its control would dictate, but feels behind the times when compared to more polished, refined designs on the system. If youʼre an open-world junkie, rent this one. All others should pass it up, as there are far more rewarding experiences out there on Wii.



Score: 5.9/10


Συγκρητικά από το IGN:


Godfather Wii : 8/10

Scarface Wii: 8.5/10


To παιχνίδι του Spielberg για το Wii θα είναι τύπου "family-friendly action-puzzle"


Αυτά μαθαίνουμε από το πρόσφατο MSNBC άρθρο


Σύ,φωνα λοιπόν με το άρθρο, ο Spielberg όταν δοκίμασε το Wii μαζί με το Miyamoto, του ήρθε η ιδέα για ένα παιχνίδι, το οποίο απ'ότι φαίνεται θα είναι action-puzzle, τύπου Zenga.


A true artist can find inspiration anywhere. But not many get to find it while playing Wii Tennis against Nintendoʼs legendary designer, Shigeru Miyamoto. For director Steven Spielberg, however, thatʼs just another day out of the office. “Afterwards, we were talking about the Wii and I said, ʽWouldnʼt it be fun if we could dot-dot-dot?ʼ ” Spielberg says of his meeting with Miyamoto at a 2006 videogame conference. That dot-dot-dot turned out to be an action-puzzle simulator—code-named PQRS—that neatly blends the creativity of the building-blocks game Jenga with the charm of a Saturday-morning cartoon. It runs on top of a physics program that lets you manipulate blocks with the Wii remote as if it were an extension of your hand. Or, as Spielberg explains for all the non-geeks out there, “It just seemed like a great thing for the entire family to play together over Christmas. Although you donʼt need the excuse of a holiday to enjoy it.”[/Quote]


Σίγουρα αυτό θα απογοητεύσει πολλούς (μαζί και μένα) που περιμέναν μιά πιό επική εμπειρία.


Τα puzzle games είναι ιδιάζουσα κατάσταση, μιάς και τείνουν είτε να είναι τρομερά εθιστικά είτε τρομερά βαρετά.


Έλεος πια με τις μ******ς!!! Μα καλά βαριούνται να φτιάξουν ένα αξιοπρεπέστατο παιχνίδι που να αφήσει ιστορία? Σε λίγο θα βλέπουμε στο wii παιχνίδια για όλη την οικογένεια όπως πχ κανένα Monopoly, κανένα Puzzle Bobble, κανένα Tetris.... Έλεος.


Εκείνο το πολύ ωραίο παιχνίδι το The Dig δεν ήταν του Spielberg?


Πως και τώρα βγάζει τέτοιες βλακείες?


Εγώ περίμενα κάτι πολύ καλύτερο.

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