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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Στο Gamespot έχουν φάει τόσο κράξιμο για τα Wii reviews, που πλέον είναι άξιον απορίας με τί κριτήρια βαθμολογούν τα παιχνίδια....

Wii Controller LED mod












Φήμη: Το Rainbow Six Vegas στο Wii το Μάρτιο?




Αρκετά e-shops έχουν βάλει για pre-order το Rainbow Six Vegas για το Wii.


Tα e-shops αναγράφουν την 30η Μαρτίου ώς την ημέρα κυκλοφορίας.


Μερικά από τα μαγαζιά είναι : Bart Smit, test.factotus.it, http://www.1a-dvdshop.ch, http://www.2xgames.com, http://www.games.ine.ch, http://www.toppreise.ch, http://www.bestelspel.nl, http://www.dvd.it

  • Απαντ. 5k
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες

eimai periergos na dw pws tha bgei auti i paixnidara sto wii


Χμμ... εγώ το βρίσκω εξαιρετικά δύσκολο αν γίνει αυτό να βγεί κάτι αξιόλογο. Και γενικότερα δε μπορώ να φανταστώ πώς μπορεί σε αυτή τη γενιά να αποδώσει σοβαρά το wiimote σε fps. Καλό όμως είναι να γίνονται προσπάθειες για να μαζεύουν εμπειρίες για το μέλον.

Στο Gamespot έχουν φάει τόσο κράξιμο για τα Wii reviews, που πλέον είναι άξιον απορίας με τί κριτήρια βαθμολογούν τα παιχνίδια....


Pantws gia na leme kai tou strabou to dikio to gamespot exei balei panw apo 9 se ola ta warioware games (gia gba klp).


Deal or no deal: $100 off PS3 by giving up PS2


Posted Jan 13th 2007 2:35PM by Alexander Sliwinski

Filed under: Sony PlayStation 3, Business


Gamestop and EB Games is offering $100 off the purchase of a PS3 by handing over your PS2. The PS3 does play PS2 games, albeit a little jagged, so getting $100 off for trading it in could be construed as a good deal -- especially if you're part of the PS2 sporadic "disc read error" crew. This advertisement and deal is one the first true signs that retailers have stock and want those systems out the door.


We now wait to see if any other retailers begin offering deals to move PS3s. Stores aren't making very much money off of the systems, so moving those puppies out is top priority. The real profit exists in getting customers to buy games and accessories.


So, while the retailer gets rid of their stacks of immovable PS3 consoles with this deal, they also get your old friend who certainly will sell. This deal means Gamestop gets your $400 - $500 from the PS3 purchase, plus whatever accessories and games go with the sale, and then they will sell the traded-in PS2 for another $100 to someone not ready to upgrade. Ding, they break even or profit, and everyone walks away happy.


:) :) :) :) lol lol


fasi exei to wario.poli mikro omws to termatisa katefthian kai xeklidwsa to multi alla den prolava na asxolithw.se merika simeia opws to mini game me to kouneli kai tis simaies to paixnidi moiazei les kai to sxediase psixopathis sto toixo tou keliou tou:mrgreen: pragmatika poli periergo kai monadiko desing.


Pokemon Battle Revolution (Japan) Review

First online-multiplayer enabled game for the Wii.


When you think of Nintendo's biggest franchise, you see huge (if oddly repetitive) RPGs. To date, none of the home console versions of the smash-hit Pokemon franchise has been something to be excited about. Is this the same? Or will this be the first game to break the mould?

If you enjoyed the Pokemon Stadium games, then you will feel at home here. But if the only home console Pokemon games you've played are Colosseum and Gale of Darkness, then you will be grossly disappointed. This game is little more than a spruced up version of the original Stadium games.


Colosseum Mode consists of 11 Gym-like arenas. They hold various numbers of Trainers of increasing difficulty, and are the main mode of the game. You use the Pokemon you've uploaded from your version of Diamond and Pearl to compete in these Colosseums. To make them harder, you will have to content with special rules for battle. The Gate Colosseum rule, for example, is that you have to use Rental Pokemon to battle. Upon defeat of an opponent, you can trade one of your Pokemon for one of the Pokemon the other trainer has, similar to the Battle Factory in Pokemon Emerald. Other rules include randomly selected Pokemon order and a two Pokemon team tournament with randomly selected Pokemon.


Upon completion of Colosseum mode, many alterations to the mode occur. One such change is the change to the Star View Colosseum. After completeing the game, all the trainers here hold at least one Legendary Pokemon. The final trainer, for example, uses Mewtwo, Latios, Manaphy and Lugia.


The best change, though, is a very special version of a much loved Pokemon.


Graphically, this game is incredible. Physical attacks cause Pokemon to actually make contact, and Special attacks damage the scenery. The Pokemon themselves are rendered incredibly well, as are the trainers. One of the things about this game that I enjoyed is the level of customisation you have with your Avatar... The trainer who commands your Pokemon. After seeing this, you'll find the Mii System is incredibly basic.

You can alter the height, hair style, clothes, accessories, bags, and almost all aspects of your trainer. With this, you can recreate characters from the anime, or even create stupidly hilarious Avatars akin to the Pokmaniacs from the games. You can even save up to 32 trainers with their own teams and give them unique opening statements. My most used character looks Gothic, has nothing but Dark and Ghost Pokemon and says "Welcome to my inner darkness..."


Upon completion of your avatar, you can use it in the Colosseum mode, or take it online to battle other trainers all around the world.


The Shop is probably the most useful mode in the whole game. Inside you will find every Evolution stone, as well as almost all Hold-Items. For a price. With prices ranging from a 7'200pt to 38'400pt, you'll be in for the longhaul for the most powerful Berries. Earning the points is relatively easy though, as you gain them for playing through the games various modes.


The Wiimote works well in this game, and navigating menu's is easy. There's no need to press an option more than once, and the game is quick to respond. Whether you are picking your Pokemon's attacks, or choosing which item to use, you won't be frustrated by any unresponsiveness.


Finally is the WiFi. Unlike the Online battling of Diamond and Pearl, this game is faster and far smoother. It also has many options to customise your battles.

Preset rules can be imposed, as can caps on Pokemon levels. This game is worth the price for this mode alone.





* Incredible Graphics

* WiFi is a treat

* Plenty of Replay value

* Amazing depth to customising your avatar



* Far too short

* Far too easy



A solid start to the Pokemon Wiivolution, with plenty to do if you are a hardened Pokemon fan. Sadly is too easy and far too short to keep you occupied for long offline. WiFi is implemented well, and will keep you coming back, though. Being able to make a fully customised Trainer avatar is also a big plus for Pokemon fans.





Best Samus/Metroid Prime Fanart

Στο NeoGaf ανοιξε ενα πολυ ωραιο topic με τα καλυτερα fanart του Metroid.






Και μια λιγο ασχετη αλλα που εχει πολυ γελιο... :D






25th World Hobby Fair pics




fasi exei to wario.poli mikro omws to termatisa katefthian kai xeklidwsa to multi alla den prolava na asxolithw.se merika simeia opws to mini game me to kouneli kai tis simaies to paixnidi moiazei les kai to sxediase psixopathis sto toixo tou keliou tou:mrgreen: pragmatika poli periergo kai monadiko desing.


Μου είπε κάποιος που το έχει ότι τα βελάκια είναι όλα τα λεφτά! Για πείτε τίποτα παραπάνω όποιος το έχει παίξει γιατί με βλέπω να το παίρνω κι' εγώ το Wario...


p.s. Αυτό το "incredible graphics" τι το θέλουνε στο review του Pokemon? Ας λέγανε τουλάχιστον "very well designed" ή ότι έχει ωραίο animation ή κάτι τέτοιο. Όχι τίποτα άλλο, αλλά δε μπορείς να πάρεις και σοβαρά το review...


Επειδη ολα ειναι στην Ιαπωνια και οσο να'ναι ξερουμε το γουστο των σχιστοματηδων.Οτιδηποτε anime και φαινομενικα μωρουδιστικο το γουσταρουν..

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