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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Ακριβώς, ο Daredevil έχει δίκιο. Το καλό με το Edge είναι ότι είναι αρκετά αυστηρό στη βαθμολογία οπότε όταν δίνουν 8-9 είναι (σχεδόν) σίγουρο ότι πρόκειται για πολύ καλό παιχνίδι.


Manhunt 2 Game Details


In Rockstar Games' Manhunt 2 an experiment at a secret research facility has gone catastrophically wrong. Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper are the only surviving subjects. The Pickman Project will stop at nothing to hunt them down and stop the truth from getting out.


Demented screams echo around the dank asylum that has caged you for the last six years. You open your eyes. A white-coated body slumps to the floor through your shaking hands. A bloody syringe slips from your arm. Waves of confusion and paranoia crash over you. You have no idea who you are or how you got here.


"With Manhunt 2 we have tried to create a game that stays close to the original concept of chilling suspense and stealth, whilst pushing the game design and storytelling forward," said Sam Houser, founder and executive producer of Rockstar Games. "We are also excited to have our newest development team, Rockstar London, working on the title alongside our two established UK studios, Rockstar North and Leeds."


The door to your cell is open. One choice. One chance. They took your life. Time to take it back.


Manhunt 2, Rockstar London's debut title, is coming Summer 2007.




Original Japanese RPGs Coming to DS & Wii

Just what we wanted...


People have been clamouring for news of new RPGs coming to Nintendo's Wii, games other than Square Enix's duo of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Dragon Quest Swords and now it seems their wishes are coming true. Details have emerged from Japan showing that Image Epoch has been busy recruiting high powered members to its small team.


For those thinking Image Epoch rings a bell, well that is because it is the development team that completed the gorgeous Luminous Arc for Marvelous Interactive on the DS recently, a game that is heading to the US in Q3 2007. Anyway, the company has now recruited Kazuya Niinou, who left Atlus R&D 1 in February of this year after growing in stature after working on Trauma Centre: Under the Knife and Etrian Odyssey as director and game designer, both for DS.


In addition to this, the owner of Image Epoch, and director of Luminous Arc, Mikage Ryoei, has brought another project lead to the company - Hiroyuki Kanemaru, who was previously at Telenet Japan and then moved to Namco's Tales Studio, where he worked as scenario script director and level concept designer on Tales of Symphonia.


Kanemaru-san has been put as the director of an original RPG called Project Ray, which he has gone on record as stating will be influenced by old-school RPGs from systems such as the PC-Engine/Turbo-grafx (a format he has worked on in the past).


There are three other projects on the boil, two of which are secret right now, whilst the third is called 'Project Salamander'. Niinou-san is taking the lead on one of these, although it is unknown which one right now. Image Epoch will have a 'Creator's Voice' interview with him on the website in mid-May to reveal more.


Finally, the company is said to be working with Konami and Sega at the moment, and is (most importantly in this context) focusing on the Wii and DS!




Guitar Hero 3 announced for Wii




RedOctaneʼs official website has the following statement regarding Guitar Hero 3:


“Guitar Hero 3 for the Playstation 2, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii are currently scheduled for release in the United States in Fall of 2007.”




EA struggles to meet demand for Wii games




EA continues to be punished for their assumption that the Wii would flop, according to Bloomberg News. EA's sales dropped a whopping 25% this February compared to last year, since they didn't have much to offer the 3.56 million Wii owners in the U.S. and Japan. Finally convinced that the Wii is a moneymaker, EA has recanted and is rushing to get titles out for it as fast as possible, like the recently-released Godfather: Blackhand Edition and Tiger Woods 07. Let's just hope they take enough time to really get a handle on those finicky Wii controls. EA seems to have gotten it right with Godfather, but the jury is out on Tiger Woods.


Η full version του Opera εχει βγει?


Για Μαρτιο δεν ειχε ανακοινωθει η μηπως εχασα επεισοδια?


Take-Two Grows Hungry for Wii

The GTA publisher sees Nintendo as a high priority.


According to an article on Gamasutra, Take-Two may be changing its stance on game development for Nintendo systems. In the closing statements of their first conference call after taking the reins at the newly restructured Take-Two, chairman Strauss Zelnick and CEO Ben Feder had some illuminating comments about the company's stance on Nintendo.


When questioned about the company's burgeoning relationship with Nintendo, Zelnick commented that "working with Nintendo is a priority." The Take-Two chairman asserted that while it is important to tailor games to a specific console's audience, Take-Two is committed to creating "great games for Nintendo." The upcoming Wii game, Manhunt 2, is most likely the first step in this direction. Take-Two confirmed that this game is on schedule for its 2007 release.


While this isn't exactly confirmation that GTA IV is heading to the Wii, it is good news for Nintendo fans who have felt particularly jilted by Take-Two in the past.




Harvest Moon dev reveals secret Wii game

'Project O' on Wii to be a story-based life sim set in Europe, Yasuhiro Wada tells CVG.


Harvest Moon creator, Yasuhiro Wada, has revealed to CVG that Project O, a secret Wii game currently in development, will be a single-player life-sim set in Europe.


He went on to reveal other juicy nuggets of info on the title: "Project O is a brand new game being developed by 'seven samurai' of the gaming world," he reveals, referring to the seven members of the currently tiny development team working on the game whose previously worked on Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games.


The new game, which seems to still be in conceptual stages, incorporates life-sim gameplay which Wada compared to Sim City or Sim World. "However, in Sim World the player takes on the role of God, but in Project O the gamer plays among the people and creates the world around them from ground-level, not as god," he explains.


The game will feature a plot based on one main character - whom he declined to talk about - and is set in a past era in Europe. Building relationships with a community of people will form a key part of the game - similar to Harvest Moon.


Wada explained that "the player will select one person" to perform a task, "and he will go off and talk to several other people, who will then start to change the world around the player." It sounds like Wada and his team of "samurai" developers are cooking up some interesting AI for the game.


No Wi-Fi or multiplayer features are planned, but the player will be able to download new content via the Wii's wireless online capabilities.


You can expect to see Project O to release some time next year under a different name.




No More Heroes - Settings and Storyline Video Interview






Smackdown Vs. Raw 2008 Wii controls Video






Scarface: The World is Yours Hands-on

We wrap our hands around Tony Montana's "little friend" in the upcoming Wii conversion of Sierra's GTA clone.






Sadness still in development



Nibris wanted to clear the air of any rumors. For some reason people were thinking that Sadness was cancelled because of the fallout with Frontline Studios. Nibris sets things straight below:


Sadness is still in development - we simply have only new dev - partner. We would like to apologize for rumors and doubts that might arise. We want to assure, that Nibris ltd. makes great effort to make our projects completely innovative and meeting highest quality standards. First results of our works you could see on one of the games fair this year.




The Ev-Wii-where Challenge


Opera is hosting a Nintendo themed contest in order to celebrate the upcoming release of the final Wii browser. The idea for the contest is a really great one. Show your Wii love by going out in the world and spreading Wii! You can see a contest example below. Some Opera and Nintendo themed prizes will be up for grabs.






Wii Shortages 'Could Last Months'

Nintendo says there is no end in sight of retail shortages of its Wii console.


Although the machine launched five months ago units remain scarce at retail. Over 2.5 million units are estimated to have been sold in North America and a further 2 million in Europe.


Speaking to Game Theory Podcast, Perrin Kaplan, Nintendo's VP of marketing and corporate affairs said, "There is a lot going on behind the scenes in terms of working on what we are producing and the numbers continue to rise but the product is so very popular that we may see a supply / demand situation last for some time."


She added, "We are at absolute maximum production and doing everything we can. The number of units that we have been able to produce has far exceeded our hardware production in the past and the production levels of a lot of our competitors but demand continues to be really high. People are being really diligent about working with retailers to locate one but we are cognisent of the fact that a lot of fans are not able to get their hands on one yet. We are asking them to be patient and to know that we are working on this as fast as we can."


Kaplan was asked if, given the high demand, Nintendo could have priced the machine at $50 higher than the $250. She said, "There was definitely that possibility. There are so many people who are very much liking the system and while the price that itʼs at is very much mass market we probably could have folded at a higher price but I think that it was always Nintendoʼs intent to make it a product that is appealing to the mass market."




PS3 Vs. Wii software sales to date



1. Gundam Musou - 238,000

2. Gundam Target in Sight - 128,000

3. Ridge Racer 7 - 125,000

4. Resistance - 117,000

5. Armored Core 4 - 77,000

6. Virtua Fighter 5 - 73,000

7. Motorstorm - 61,000

8. Genji - 54,000

9. Formula One - 29,000

10. Enchant Arm - 29,000



TOTAL 1,097,000 - attach rate 1.35



1. Wii Sports - 1,285,000

2. Wii Play - 1,097,000

3. Zelda Twilight Princess - 430,000

4. Made in Wario Smooth Moves - 374,000

5. Pokemon Battle Revolution - 249,000

6. Fire Emblem - 122,000

7. Dragonball Z Sparking Neo - 120,000

8. Ennichi no Tatsujin - 81,000

9. Naruto - 77,000

10. Bleach - 66,000



TOTAL 4,516,000 - attach rate 2.30


Δε ξερω αν ηρθε και σε εσας στο Wii σημερα του πρωι, αλλα μου ηρθε mail απο την Nintendo και τα νεα ειναι καλα :-)


Βγηκε επιτελους η τελικη εκδοση του Opera για το Wii και απο οτι φαινεται ειναι πολυ βελτιωμενη!


Χρειαζεται να γινει System Update πρωτα και αλλαζει και το version number απο 2.1Ε σε 2.2Ε και μετα κατεβαζετε το Update απο το Shop Channel.


Δεν εχει ανεβει ακομα στο site του Opera η επισημη σελιδα για τον browser στο Wii, με ενα προχειρο ψαξιμο βρηκα το παρακατω που αντιπροσωπευει πληρως τις βελτιωσεις που ειδα στον νεο Opera:


Some fresh new information from Nintendo has surfaced on the full version of Opera and its features.

First up is that it will have a search button incorporated into its toolbar and start page.


Opera built-in search button.


The development team envisages Opera Wii often being used by a number of people sitting around the tv, a different type of experience than that of the PC. The full version will include multiple cursors for people to point and draw attention with. Of course, only one Wiimote can be used to operate the browser.


Multiple cursors on Opera Wii.


A number of other improvements will also be in place:

  • No more blurry text, regardless of zooming.
  • Two types of zooming now available.
  • More intuitive scrolling using the B button. You also have the option to scroll with the + Pad.
  • Startup time much quicker, favorites menu loads instantly.
  • Toolbar at the bottom of the screen can be automatically hidden.
  • Better compatibility with websites at large.



Χρονια και ζαμανια!

Ποιο παιχνιδι που κυκλοφορεί θα μου προτείναται απο θέμα διασκέδασης?


Excite truck,Medal of Honor: Vanguard, SSX Blur, Sonic and The Secret Rings?


Ox, kalo neo alla apo tin allh ego 8a perimeno na sigoureyto oti den mpalonei pi8ana exploits stis proigoumenes versions. An kai eimai hdh opos kai oi perisoteroi fantazomai stin 2.1E, gia tin opoia exoun graftei diafora(mpaloma exploits) Giati argei toso re gmt to homebrew?



heyou ti grafeis re sto news topic, eleos ;-) To excite truck basika einai poly goustoziko, exei kai apo ta kalytera gfx mexri stigmis alla distixos exei elaxisto replay value. Ta ypoloipa prosopika den me en8ousiasan.


Αυτό που δεν καταλαβαίνω πραγματικά είναι η κυκλοφορία του Resident 4. :?


Μου φαίνεται άσκοπο μιας και η μόνη διαφορά είναι η χρήση του Wiimote. :? Δεν ξέρω, ίσως να είμαι και περίεργος... :lol:

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