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Δεσ αν σου κανει αυτο Well i managed to put this together from revamped.org without a premium account, just viewing ppl's posts. Decided I would share the knowledge.


1)Download this file:




2) extract the files


3) For out of game walker:


Change the loginserverIP to "localhost" in the set.ini for l2walker


For In-game:


In your HOSTS file (go to start>search> type in "HOSTS")


change the IP address for the l2authd.lineage2.com to the local host IP address local host


so instead of " L2authd.Lineage2.com" it will be " L2authd.Lineage2.com"


4) run the port forward .bat that you downloaded. Leave this running.


5) start either out of game or in game walker like normal


Ola ta parapanw kanoun to L2walker 10.4.3 pou einai epi plhrwmh

na douleuei se private ser




ena arketa periektiko guide.


apo thn empeiria mou, sto L2J, ta teleytaia verison tou walker ypoleitourgoun.


den 3erw an 8eloun kapoies ry8miseis. pantws ston official douleyoun mia xara.


an kai den vlepw to logo na valeis se private server walker. eidika stous hi rates. EKTOS an exeis psilomoufa mhxanhma pou de shkwnei 2o k 3o account k pas na shkwseis walker "out of game" gia na xeis ta buffs sou.


pantws, genika na prosexete pou psaxnete gia walker, eidika osoi paizoun official, giati polla ap ayta exoun trojans mesa k key loggers me apotelesma na xasete to account sas apo kapoion kinezo. (synh8ws oi kinezoi kanoun tetoies pousties, xwris omws na einai apokleistika aytoi).


k sorry gia thn ka8ysterhsh


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