Daredevil Δημοσ. 24 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Αυγούστου 2006 Does Rumble Matter? Sure It Does! Next Gen recently had the chance to go check out Immersion's next gen Touchsense and rumbling Touch Screen technology, they give their impressions and what it means for gamers and game makers. The bottom line is that they belive the Touchsense technology should by adopted by MS, Sony and Nintendo as its the superior solution and is an advantage to gamers. Concluding that as for the rumbling touch screen technology, they hope this is included as standard when it comes to handheld gaming! Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony may or may not choose to adopt TouchSense, because they simply may believe that its application is just not worth the cash or the effort when the mainstream consumer is complacent with current offerings. The fact remains, however, that TouchSense is the superior technology, and it would be in gamers' best interest to have access to its advantages. And as for Immersion's touch screens and small-scale handheld force feedback, we sincerely hope that the next generation of handheld gaming hardware has force feedback as a standard feature. Read More: Next-Gen.biz
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