Προς το περιεχόμενο

adsl on start up, ginetai???


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

na rotiso kai kati allo esas poy opos fainetai to katexetai!!!


yparxei kapoios tropos otan kamia fora moy "peftei" i syndesi (synvainei poy kai poy kai epeidi leipo meres apo to spiti den thelo na pigainei xameno to adsl kai tsampa to reyme...)na epanasyndeetai?

san to redial poy eixe i apli syndesi me to modem... (i' to keep connection alive poy eixe to norton...)


eyxaristo (elpizo na exete kai gia ayto kapoia lysi i' rytmisi...)


Οι οδηγίες που δώσανε τα παιδιά παραπάνω ισχύουν και για dsl.. Καμία διαφορά

oi odigies einai gia meta apo restart...

oson afora to disconnect omos???

yparxei kati gia ayto???

ayto rotisa...

eyxaristo kai pali!



KeepRAS is a program that will attempt to keep your Dial up connection (modem or DSL) active. There are many situations when you need your computer to stay connected at all times. For example when you run a web, ftp or telnet service. Unfortunately the modem or DSL connection often stop responding or just disconnect. An easy remedy is to reconnect the connection manually. Obviously this doesn't help when you are 100 miles away and you absolutely need a file from your machine. The usual "keep alive" utilities don't help in this case. Also, most of them are either too bulky or comercialware/shareware.





more info : http://sedivy.com/keepras/

download : http://sedivy.com/keepras/keepras.zip


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