WaVe Δημοσ. 23 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Αυγούστου 2006 1. What's new in Azureus 1.1 Send to a friend A wizard to simplify sending a link to content to a friend or to embed in a web page (e.g. a blog). 1.2 Auto upload speed This feature controls your upload speed based on the latency of your internet connection as gauged by pinging other members of the Distributed Database. 1.3 Other new features OSX: Open .torrent files into Azureus via Finder/Desktop/etc. 'Do not download' files handled more consistently with respect to download completion. Renaming of a download directories. Moving of data files on torrent removal from Azureus. Signed updates and plugins for improved security. Interface improvements - more information: date added, idle times, new info view, file piece view; more per-torrent options. Debug information generator. More in the changelog. Don't forget to check the plugins - h**p://azureus.sourceforge.net/plugin_list.php New remote control plugin - AzSMRC 1.4 Bug fixes and performance improvements Notable fixes: LAN Peer Finder retains peers more effectively; explicit LAN peer identification. Reduced CPU usage when connected to large numbers of peers. Full ChangeLog h**p://azureus.sourceforge.net/changelog.php?version= New Features: * Core | Reduced CPU usage, especially in some unusual conditions * Core | Explicit local subnet and peer injection option for Lan Peer Finder * Core | Auto upload speed * Core | DND completion handled better * Core | Added option for per-torrent max upload speed when upload busy * Core | Ranges allowed for port listing to ignore peers from. * Core | Added option to move completed download on removal * Core | Signed updates for increased security * Core | UDP fallback on connection fail * Core | Support for initial crypto tracker spec * Core | Faster queued torrent startup * Core | Option to disable tracker support for full-scrape * Core | Added ability to rename the directory save name for a multi-file torrent * UI | File pieces shown in files view * UI | Ability to best guess folder you want to save torrent data to based on existing torrents * UI | Filter for Config Options * UI | "Help -> Generate Debug Info" to help us solve bugs * UI | Ability to customise the speed intervals for download / upload speed menus * UI | Ability to rename the displayed title of a download * UI | "date added", "idle up", "idle down", "req in", "req out" colmns added to MyTorrents * UI | manual file recheck order * UI | Option to remember passwords * UI | OSX: Open .torrent files into Azureus via Finder/Desktop/etc * UI | Option to send popup message when download of a torrent (or individual file) has completed * UI | Ability to change behaviour of popups: auto-hide behaviour and adding timestamp to messages * UI | Torrent-info panel added to show MyTorrent's column attributes in a single place. Torrent encoding moved from General tab to here * UI | Progress warning to user when long file operations in progress that would otherwise hang the UI * Plug | Simple NAT-PMP implementation Changes: * Core | Reduced starting many pieces instead of completing current ones * Core | Further modifications to optimistic disconnect algorithm * Core | Longer scrape delays: * Core | Asynchronous existing torrent loading at startup (makes startup feel faster) * Core | Disk read cache disabled by default * Core | Better detection of unix OSes (Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc) and custom ports that do not conform to our install structure * UI | More time periods in folder-rescan list * UI | Option to hide toolbar * UI | Option to disable program icon for name column (may speed up OSX users) * Plug | Use UPnP to read external IP address if possible Corrected bugs: * Core | Fix for pieces not completing due to too many snubbed peers * Core | Better handling of invalid peer/seed count from tracker * Core | ed2k hash wrong on block boundaries * Core | upload slot default now applied correctly (was fixed at torrent add time) * Core | Various seeding rules fixes, mostly related to Seed:Peer ratio, 1st Priority, or 'None' ranking mode * UI | speed graphics failing on high speeds * UI | Per-torrent options view now synced with global defaults and has "reset" button * UI | Slide-in alert message not closeable (GTK+ users)
Eusebius Δημοσ. 23 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Αυγούστου 2006 Αυτό που μου έκανε εντύπωση είναι το νέο φίλτρο/αναζήτηση στις επιλογές. Δεν το έχω ξαναδεί σε άλλο πρόγραμμα και νομίζω ότι δείχνει πόση προσοχή δίνει στη λεπτομέρεια και στην ευχρηστία η ομάδα του Azureus. Και κάτι άλλο, σχετικό. Το τελευταίο δίμηνο έχω την τελευταία beta της έκδ. 6 της Java. Δεν έχω δει πρόβλημα στα λιγοστά προγράμματα Java που έχω και μου φαίνεται γενικά πολύ βελτιωμένη: http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/Java_SE_Runtime_Environment_JRE/1011824317/1
eXceed Δημοσ. 23 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 23 Αυγούστου 2006 Πολύ καλός ο βάτραχος, ο καλύτερος torrent client imho αν και λίγο βαρύς εξαιτίας Java. Αυτό που δε μάρεσε (λεπτομέρεια) είναι ότι τώρα άμα κάνεις sort κάνει και highlight το column
mohic4n Δημοσ. 24 Αυγούστου 2006 Δημοσ. 24 Αυγούστου 2006 Σωστός ο WaVe να μας ενημερώσει για το νέο "βάτραχο" Όντως είναι καλύτερο από το προκάτοχο του. Δεν έχω δει μέχρι στιγμής χρησιμοποίηση της CPU άνω του 10 (που με το παλιό είχα και 15 μερικές φορες συνεχόμενα). Όσο για μνήμη, μάλλον τρώει λίγο παραπάνω από όσο πριν... Εκτος και αν τώρα κατεβάζω και ανεβάζω με full speed καταναλώνει περισσότερη. θα δείξει και στο μέλλον πως θα πάει... Πολύ καλός πάντως client είναι το mtorrent, αν και σε σύγκριση με το Azureus θα διάλεγα το δεύτερο λόγω των δυνατοτήτων του.
Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις
Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.