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PSP - 2.0-2.80 New Exploit!!!


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super nea gia thn psp homebrew skhnh...




Today hundreds of PSP's will say hello to the world as they run their first piece of homebrew - the "Hello World" application. This will be made possible by a new exploit found that does not require one to own a copy of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, but rather load a simple image off of your memory stick. This remarkable demonstration can be executed on 2.0, 2.01, 2.50, 2.60, 2.70, 2.71, and 2.80 firmwares!




If you are stumbling while reading this sentence, I wouldnʼt be surprised. I just told you that you are now able to execute a homebrew application on 2.0-2.80 firmware. Now that you know it is possible, you are probably wondering how. With the combined effort of several dedicated users – NOPx86 (provided the original x86 proof of concept), psp250, skylark, joek2100, jimp, cswindle and Fanjita, they have managed to execute the first piece of homebrew on all firmwares above (and including) 2.0!




Less than a week ago, Fanjita dropped by our forums to tell us that a newly discovered exploit is indeed genuine and a usable exploit. This “exploit” started off as a discovery by NOPx86 in libtiff. He managed to find vulnerability and as a result – alter it to crash the PSP and many other image viewers. Fanjita, NOPx86 and the rest of this exploit team have put their hearts and souls into this exploit, and as a result they were able to execute a Hello World application on all PSPʼs with the ability to view tiff files (2.0+). This application runs in "User Mode", but kernel mode will be achievable on all firmwares except 2.80.




To execute this “Hello World” application on your 2.0+ PSP, please follow the following directions -


1. Unpack the ZIP file to your PSP's PHOTO folder

2. Navigate to your PSP's PHOTO director and attempt to view the newly transferred picture


Note: You may find that the screen does not show correct (occasionally happens) - just restart your PSP (fully shutoff by holding the power button up) and open the picture again.



Here at PSPUpdates, there isn't anything more exciting than news on a new exploit working, and this is no exception. Please feel free to share your shouts of joy below in our comments section as many have or will be going back to school soon - this comes at the best of times! We will continue to cover this breaking news as it happens, so you can rest peacefully without the fear of missing something.


Download Hello World Application for 2.0-2.80 PSP's


Edit: ap'oti eipan, mexri thn 2.71 yparxei kernel access. Ara logika 8a bgei downgrader mexri thn 2.71. H 2.80 8a exei homebrew pros to parwn... (ayto to gam*-demo podosfairaki 8a kapsei kosmo :P)


Oloi mazi.. ena SCREW YOU LOCO-ROCO :P





2.71 PSP's say "Goodbye" - Downgrader to be Released at 7pm EST!



As some 2.71 PSPʼs say hello to the world, others will be saying goodbye at the same time as a downgrader has been successfully tested a few moments ago, with a release time of 7:00pm EST today!




For this one occasion, I grant you permission to jump on your computerʼs desk; jumping up and down until you have broken your desk. The reason for such a command is that after you have done it you probably wonʼt care about the desk, as you have just read that a 2.71 downdater (downgrader) has now been made available! Yes, thatʼs right – all you 2.71 owners (who do not have a TA-082 motherboard) will be able to downgrade your PSP to firmware 1.50.




Using the recently exploited vulnerability in the tiff library, Dark_Alex (with the help of Mathieulh) has managed to create a 2.71 downdater. You are probably wondering how they managed to create this so fast, and the answer is simple. This 2.71 downdater is a port of the 2.50/2.60 downdater that was released slightly over 2 months ago. This new downdater, like the previous one, will not work with TA-082 PSPʼs. However, if you do happen to have such a PSP – 0okm has been working on a softdown (no hardware changes required) method, so you are not left in the dust.




The procedure for installing, and successfully downgrading your PSP comprises of several steps in which one must be very careful. Since this downdgrader is a port of the 2.50/2.60 downdater – it functions the exact same way – just without the need for GTA. So, all the installation instructions may seem extremely familiar as they follow some of the exact same procedures as the original downdater. There were several bricked PSP's during testing but this latest version appears to be stable, but please remain cautious. As always, please follow the directions exactly as they appear. If you choose to proceed with this downgrader, use it at your own risk as bricking may occur.



If you are anxious to prepare for the downgrader (which you are, of course) check out our previous coverage of the 2.50/2.60 Downgrader as the installation process will most likely be nearly identical.



We will have the download and full details available in just a few short hours, so be sure to stay with QJ.NET and PSPUpdates for all the details! This post will be updated as more info comes streaming in!


Fysika systeinw na perimenete ligo gia apotelesmata, giati sto beta stadio brick-arane arketa 2.71 :P


2.71 Downdater by Dark_AleX/Mathieulh/Yoshi


Download here-> http://www.psp-hacks.com/download.php?id=753/

2.71 Update -> http://www.psp-hacks.com/download.php?id=525


This software is free, unlicensed and comes with no warranty. Despite it has been tested and it has worked, a program that rewrites a big part of the flash(flash0) is always dangerous. You are the only responsable of whatever happens to your psp using this unlicensed program.


IMPORTANT NOTE: TA-082 users, this doesn't work on these psp's. DO NOT RUN IT.


Instructions for the 2.71 user



1) Copy the files inside MS_ROOT to the root of your memory stick.


2) Copy the folder called DOWNDATER to the root of your memstick.


3) It is recomended that you have the psp at more than 50% batteery and connected to AC


4) Go to the xmb photo viewer.


At this point will one of the following things:


a) You'll see a full red screen. This indicates that the downdater is doing its job.

Wait for it to finish. When it finish it will crash on purpose. Restart your psp manually

and you'll probably have a 1.50 if nothing went wrong.


B) You don't see the red screen. This indicates that the downdater code has not started

to execute. (even if the memstick blinks(or no), it doesn't matter! if the screen is not red, you can safely restart

the psp at this point).


This happen because of inestability in the tiff.

Don't worry, just restart the psp and keep trying until you reach the red screen of downdate.

The downdater code is NEVER executed partially. It's either executed totally or nothing.


It depends of "luck" but usually the downdater will start to execute in a average of 1/10 times.

Things that may increase the probabilities:


- A fresh formatted memory stick.

- A 32 MB memory stick (and fresh formatted)



(To dokimasan idi merika atoma kai lene oti douleyei. to dokimazo kai ego ayrio, methaurio)


Douleyei, arkei na mhn exeis TA-082 psp, giati tote ginetai brick me ton downgrader.


yparxei etoimo paketo downgrader. m'ayto den 8a xreiasteite to 1.50 psp.

8a to dokimasw se kana 2wro kai 8a sas pw apotelesma.


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