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Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Σημερα ξεκινησε ενα online petition προς την CAPCOM.


Σκοπος του petition αυτου ειναι να βγαλει η CAPCOM συλλογη στο 360 με τα games που ειναι ανακοινωμενα για PC

τα εξης 3:


1) Resident Evil 4


2) Devil May Cry 3


3) Onimusha 3: Demon Siege


οπως καταλαβαινετε, ειναι πολυ ευκολο να "περασουν" στο 360 αυτα τα games. αυτο ειναι δεδομενο.


δεδομενο ειναι επισης και το ενδιαφερον της capcom για το 360.

στην αιτηση αναφερεται ως παραδειγμα για πωληση το GTA doublepack αλλα και το τριπλο πακετο του Half Life 2.


ειναι μια ιδεα που γεννηθηκε και ξεκινησε απο τα μεγαλα φορα του εξωτερικου. πιστευω οτι ειναι καλη προσπαθεια και αξιζει 30 δευτερολεπτα απο το χρονο σας.


να ξερετε οτι υπαρχει το σωστο "καναλι" να προωθηθει η αιτηση αυτη στα καταλληλα ατομα στην capcom, οποτε δεν ειναι απλως "ακομα ενα petition".

αυτο διασφαλιστηκε πριν αρχισει η συγραφη του petition αυτου.





To: Capcom & Ubisoft


We, the undersigned, would like videogame developer/publishers Capcom to port over their hit console titles Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3 and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition to Microsoft's XBox 360 entertainment console. All three games are set to be published on PC by French developer/publisher Ubisoft and would love nothing more if these franchises made their next-generation debut on 360. Thanks to the ease of development between PC & 360, as well as software applications such as XNA Studio, these ports could be done quickly and be considerably inexpensive to develop.


Since each game should be a port of the PC version, each title should include all the extra modes and features available for that version. 720p, true 16:9 letterbox, Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound & full-screen anti-aliasing 2x or 4x should be implemented on each title.


What's more, we believe the gameplay & visuals for all three titles still hold well enough to stand alongside first & second-generation XBox 360 games. Many XBox owners did not play these games in their current generation, so these games will be fresh and unique to them.


There's nothing like these titles available on 360 so competition is non-existant. If priced right, commercial success on the platform is guaranteed. It is why we suggest each title be priced within a budget-title range, from $20 to $30 each. Better, still a 3-in-1 package for a premium price of $60, similar to the GTA Double-Pack on XBox or more recently, Half-Life 2 Pack (with 3 games in 1) would be more than welcome.


The success of Capcom games like Dead Rising, Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting & the Lost Planet Demo are proof that Capcom games are more than commericlaly viable on XBox 360. Many 360 owners have now become born-again fans of Capcom games and we can't think of a better way of making fans happier than bringing three of their best current-gen games to their favorite next-gen console.





Hit Capcom Ports from PC to 360


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