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Thinkpad A21m δεν bootαρει καθολου!!!


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Καλημερα σας ειμαι ενας καινουριος χρηστης εδω και ηδη εχω το πρωτο μου θεμα...

Εχω ενα ibm thinkpad A21m και ιδου το προβλημα που παρουσιαζει...

Αφου πατησω το κουμπι να ανοιξει,ανοιγει,βγαινει η πρωτη οθονη που λεει IBM και κατω αριστερα λεει F1 για bios και F12 για boot menu.Αν λοιπον δεν πατησω κατι απ αυτα τα 2 δηλαδη περιμενω να μπει κανονικα,απλα δεν γινεται τιποτα,παραμενει εκει για ωρες,αν απ την αλλη πατησω ενα απ αυτα τα 2 ειτε για bios ειτε για boot menu,απλα λεει οτι μπαινει στο bios η στο boot menu χωρις ομως να γινεται τιποτα!!!:cry:

Αναφερω επισης οτι δεν βγαζει error codes αλλα ουτε και bip codes.

Αυτο το ειπα μονο και μονο επειδη λιγο που κοιταξα στο site της ibm,δεν αναφερει λυση στο προβλημα μου παραμονο,αν υπαρχουν error και bip codes.:cry: :cry:

Γνωριζει κανεις τι μπορει να φταιει???


για τσεκ, :


some freezing at boot time: why?


Yep, it's just some Hardware Problem...


Sometimes my A21m Thinkpad "freezes" at boot time - that is: it hangs while displaying "press F1 to enter setup, F12 to change boot device" and waits forever that something magical happens... pressing F1 or F12 or any other key (except pressing power button for some seconds) doesn't change anything. Solution: remove the battery, unplug the power supply connector while the Thinkpad is on (that is: simulate a hard "power fail"), wait 3-4 seconds, plug the power supply again (don't insert the battery) and it will restart 50% of the times (the other 50% it will restart on the second try).


Some rare times, it also refuses to boot with some weird PCI error (uh-oh!) even if you do the above "unplugging". DON'T PANIC: it seems that it's some energy-saving issue. In the BIOS setup menu I ignored the "Customized" options of the "power" settings; I used "Maximum Performance" for both battery and AC-driven setups and it went all OK for some weeks (no "PCI" BIOS problems anymore), and then switched to "Maximum Performance" for AC-driven and "Maximum Battery" for battery, and after a few weeks I didn't experience any problems.

from http://www.alfonsomartone.itb.it/thinkp.html#freez

elpizw na ksereis agglika, alliws ta ksanaleme



για περισσότερα μπορεις να δεις και το Hardware Maintenance Manual - ThinkPad A2*m, A2*p


για τσεκ, :


some freezing at boot time: why?


Yep, it's just some Hardware Problem...


Sometimes my A21m Thinkpad "freezes" at boot time - that is: it hangs while displaying "press F1 to enter setup, F12 to change boot device" and waits forever that something magical happens... pressing F1 or F12 or any other key (except pressing power button for some seconds) doesn't change anything. Solution: remove the battery, unplug the power supply connector while the Thinkpad is on (that is: simulate a hard "power fail"), wait 3-4 seconds, plug the power supply again (don't insert the battery) and it will restart 50% of the times (the other 50% it will restart on the second try).


Some rare times, it also refuses to boot with some weird PCI error (uh-oh!) even if you do the above "unplugging". DON'T PANIC: it seems that it's some energy-saving issue. In the BIOS setup menu I ignored the "Customized" options of the "power" settings; I used "Maximum Performance" for both battery and AC-driven setups and it went all OK for some weeks (no "PCI" BIOS problems anymore), and then switched to "Maximum Performance" for AC-driven and "Maximum Battery" for battery, and after a few weeks I didn't experience any problems.

from http://www.alfonsomartone.itb.it/thinkp.html#freez

elpizw na ksereis agglika, alliws ta ksanaleme



για περισσότερα μπορεις να δεις και το Hardware Maintenance Manual - ThinkPad A2*m, A2*p




Μπαααα,τιποτα:cry: Καμια αλλη ιδεα???


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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