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News: Spong "Confirms" NiGHTS For Wii


Entirely new game, not a VC update of the Saturn version.


First off, please don't shoot the messenger. We are merely reporting what we have read/are hearing. Secondly, we are not entirely sure of Spong's credibility, as their reliability differs from time to time.


Spong are reporting that a new NiGHTS title is on the way to the Wii. When they say new, they do not mean a Virtual Console reincarnation of the Sega Saturn classic.


Apparantly they've been chasing up contacts and they can "100%" confirm that it is on the way




Official press release - Todayʼs VC releases




UK software sales - March 10-17


1. Grand Theft Auto : Vice City Stories (Take 2)

2. Tom Clancyʼs Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (Ubisoft)

3. Final Fantasy XII (Square Enix)

4. Sonic and the Secret Rings (Sega)

5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 (Electronic Arts)*

6. Crackdown (Microsoft)

7. Test Drive Unlimited (Atari)

8. FIFA 07 (Electronic Arts)

9. Les Sims 2 : Au Fil des Saisons (Electronic Arts)

10. Programme dʼEntraînement Cérébral du Dr Kawashima : quel âge a votre cerveau ? (Nintendo)


*2 3rd party τιτλοι στα αγγλικα charts για το Wii :)






Agatha Christie is a well-known name in the world of mystery. Now, The Adventure Company brings one of Christie's books to the Wii, fulfilling the wish of many gamers: a full adventure on Wii.



The Adventure Company, publisher of PC adventure games worldwide, today announced that its popular PC title Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None is currently in development for the Wii system, set to be released in November 2007.


Written by Agatha Christie, the world's best-known mystery author and Queen of Crime, And Then There Were None is brought to a new generation on the Wii. Appealing to a broad audience, this platform opens the door for adventure games on console.


The game is said to make full usage of the Wiimote, taking adventure games to a whole new level of interactivity. For instance, players will have the freedom to control their character's actions, such as using a digging motion to unearth clues, or spinning the handle of a safe using the controller; and the introduction of timed puzzles where, for example, players must race up a set of stairs from a boat docked below.


"We are very excited to take this new direction with our adventure titles and are certain that our fans will find Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None to be a perfect fit for the Nintendo Wii," said Richard Wah Kan, President and CEO of The Adventure Company. "Many PC adventure game fans are having a great time with the Wii and we'd like to be the first to deliver them games they love on a console they've embraced."


The storyline revolves around ten people, all strangers to each other, who are invited to a lavish estate on an isolated island. Through a recording, their mysterious host accuses each of his 'guests' of murder and proceeds to exact justice by becoming judge, jury and executioner... The tension mounts and dark secrets are revealed as one-by-one the number of guests systematically dwindles according to the ingenious plan of the unseen killer.




...μερικα νεα που πηγαζουν απο τις τελευταιες στατιστικες (NPD/LPD) :


συμφωνα με τις πωλησεις των κονσολων μεχρι τωρα, και αφαιρωντας τις περιοδους των γιορτων (επειδη ΟΛΑ μπορουν να συμβουν σε εκεινες τις περιοδες), το wii οπως πουλαει μεχρι τωρα, θα χρειαστει 31 μηνες για να ξεπερασει σε εγκατεστημενη βαση το 360.


η προσφατη περιοδος γιορτων βεβαια, αν και ητανε πολυ θετικη για το 360, ευνοησε οπως ξερουμε ακομα περισσοτερο το wii. ;)


με τετοια forecast, μπορουμε να ειμαστε σχετικα σιγουροι οτι η υποστηριξη στο wii απο 3rd parties θα ειναι σιγα-σιγα καλυτερη οσο περναει ο χρονος.

με τετοια forecast, μπορουμε να ειμαστε σχετικα σιγουροι οτι η υποστηριξη στο wii απο 3rd parties θα ειναι σιγα-σιγα καλυτερη οσο περναει ο χρονος.


Αυτό είναι το θέμα! Στα @@ μας ποιά θα έρθει 1η, 2η κλπ. Το θέμα είναι να πιάσουν νούμερα ώστε να γλυκαθούν οι εταιρίες να βρέξει παιχνίδια.:)




Κανένα νέο για Metroid παίζει; (μπα, ε;....:neutral: )


φυσικα και αυτο ειναι το ζουμι.

βεβαια, αυτο που θελω εγω ειναι να βγαινουνε παιχνιδια για το wii,

και οχι ports/downgrades απο τις αλλες κονσολες.


το καλο ειναι οτι αν κοιταξει κανεις ΤΙ πουλαει απο software στο wii, πολυ ευκολα θα διαπιστωσει οτι ειναι οι "ειδικοι" τιτλοι (wii sports/wii play, wario)

αυτοι που μενουνε στα charts των πωλησεων και τιποτα αλλο!


αυτο το μηνυμα ευτυχως ειναι σαφες απο τις πωλησεις και πιστευω οτι αυτοι που πρεπει θα το λαβουν υποψη τους πολυ καλα!


Capcom: Resident Evil on Wii in 2007, More Wii Announcements Soon




In response to my writeup on Treasure Island Z for Wii, Capcom contacted me to clarify a few points:


* Capcom announced Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles for Wii at E3, and it is still on track for 2007 release.

* There are more unannounced games coming in 2007, and "at least one" should be announced in the next few weeks.

* Devil Kings 2 was announced for Wii in Japan, but there has been no announcement of US release plans.




Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Preview

We grab our Wii remote and go sailing with Jack Sparrow. First-ever Wii screenshots included.





Bethesda talks Wii once again


A portion of a GamesIndustry inteview with Bethesda marketing VP Peter Hines:


GI: Is producing a Wii game something Bethesda would like to do?


PH: Itʼs something weʼd like to do, but unfortunately itʼs not a very good fit with Oblivion. Oblivion is a very demanding game hardware-wise and in terms of graphics processing and raw horsepower. Itʼs not something the Wii was designed to do. They decided not to make the focus on raw horsepower but on interface and so forth.


Itʼs a great console and many of us at Bethesda have one but I know that bringing Oblivion over is not possible - weʼd have to do a whole new game.


GI: Is that something youʼre considering?


PH: Itʼs something weʼve talked about, but I donʼt think you could say weʼre considering it. Itʼs not in our immediate future - maybe something weʼll look at somewhere down the road.


To Godfather:Blackhand Edition ειναι οπως φαινεται η καλυτερη εκδοση για κονσολες.


Ακομα ενα review που κανει λογο για.."Fantastic Wii-specific controls are the highlight of this best version of EA's gangland hit."


"It's about time we got a Wii-make that adds more than it takes away. Publishers have found it easy to add a few motion controls and new levels to existing games as a means of filling the first-generation Wii software drought, but most of the efforts have been less than inspired. The Blackhand Edition of EA's popular The Godfather bucks the trend, however, by adding excellent controls and enough new content to make it the best version of the game available. "





μπραβο στην ΕΑ για τους οχι τελειους αλλα πολυ καλους τιτλους που φερνει στο wii μεχρι στιγμης!


cant wait for this game!23/3!


Rumour: GTA to grace the Wii?


Guns, drugs and fast cars for everyone.


In a surprise announcement, Reggie Fils-Aime revealed in an interview with an American television station that Nintendo has been in negotiations with Take-Two about the possibility of bringing Grand Theft Auto to Nintendo consoles (namely the Wii). The final decision however, lies with Take-Two. Fingers crossed.


In other news, can anyone else hear Jack Thompson rubbing his hands together? Stay tuned for more developments.



Rumour: GTA to grace the Wii?


Guns, drugs and fast cars for everyone.


In a surprise announcement, Reggie Fils-Aime revealed in an interview with an American television station that Nintendo has been in negotiations with Take-Two about the possibility of bringing Grand Theft Auto to Nintendo consoles (namely the Wii). The final decision however, lies with Take-Two. Fingers crossed.


In other news, can anyone else hear Jack Thompson rubbing his hands together? Stay tuned for more developments.




pisteuw oti DEN iparxei periptwsi na ftiaksoun gta gia to wii, ektos an theloun oi tis take-two na thapsoun to ps3...


Two Guys Build Mobile, Solar-Powered Wii

Rollin' down tha street in my...128?




If you built a solar-powered Wii would you take it to Venice Beach and become Lord of the Spring Break parties? These guys did. Check it out:


WiiFanboy's got pictures of the thing in action, along with its chuffed-looking masters. Yep. It's a Wii and a flatscreen TV in some kind of weird housing, presumably at least partially powered by those big solar panels on the top.


The article says 175 watts(ish) of juice are necessary to successfully operate a Wii and a set of powered satellite speakers, which means that you can get around 6-8 hours of gaming in on the charge from an average sunny day. Sweet. Let the traveling Smash Bros road show commence!


Now, all these guys need is to find one of those pickup trucks with a built-in barbecue grill as a convoy buddy and they've got an all-terrain mobile gaming platform. New Command and Conquer unit...confirmed?

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