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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

As einai kai me aloga kai me moularia,den me peirazei to thema einai na doume kyriws kainotomika games me poly kalo gameplay.Fysika kai den perimenw na exei ta paixnidia toy 360.Omws pros to paron den exw dei na exei arketa kainotomiko xeirismo ektos apo liges exereseis px kororinpa kai fysika kapoious poly kalous titlous apo thn idia thn nintendo...Perimenoume loipon me agwnia...Alloste to wii to agorasa me to skeptiko tis kainotomias kai san deyteri konsola,omws perimenw na dw poio sobarous titlous oxi mono apo pleyras thematologias alla kai apo gameplay...


Εγώ δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατί γκρινιάζετε για τα games και τον χειρισμό κλπ. Έγώ είμαι πολύ ευχαριστιμένος από το wii. Γι' αυτό που το πήρα, δηλ. παιχνίδια τύπου wii play, rayman, wario ware, paper mario κλπ + wii sports, είναι super. Και μια χαρά καινοτομικός μου φαίνεται ο χειρισμός. Τώρα δε νομίζω κανείς από μας που ασχολούμαστε με το gaming πιο πολύ από τον μέσο όρο να μην έχει και ένα pc/ 360/ ps3 μαζί με το wii για να παίζει και άλλου είδους games και online κλπ ;)

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Hands-On With Indianapolis 500 Legends


Ο Boson του IGN έπαιξε με το επερχόμενο ραλάκι που θα έρθει στο Wii τον Οκτώβριο. Οι εντυπώσεις του είναι παραπάνω από ενθαρρυντικές.


- Το παιχνίδι αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκεται στο 50%


- Θα οδηγήσετε Indy cars από το 1961-1971


- Το παιχνίδι θα είναι σχεδιασμένο για pick-up and play


- Περισσότερα από 30 διαφορετικά αυτοκίνητα


- Πολλές επιλογές. Από quick race μέχρι 500-lap endurance races


- Το κάθε αμάξι είναι πιστή αντιγραφή του αυθεντικού, τόσο στην όψη όσο και στον ήχο της μηχανής.


- Ο χειρισμός του είναι ήδη το ίδιο καλός αν όχι καλύτερος από παρόμοιους τίτλους στο Wii.


- Τα γραφικά του αν και ημιτελή, είναι ήδη στα ίδια πλαίσια με τους άλλους Wii τίτλους.


- Θα μπορείτε να κάθεστε πίσω από προπορευόμενο όχημα και να κερδίζετε ταχύτητα, ώστε να το προσπεράσετε μετά με το σύστημα σφεντόνας.


- Θα δωθεί έμφαση στην επικινδυνότητα εκείνων των αγώνων


- Θα χρησιμοποιεί τη νέα Tοrus physics engine για ρεαλιστικές συγκρούσεις και in-game driving physics














To FIFA 08 έρχεται το φθινόπωρο στο Wii



Scarface Wii Gameplay


Να υπενθυμίσω ότι το Scarface, αν και δεν είναι FPS (στο σύνολό του), είναι το ΠΡΩΤΟ παιχνίδι που θα έχει μεταβλητό "αόρατο παράθυρο", το οποίο και θα μπορείτε να ρυθμίζετε πόσο μεγάλο ή μικρό το θέλετε.


Ειδικά στο τέλος του, το βίντεο γίνεται εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρον....



κραταω χαμηλα τους τονους μου για το συγκεκριμενο ff.το cc στο cube μαζι με το ffx-2 τα θεωρω απο τα χειροτερα της σειρας.ελπιζω να το εχουν αλλαξει και να το κανουν ανταξιο του ονοματος


οντως φαινεται αρκετα καλο.απλα θελω να δω τι παιζει απο πλευρας gameplay,και ενα story κλασικης ff ποιοτητας.ομολογω οτι ακομα και τωρα δεν περιμενω πολλα λογω του πρωτου τιτλου.φυσικα θα το επαιρνα 100%,αλλωστε ολα τα ff τα εχω τελειωσει.αντε να δουμε περισσοτερα ιnfoz γιατι οπως και να το κανουμε κουβαλαει βαρυ ονομα


Βασικα εμενα μονο το story με κραταει και δε πεταω απο τη χαρα μου :-P Το Gameplay φαινεται να ειναι τυπου Kingdom Hearts. Παντως θαυμασια και ευπροσδεκτη αλλαγη απο το 1ο κατα τη γνωμη μου. Επισης τα γραφικα φαινονται εξαιρετικα!


IGN Manhunt 2 Wii Preview + Wii Screens!


"Consider for one moment that in Manhunt 2 you can, Wii remote and nunchuk in hands, use a pair of pliers to clamp onto an enemy's testicles and literally tear them from his body in a bloody display; and if that weren't enough, you'll take one of the poor victim's vertebrae along with his manhood. Or, if you'd prefer, you can use a saw blade and cut upward into a foe's groin and buttocks, motioning forward and backward with the Wii remote as you go. "Lawyer" Jack Thompson has found his holy grail. But believe it or not, there is much more to Manhunt 2 than mutilation and mayhem. This is a game that begins with the subject of psychosis."




Manhunt 2 in Wii could be described as Splatter Cell because it is quite obviously filled to the brim with gore, but as you use the nunchuk's analog stick to control Danny through the levels you will also be doing your share of sneaking, Sam Fisher style. You will hide in the shadows and creep up behind enemies and the game rewards you for your stealthy ambitions with greater levels of violence. For example, it is entirely possible to run directly up to an enemy and throw punches his way, or even use one of your many weapons to dispose of him in some bloody fashion. However, these face-to-face kills will rarely be as dramatic or as entertaining - whether you gauge entertainment by the satisfaction of using stealth or by the level of blood and chunks that result - as a sneak attack. There's a whole mechanic built around it, in fact, and this is one of the areas that the Wii version of the title is much improved over the PS2 one.



As Danny creeps toward and draws ever closer to an enemy, the anti-hero will raise his hand to let you know that you can go into an attack. You trigger executions by holding down the A button as you sneak closer and closer to your foe. There are three levels to every execution, as determined by how long you hold the A button down before you begin an attack. An on-screen execution graphic will change colors from white, which is described as hasty; to yellow, which is violent; and finally to red, which results in gruesome kills. In the PS2 version of the game, you merely hit a button to trigger the whole animation, which is far less engaging. On Wii, you act out the execution with a series of gestures timed to on-screen cues. If you're cutting into a man's skull with a saw, which you sometimes do, you might have to make a forward/backward motion with the Wii remote, hit the B trigger to a visual cue, and then gesture quickly upward with both controllers to put the finishing touches on the attack. It's much more immersive both because motion-based controls are inherently so and also because you're stringing together these attacks in the Wii build, while they are canned animation sequences in the PS2 one.


Now multiply these disgusting special attacks by at least 30, as there are -- bare minimum -- that many more weapons to use in Manhunt 2, all with brand new and completely gross executions. There are knives, swords, saws, hammers, syringes, pens, sledgehammers, pickaxes, and more. You'll be stabbing people in the head, in their neck, slicing into their gut, up their chest, and so on. Jamming a pen into an unsuspecting hunter's neck and watching the brood spray is disturbing, but we'll admit it - this is a videogame and not reality, after all - kind of satisfying, too. Exclusive to the Wii version of Manhunt 2 are three new weapons, including the razor, mace and a broken bottle. There are all sorts of guns, from hand weapons to shotguns, which blow entire holes through the heads of enemies. On Wii, you simply hold the C button to go into aiming mode, where you'll have pixel-perfect accuracy with the Wii remote; then you tap B-trigger to fire. (You can cycle between different gun and melee weapons at any time by press down on the D-pad.) You can even cut off a person's head and wear it - yes, wear it - on your belt buckle; it dangles around as you run through the environments and you can hurl it at foes or toss it into hallways as a distraction device.










Mortal Kombat: Armageddon Review

Midway brings its acclaimed fighter to Wii with new gesture controls. Is the end experience better?


8.0 Presentation

Moody cinematics, 64 playable characters, a wealth of interactive arenas, and several extra play modes like Konquest and Motor Kombat. Lacks Chess and Puzzle. No online component.


7.0 Graphics

Pretty good for PlayStation 2, but Wii can do much more. Adequately detailed and animated models mingle with an impressie variety of environments. Runs in 480p and 16:9 at 60 frames.


7.0 Sound

Cheesy dialog and over-cooked delivery, but most of it works in this universe. Sound effects have punch. Music could be better.


8.0 Gameplay

Still as frantic and fun as ever. The new Wii remote gestures are surprisingly enjoyable when they work, but occasionally they don't. Thankfully, you can play with the classic or GCN controller, too.


9.0 Lasting Appeal

So much to do. A deep Kombat mode. A sizeable Konquest adventure game. Motor Kombat. A robust Kreate a Fighter. And then there's the multiplayer mode. Did we mention there are tons of unlockables?




(out of 10 / not an average)


Pirates of the Caribbean Full Review


5 Gameplay

5 Graphics

6 Sound

6 Value

4 Tilt


The dull, repetitive combat and uninspired mission structure prevent At World's End from being much fun.

The Good: Does a decent job of matching the look and feel of the movies; minigames are a nice bonus.


The Bad: Basic combat is dreadfully boring; mission objectives are uninteresting; all the playable characters play the same way; graphics aren't much to look at; swinging the remote like a sword is awful.


Mario Party 8 Full Review

7 Gameplay

6 Graphics

6 Sound

7 Value

6 Tilt


There are some good minigames in Mario Party 8, but the overly familiar, chance-heavy board game wrapper gets in their way.


The Good: Plenty of minigames; some inventive boards.


The Bad: GameCube-caliber graphics; spotty widescreen support; chance still plays too large a role.





Capcom: Killer 7 Not Heading To Wii


In some bad news for Killer 7 fans, despite being listed recently on the European Capcom website, the title will not be heading to the Nintendo Wii. The Wii logo was spotted on K7s profile on the site, but Capcom has stated that it was basically a typo that somehow made it to the front page. Capcom has also offered an apologyto for the mix-up.


Ubisoft on Wii: We Made Mistakes

The company says its rush to deliver Wii launch titles resulted in quality issues; promises better games to come.

Publisher Ubisoft was one of the first third parties to recognize the potential of Nintendo's Wii console and back the platform with a wealth of titles. The company's headlining launch games, Red Steel and Rayman Raving Rabbids, were both exclusively created for Wii and have in the six months since they released each become million-sellers around the world. However, many of the developer's other efforts - all of them quick and unimpressive ports of previously released games on other systems - have faired poorly both from a critical and retail perspective. In an interview with leading German news magazine Spiegel, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot and European head Alain Corre admitted that the publisher was too quick to rush these titles to the market.


"We made mistakes," they told the magazine. According to Spiegel, Ubisoft wanted to be first to capitalize on Wii and in its haste to release product it sacrificed the quality of the titles. Ubisoft has reportedly learned from its mistakes, though, and is promising that the quality of its forthcoming Wii projects will be significantly better.


Corre told Spiegel he is not content with sales of PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360. "Sony should set a new price point soon if it still wants to sell a satisfactory amount of units this year," he said, adding, "Microsoft, too, by the way."


Spiegel is one of Europe's most influential news magazines with a weekly circulation of about one million. The publication's recent interview with Ubisoft's heads was part of a bigger piece entitled "Shelf Warmer PlayStation 3: Desperately Seeking Players," which took a very critical look at the underwhelming sales of Sony's technological goliath.

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