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Wiiva la Revolution!! {News Topic}

Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Ολα μια συνηθεια ειναι ....τι να πω εγω που παιζω το Zelda στην 40αρα LCD απο 1 μετρο αποσταση ......!!! Στην αρχη επαθα ΣΟΚ....αλλα τωρα το συνηθισα...ασε που καθε φορα μετα το Zelda μολις βαλω το XBO360 εκτιμω ακομη περισσοτερο τα "next-gen" γραφικα ;-)


Kαλά, εσύ το πήγες στο άλλο άκρο :-)


40'' LCD, ένα μέτρο απόσταση.


Κι εγώ θα πάθω σόκ αν κάτσω ένα μέτρο από την 32-άρα CRT μου.


Επιληπτικό σόκ για την ακρίβεια :P

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Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Συχνή συμμετοχή στο θέμα

Δημοσιευμένες Εικόνες


Eιναι πραγματικα φοβερη αισθηση να παιζεις παιχνιδια οπως το Resistance,Lost Planet, GOW σε μεγαλη τηλεοραση και σε κοντινη αποσταση .....1-2 μετρα !! πιστεψε με το ΖΕΙΣ το παιχνιδι .....

Βεβαια αυτο μη το δοκιμασετε σε CRT ...;-) και ειδικα αν δεν ειναι 100hz ...

Zelda στην 40αρα LCD απο 1 μετρο αποσταση
lol,k gw 1,5 metro apo tin 32ara eimai

...απο γουρλoματηδες θα γινετε σχιστοματηδες με αυτα που κανετε με το wii! crazy boys!

ρε ποιο zelda? εδω μεχρι και οι κορινες στο bowling βγαλανε ..σκαλοπατια(!) λεμε!!

και στο 1,5 μετρο κιολας? :mrgreen:

πλεον (480p) zelda μονο με γυαλια πυροτεχνουργου και απο μακρουτσικα :D


The Sims Wii preview


The Sims Wii is taking quite a radical departure from its current graphical representation. Gone are the semi-realistic looking characters/settings, now replaced with uber-cute, almost Mii-like settings and people. So we know the presentation is getting an overhaul, but what about gameplay? What will EA bring to the table to make The Sims Wii a fun experience, and utilize the Wii to the fullest? CVG has a preview on exactly that, which offers up some great ideas as to what EA can, and should do with this version. Click over to check it out.







DS, Wii still sold out in Japan


Thing is, the PS3 ain't exactly flying off the shelf. Sony hit Japan with a huge year-end shipment (one of the biggest since launch apparently).

The Wii was nowhere to be seen and sold out at multiple location. And the PS3? Both 20GB and 60GB units remained unsold.








Ubisoft's New Wii Games

Two new titles on the way and Brothers in Arms quasi-confirmed.


Ubisoft's Spanish subsidiary has put out a release that announces, among others, a handful of new Wii projects.


The first is Brothers in Arms: D Day, the most solid confirmation yet that Ubi is readying a version of the hit first-person shooter franchise for Nintendo's new console. Last year, an allegedly leaked document listed Brothers in Arms as a game underway from Wii. Ubisoft denied the document's validity, but every other title featured on the list was eventually announced or released. The game's name suggests that this is might be a Wii version of the recently released PSP series entry, a "Best of BIA" game with new and remixed content from all of Brothers in Arms (assumedly with improved visuals to match the Wii.) In an interview with IGN, the developer of the series, Gearbox Software, also said that it was working on a Wii project. Insiders claim that Gearbox was at one point experimenting with Unreal Engine 3 and attempting to create a dumbed-down version that would run on Wii. Unfortunately, we have been unable to confirm the accuracy of that rumors.


The second title is called Spelling Spree and, as the name suggests, it is very likely a project focused on spelling and vocabulary challenges. Gamers might be quick to discount such a product, but if Ubisoft can put a Brain Age style spin on the presentation, Spelling Spree could be a surprise hit.


The third game, Cosmic Family, is a port of the PC franchise of the same name. Very little is known about the project, except that it is geared toward younger players. A brief description, courtesy Amazon's UK website: "Meet the Cosmic Family - Mr and Mrs Cosmic, their two small children, big sister, the scatty cat, the playful dog, and monsters of every shape, size and color. Early learning, humor and music for 4-7 year olds and their parents."





Tokyo Xtreme Racer DRIFT 2 heading to Wii


The ESRB website also has Tokyo Xtreme Racer DRIFT 2 listed as coming to the PS2 and Wii.

No date or extra info on the Wii version just yet, so it looks like we will have to sit tight to find out more on this title.







Rumorang: NiGHTS returning on the Wii


If you follow the dubious rumor treasure trail, you're bound to end up at a Wii release list published on Japanese website, G-rev.

Stashed between Animal Crossing and a Naruto game is the tantalizing mention of NiGHTS (or Naitsu), though no accompnaying release date can be found.

It could be a remake, a sequel or an elaborate dance interpretation -- or a complete fabrication.




Ελεος ρε παιδια.Τι τους πειραζε αν κρατουσαν τα κλασσικα γραφικα του sims.Το Wii τα σηκωνει ανετα ουτως η αλλως.Αλλα ειπαμε,τα γραφικα δε μετρανε ..ελεοοοος.


Kojima Doesn't Care About HD, Interested In Wii



Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid creator) in a recent issue of GamePro magazine let us know this:


-Enough with Sony! What about the Wii?!


-Wii! [laughs] Yes, I want to do it. Iʼm saying this everyday. But first, I have to face this giant that is called Metal Gear Solid 4, so until Iʼm finished with that, I canʼt do anything.


-But the Wii isnʼt HD! It doesnʼt have 4D!!


-Weʼre not the ones who are saying we want HD. Iʼm not interested, myself, about HD at all. MGS games tend not to care about how clean the screen looks…we deliberately make the graphics look dirtier to give the atmosphere more life.


epidei to sims tha vgei sto wii prepei na einai kai mpempoudistiko?se ligo tha vgaloun unreal me strounfakia.kala elega egw oti i nintendo arxizei siga siga tis idies m@l@kies.


an einai dinaton aftos o kojima poli ipokrisia.aftos kai an endiafereste gia ta grafika vasika oloi aftoi oi periergoi devs(ena game kathe 2 xronia) opws o itagaki kai o kojima koitane prwta apo ola to hardware giati theloun na ftiaxnoun games pou einai prwsta apo tin epoxi tous.twra pws ginetai na ftiaxei tetoio game me ta trisathlia grafika tou wii den xerw.


pote vgainei to wario re paidia? exei piasei araxnes to wii.treli pwrosi tha einai to wario.


Για τον Kojima θα πώ ότι απλώς μυρίστηκε χρήμα και ίσως να θέλει να ασχοληθεί με κάτι πιό εύκολο στο Wii για "διακοπές".


Πάρα ταύτα όμως, έχει πάνω από ένα χρόνο που δηλώνει συνέχεια ότι θέλει πολύ να ασχοληθεί με το Wii. Δεν είναι κάτι το καινούργιο αυτή του η δήλωση.


Για το Sims Wii, το παιχνίδι ρε παιδιά σχεδιάζεται στην Ιαπωνία αν δεν κάνω λάθος και επίτηδες θέλουν να του δώσουν το στύλ των υπερβολικά επιτυχημένων Animal Crossing και Harvest Moon.


Ίσως να μήν είναι το στύλ του καθενός, αλλά σίγουρα είναι του δικού μου :-)


Επίσης rebel21, το παιχνίδι το φτιάχνει η ΕΑ, όχι η Nintendo. Αυτοί επιλέξαν το συγκεκριμένο στύλ.


Το Wario θα κυκλοφορήσει εντός του μηνός.


Μέχρι το Μάρτιο έχουν να βγούν πολλά παιχνίδια.

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