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Ναί σίγουρα.


Όπως ανέφερα όμως, αυτή η πόλωση που παρουσιάζεται σε ορισμένα παιχνίδια προκαλεί σύγχηση.


Διότι στο τέλος σε αναγκάζει να το δοκιμάσεις προσωπικά το παιχνίδι πρίν το αγοράσεις, μιάς και δεν ξέρεις σε ποιά μερίδα των reviewers ανήκεις, στην μεν ή στη δε.


Αν και νομίζω ένας μέσος όρος από gamerankings, metacritics βοηθάει λίγο, αλλά και πάλι όταν έχεις 2 ή 4 μεγάλα sites τα οποία και εμπιστεύεσαι και οι μισοί λένε Α και οι άλλοι μισοί Β, όσο ναναι προβληματίζεσαι.

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IGN's Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer Review


Can motion controls save the floundering foursome? (Μάλλον όχι)


Closing Comments

I wish I could say "but," "however" or some other word sure to introduce a silver lining for fans, but if I did, I'd have nothing to follow it up with. Pumping your arms and hurling fireballs as Johnny is fun, the graphics are OK, the environments are empty, and the unlockables are pretty sparse -- there are three alternate costumes, two sets of comic covers and some concept art you can purchase with the FF4 Tokens you find hidden throughout levels.


The Wii controls add a thin veil to make you feel like you're not just mashing A the entire time, but you are. This game is literally you punching as your favorite member of the Fantastic Four for hours on end. You'll be rewarded experience points and moves -- although you don't choose how to spend those points -- but those power-ups just get a place in the punch-punch- special rotation.

Score 5/10


Manhunt 2 Rated AO?!


Is a Nintendo console delivering the first Adults Only console game ever?


We're all expecting the upcoming Manhunt 2 to be pretty gruesome. The original was one of the most violent games ever, but even that avoided the dreaded "Adults Only" rating from the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB). As violent as it was, it was deemed appropriate for "Mature" audiences. In fact, ever since the ESRB established the current rating system there has never been an AO-rated game on consoles…until now?


According to GamePolitics, Take-Two, which owns publisher Rockstar, has revealed Manhunt 2's rating, and it looks like it is the first console game to ever receive an AO label (not counting Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, also from Rockstar, which was retroactively rated AO for a short time when the Hot Coffee scandal erupted).


"The ESRB has issued an initial rating of AO (Adults Only) for Manhunt 2," Take-Two said. "We believe the process of rating videogames is to help people make informed entertainment choices and not to limit them. Manhunt 2 was created for mature audiences and we strongly believe it should receive an M (Mature) rating, aligning it with similar content created in other forms of media. We are exploring our options with regard to the rating of Manhunt 2."


There is an appeal process through which Take-Two can challenge the rating. An AO sticker on a game box is considered the kiss of death, as the biggest retailers, such as Wal-Mart, will refuse to carry such titles. Earlier today it was announced that Manhunt 2 will be banned in the UK due to its intensely violent content.


As of this writing, neither Take-Two nor Rockstar could be reached for comment.


Το Madden NFL 08 χωρίς friend codes


Σε συνέντευξη που έδωσε στο IGN,η EA αποκάλυψε ότι το Madden NFL 08 για το Wii δεν θα χρησιμοποιεί friend codes.


Το σύστημα θα δουλεύει με το EA Nation Persona system το οποίο δεν θα χρησιμοποιεί friend codes ούτε το Wii console code, αντ' αυτού το σύστημα θα ψάχνει για online παίχτες και θα μπορείτε να διαχειριστείτε τους φίλους σας με το EA Messenger account.


Ακόμη η έκδοση του παιχνιδιού για το Wii θα έχει νέα και αποκλειστικά χαρακτηριστικά όπως 22 mini-games, βελτιωμένα γραφικά σε σύγκριση με το προηγούμενο παιχνίδι, ακόμα καλύτερο χειρισμό, θα μπορείτε να ζωγραφίζετε στην οθόνη, θα κάνει χρήση των Mii's και πολλά άλλα....




credits to andys12

Ναί σίγουρα.


Όπως ανέφερα όμως, αυτή η πόλωση που παρουσιάζεται σε ορισμένα παιχνίδια προκαλεί σύγχηση.


Διότι στο τέλος σε αναγκάζει να το δοκιμάσεις προσωπικά το παιχνίδι πρίν το αγοράσεις, μιάς και δεν ξέρεις σε ποιά μερίδα των reviewers ανήκεις, στην μεν ή στη δε.


Αν και νομίζω ένας μέσος όρος από gamerankings, metacritics βοηθάει λίγο, αλλά και πάλι όταν έχεις 2 ή 4 μεγάλα sites τα οποία και εμπιστεύεσαι και οι μισοί λένε Α και οι άλλοι μισοί Β, όσο ναναι προβληματίζεσαι.


Δε σου έχει τύχει πολλές φορές με sites που "εμπιστεύεσαι" ή που γενικά θεωρούνται έγκυρα να μην συμφωνείς με τις βαθμολογίες? Μπορεί πχ ένα game που έχεις παίξει και σε έχει ενθουσιάσει να το έχει θάψει ή και το αντίθετο. Μπορεί να συμφωνείς τις περισσότερες φορές όμως μόνο αν το παίξεις μπορείς να ξέρεις. Εξάλλου και μέσα ατην σαβούρα μπορείς να βρεις παιχνίδια που για κάποιο λόγο εσένα σου κάνουν κλικ. Για μένα τα game ratings γενικότερα είναι "κουβέντα να γίνεται" και όχι για να αποφασίσεις αν θα πάρεις κάποιο game.


Συμφωνώ απόλυτα, αν και όπως και να το κάνουμε, τα reviews σε προϊδεάζουν για την εμπειρία που θα έχεις.


Αν όλοι για παράδειγμα το κράζουν το Α παιχνίδι, ε δε νομίζω να κάνω καν το κόπο να το δοκιμάσω, ακόμα και αν υπάρχει η πιθανότητα να μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ....


Wii dividing market, says report

According to the analysts group, the Nintendo Wii is splitting business models across the industry.


"Some publishers are investing much less saying they will leave the platform drivers to Nintendo and ride their coat tails by spending very little on mediocre quality titles which will give some return."


On the other hand, "the combination of lower development costs and fastest growing installed base confers significant economic advantages in publishing games for Wii relative to competitive consoles, and this has lead to some third-party publishers increasing investment levels in developing for the platform."


The report points out that a low return on Wii software may hamper investment by publishers in other formats, as it simply does not generate as much profit at a time when PS3 and Xbox 360 development costs are rising.


Rockstar upset by Manhunt ban


Rockstar Games has stated its disappointment at the BBFC's recent decision to refuse Manhunt 2 a rating in the UK, effectively banning the game from sale, GamesIndustry.biz reports.


The Grand Theft Auto and Canis Canem Edit publisher disagrees with the ratings board's decision and believes adult consumers should be allowed to make up their own minds about the content of any game.



"We are disappointed with the recent decision by the British Board of Film Classification to refuse classification of Manhunt 2. While we respect the authority of the classification board and will abide by the rules, we emphatically disagree with this particular decision," reads a statement from the company.


"Manhunt 2 is an entertainment experience for fans of psychological thrillers and horror. The subject matter of this game is in line with other mainstream entertainment choices for adult consumers."


The BBFC said it would not give Manhunt 2 a rating on the grounds that "to issue a certificate would involve a range of unjustifiable risks, to both adults and minors".


The Rockstar statement continues: "We respect those who have different opinions about the horror genre and videogames as a whole, but we hope they will also consider the opinions of the adult gamers for whom this product is intended."


"We believe all products should be rated to allow the public to make informed choices about the media and art they wish to consume.


"The stories in modern videogames are as diverse as the stories in books, film and television. The adult consumers who would play this game fully understand that it is fictional interactive entertainment and nothing more."


Η Nintendo αξίζει περίπου όσο η Sony


Η Sony σε αγοραστική αξία θεωρείται και είναι η μεγαλύτερη εταιρεία ηλεκτρονικών στον κόσμο με 6,64 τρισεκατομυρια Γιεν.


Θέλετε να μάθετε ποιος είναι πλέον δεύτερος?Ποιος άλλος απο την Nintendo με αγοραστική αξία 6,3 τρισεκατομύρια Γιεν και ακολουθείται απο την Panasonic.


Και φυσικά το γεγονός αυτό εντυπωσιάζει γιατι οι μεν Sony και Panasonic κατασκευάζουν όλων των ειδών ηλεκτρικές συσκευές ενω η Nintendo μόνο Video games!Πραγματικά φαίνεται ότι Wii και Ds τυπώνουν χρήματα.




Take-Two fully behind Wii and DS


A direct quote from Strauss Zelnick, Chairman at Take-Two…


“To be perfectly frank, I donʼt think it takes a rocket scientist to realize whatʼs going on with Wii and DS. I will tell you that very quickly we turned to both 2K and to Rockstar and said guys, we need a DS strategy and a Wii strategy and we are working on it. As we get into the next quarter and into budget season for 2008, everybody in this company is completely focused on it.


Having said that, development cycles are long. Sports arenʼt as good as games develop for specific platforms but we are looking at all of them across the board for Wii and DS. I will tell you that carnival games that weʼve announced for the Wii have gotten a lot of attention in the marketplace, as well as with our first-party partners. So we are pretty excited about that.


We have some — some have been announced, some Wii titles have been announced and we are working to put more out on the Wii and DS. ”


Manhunt 2 Bye-Bye ???


Sony, Nintendo forbid AO-rated Manhunt 2


Console-makers confirm policies preventing licensed third parties from releasing Adults Only games on their systems, effectively banning the Rockstar title.


When Take-Two Interactive yesterday confirmed that the Entertainment Software Rating Board handed down a rating of AO for Adults Only for Rockstar Games' Manhunt 2 on the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and Nintendo Wii, the publisher said it was exploring its options.


GameSpot has confirmed with Nintendo and Sony that one of those options--accept the ESRB's judgment and release the game with the AO rating--isn't an option at all. Both companies forbid licensed third-party publishers from releasing games rated AO for Adults Only on their various hardware platforms. The sole exception to this rule was in 2005, when the already released Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was retroactively rated AO, at which point retailers pulled it from shelves and Take-Two suspended production of the game.


"It's currently our policy not to allow the playback of AO-rated content on our systems," a Sony spokesperson told GameSpot.


Nintendo's official line was much the same. "Games made for Nintendo systems enjoy a broad variety of styles, genres and ratings," a representative told GameSpot. "These are some of the reasons our Wii and Nintendo DS systems appeal to such a broad range of people. But as with books, television and movies, different content is meant for different audiences. That's why the ESRB provides ratings to help consumers understand the content of a game before they purchase it. As stated on Nintendo.com, Nintendo does not allow any AO-rated content on its systems."


Take-Two's most readily available alternatives are to appeal the ESRB's AO rating, or to modify the game. As of press time, a Rockstar Games representative had not responded to GameSpot's inquiry about how either move would impact the game's scheduled July 10 release date.

"It's currently our policy not to allow the playback of AO-rated content on our systems," a Sony spokesperson told GameSpot.


Nintendo's official line was much the same. "Games made for Nintendo systems enjoy a broad variety of styles, genres and ratings," a representative told GameSpot.


Σα να μην έφτανε η πρώτη δήλωση, έσκασε και η δεύτερη.:???:


Ωρέ Nintendo... Ποιά "broad variety of styles, genres and ratings" έχουν τα συστήματα αν αποκλείεις κάποια; Το ps2 έχει τα "μεγαλίστικα". Πήγαν να βγάλουν και για το Wii και αρχίσαν να κόβονται.


Καθόλου δε μου αρέσει αυτή η εξέλιξη... :-|


Εγω δε καταλαβα.

Για ποιο λογο επιτρεπεις 18+ περιεχομενο αλλα δεν επιτρεπεις Adult Only τη στιγμη που δε διαφερουν κ πολυ.Και εφοσον και οι 2 εταιριες διαλαλουν οτι οι κονσολες τους ειναι για ολα τα γουστα και για ολες της ηλικιες,για ποιο λογο αποκλειουν το Manhunt?

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