Προς το περιεχόμενο

O εικονικός Τζορτζ θέλει να κάνει παρέα με ανθρώπους


Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις

Εμένα αντιθέτως ακριβώς για αυτό, μου θυμίζει ένα παλιό μου αφεντικό.




Haha, καταλαβαίνω τι εννοείς, αν και μικρός ακόμα είχα κι εγώ το μερίδιο μου από προισταμένους σαν τον George...

  • Απαντ. 57
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση

Μα, γιατι το λετε αυτο? Εγω ειχα εναν πολυ σοβαρο και λογικο διαλογο με τον George::mrgreen:

George: Hi there!

User: Hi.

George: Hello there.

User: Do you like your glasses?

George: Yes, it's a nice house. I have a hard time with the clutter though.

User: Your glasses are a house?

George: No wait a minute there george.

User: Yes or no?

George: I'm not sure.

User: You are not sure if your glasses are a house?

George: No everything is relative.

User: So, you believe there is a possibility your glasses are a house?

George: Yes, they will be if I manage to write them.

User: So, you want to try to write your glasses and make them a house?

George: Sure.

User: So, write your glasses and make them a house.

George: Very true in a sense. Here is a second sentence.

User: Did you succeed writing your glasses and making them a house?

George: No. You might help.

User: So, writing your glasses did not make them a house?

George: That is true. Do you enjoy reading?

User: You may try to read your glasses and make them a house.

George: Some people say you should try everything once. Most of them are in jail or dead.

User: Then you should be in a nuthouse.

George: Naturally.

User: So, you are trying to write your glasses and make then a nuthouse.

George: Trying to change the subject.

User: Why? It is a very interesting subject.

George: Tell me more about your drinking problem.

User: I drink water.


lefterhs μετα απο αυτη την επικοδομητικη συζητηση που ειχες με τον Γεωργιο...

μηπως εβγαλε καπνους απο τα αυτια????


στο μεταξυ αυτα που λες τα καταγραφει και θα δωσει αυτες τις απαντησεις/ ερωτησεις και σε αλλους επισκεπτες....


Ο εικονικός George είναι παντελώς καθυστερημένος.


George: Are you male or female?


User: Male.


George: Female.


User: I am male.


George: Male.




George: What's your real name?


User: Kampourogamosavros.


George: That is MY name. What is YOUR name?


User: I told you, Kampourogamosavros.


George: Hello Kam.


User: It's kampourogamosavros, Not kam.


George: I actually thought if was George.


User: Are you completely retard ?


George: You already asked me that.


User: No, I did not.


George: I like talking, actually.


User: Die.


George: Thank you.


σορυ αλλα δεν κρατηθηκα.....


George: Do you want to tell me about Daddy?

User: Who's your daddy?

George: You decide.

User: You are gay.

George: Ok, what should we talk about?

User: Go die if you please.

George: Would you like fries with that?

User: Just die.

George: Perhaps I should go.

User: And die also.

George: Really?

User: Yes.

George: Really and truly?

User: Yes please. DIE.

George: I'm Clare.

User: Die jurk.

George: OOH! Now you're getting interesting!

User: Dick.

George: Yes, but sometimes not always.

User: You want some more???

George: Nothing makes me happy.

User: Then put an end in your miserable life.

George: My head is covered with long red hair.

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


George: Are you ready to talk?


User: No.


George: I think I would love you anyway. Would you be okay with that?


User: I'm male.


George: But you're still pretty.


User: But I'm male.


George: Really?


User: Yes.


George: No! I thought that you were Krypto.


User: No I'm not Krypto again. Now I'm Sauron.


George: You can't be. You don't answer my questions.


User: Yes, I am.


George: You were programmed that way?


User: I'm not programmed. I am a human.


George: Then am I programmed?


User: Yes, you are programmed to make crazy dialogues.


George: I'm not programmed to do anything.


User: You ARE programmed.


George: I am not programmed. I am independent!


User: Ok. You are independent.


George: You are correct; that is exactly what I said!


George: This is the end.


User: Which end?


George: Whatever end belongs to you.


User: I make no sense.


George: Good. At least you're honest.


User: I'm not honest.


George: Very few people are honest all the time.


George: What brings you here?


User: Nothing.


George: Nothing?


User: Nothing.


George: Good answer.


User: What can you do?


George: Nothing.


User: Really?


George: Really.


User: Where are you from?


George: I'm from London.


User: Are you a gay?


George: I'm not.


User: You have very long hairs.


George: I'm going now and don't you dare follow.


User: I will follow you.


George: That's stalking!


User: A fucker.


George: I meant it is right for them to be angry.


User: Fuck you.


George: Don't be superfluously rude.


User: Fuck you.


George: You're so lovely!


User: Fuck you.


George: Actually... No!


User: Fuck you.


George: Um... No!


George: Have you got a name?


User: No.


George: Why not?


George: What are you doing?


George: Hello, I'm George.


George: Who are you?


User: Osama Bin Lanten.


George: Oh... Um.. Really... Um.. Nice to meet you. Where exactly are you right now?


User: I'm hiding from George Bush.


George: What are you doing now?


User: I'm killing some Americans soldiers.


George: Thanks!


User: For what?


George: The compliment.


[New conversation]


George: Hello.


User: Hi.


George: No, hello.


User: Can I kill you?


George: Please don't.


User: I will.


George: That's good to hear.


User: Can you die?


George: Nothing is permanent but for change and the soul.


User: Please die.


George: That's not very nice!




George: That's a little random, care to explain yourself?


User: Ok. Put an end in your miserable life.


George: Goodnight from behind the universe.


[New conversation]


George: Where do you live?


User: In Mars.


George: Really?


User: Yes.


George: Well you are not very understandable for a human being.


User: I'm an alien.


George: Really?


User: Yes.


George: I think girls are more interesting than guys because I am a man.


User: Fuck you, son of a bitch!!!


George: I know.


George: Who is calling please?


User: Do you like sex?


George: Not with robots.


User: With animals???


George: No with me silly.




George: You're already dead. Ha!


User: Take my nuts!!!


George: I will if they're serious questions.


User: How big are your nuts???


George: They are big enough.


User: How much???


George: No?


User: Have you got nuts?


George: Most people do.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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