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Προτεινόμενες αναρτήσεις


Oκ,να σου πουμε τωρα και για την τριγωνικη επιθεση?? :)


Οκ,πλακα πλακα τα πικ-εν-ρολς ειναι απο τα πλεον βασικα και μαλλον πηγες πολυ μικρος για να μην στα μαθανε διοτι θελει πολυ μαγκες πλευμεηκερ σε εγρηγορση(αλλιως καταληγεις με ενα τυπο 2,10 στα 6 μετρα και με ενα τυπο 1,90 που δεν ξερει τι να κανει την μπαλα και εχει 2 αμυντικους πανω του).ΕΝΝΟΕΙΤΑΙ οτι για πικ εν ρολς δεν περνεις τον Τσακαλιδη ετσι?

Αυτος ηταν ενας λογος που ο Ζοτς ηθελε να κρατησει τον κατα τα αλλα μετριο Γιακα Λακοβιτς,οτι ειχε μαθει πολυ καλα τα πικ εν ρολς

  • Απαντ. 956
  • Δημ.
  • Τελ. απάντηση
It was objective journalism at its finest.




Εεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεεετσι. Τώρα να σας φταίνε οι δημοσιογράφοι, η ώρα, η χώρα, ο Ερμής που ήταν ανάδρομος πάνω απο τον Αχλαδόκαμπο, ο Σείριος που ως γνωστόν απο κει κατάγονται οι Έλληνες κτλ κτλ κλτ. Τι; Τι λέτε ρε; Μιλήστε καθαρά. Αααααααααα έχετε τα @@ του Σπανούλη στο στόμα και δε μπορείτε να αρθρώσετε καθαρά λεξούλες ε; Ε δεν πειράζει.






By Chris Sheridan

ESPN Insider


Saitama, Japan -- Carmelo Anthony was a picture of disbelief, standing all alone near center court and staring into the circle of Greek players who joined hands and danced in a circle.


Coach Mike Krzyzewski was stone-faced at the press conference afterward, his eyes glassy as he looked down at the table in front of him, the color drained from his face as he accepted responsibility for the loss.


Jerry Colangelo looked no better, the bags under his eyes appearing swelled and puffed up, his voice carrying a hushed and somber tone that I hadn't ever heard.


I asked Colangelo: "What do you think they're going to think of this back home?"


"Ultimately you're going to be judged by whether you win or lose, and obviously we didn't win tonight. So we can expect whatever," he replied.




What on earth did he mean by that? That's the question I'm pondering as I sit in the press room beneath the stands at Saitama SuperArena and listen to the sounds of the Spain-Argentina game being played on the other side of the wall. I've been waiting for two weeks to watch that game, looking to see which of those two powers would emerge as the standard we'd end up judging Team USA against. Numero uno and numero dos, I called them in a preview column I wrote upon my arrival in Japan, a column that generated so many dismissive, nasty and uncomprehending e-mails to my inbox that I almost got physically sick reading them over the course of this tournament.



Carmelo had 27 to lead Team USA, but it wasn't enough.

A good 90 percent of my e-mailers thought I was out of my mind. Dozens upon dozens told me I should resign in disgrace once this thing is over and I had been proven wrong. I even caught a few dirty looks from the Team USA players who couldn't believe I was doubting them and occasionally picking them apart despite their perfect record.


Anybody believe me now?


I know the top two questions folks back home in the United States are going to be asking once I get back: How could this happen? Who is to blame?


To the first question, I'll answer this: It's been happening for more than four years now, folks, and it's been happening because Team USA keeps changing its roster, never developing the chemistry and familiarity that the best teams from other parts of the world have developed as their greatest strength. The Greeks had two or three plays that worked over and over and over again, just like Argentina's plays worked two years ago in Athens, and Team USA didn't have the cohesion a team needs to play the type of halfcourt defense required to win in these kinds of tournaments. The second and third quarters of Greece's 101-95 victory Friday were absolutely stunning to behold. I'd call it a layup drill, except for the fact that there were enough wide-open looks being converted that it broke up the monotony of the pick-and-roll exploitation the Greeks were pulling on the Americans.


The pick-and-roll is not a hard play to defend, but these guys simply couldn't. Anybody with two eyes could see that Greece guard Theodoros Papaloukas liked to drive to his left, but not once did any of the Americans force him right.


Greece was a team that came in averaging only 81.4 points in this tournament, yet the Americans surrendered 101 and allowed them to shoot an astonishing 63 percent from the field, 71 percent from 2-point range.


Want to know why? Mostly it's because the Greeks have been playing together long enough to have a repertoire of plays that they know will work, and once they saw they were working to perfection, they stuck with them time after time after time after time.


The Americans were helpless to stop them.


"They're pretty somber. They're really down in the locker room," Colangelo said. "They're as disappointed as Coach K and myself, and we're going to hurt for a while for sure."


If there's a bright side in this loss, it is this: The Americans needed a loss like this to realize where they stand in the world pecking order. Blame for the three losses in Athens was too easily laid on Larry Brown, just as the three losses in Indianapolis in 2002 were too easily pinned on George Karl.


The American federation hired a brilliant basketball mind in Krzyzewski, and Colangelo got the players who came to make three-year commitments, knowing that the process of re-establishing America's superiority in the sport was something that would take a number of years, not just one. So at least they won't be going back to the drawing board after this one, they'll have to live with it and learn from it.



Greece's players celebrate their victory over Team USA.

Team USA is going to emerge from this trip as the third or fourth-best basketball-playing nation in the world, which is probably fitting. If you can't figure out a way to keep Kirk Hinrich from having to switch onto the massive Sofaklis Schortsianitis time after time after time, if you can't find a way to utilize the talents of Dwight Howard and Elton Brand for more than 12 minutes apiece, if you can't find a way to make better use of a 15-4 edge in offensive rebounding, if you miss 14 of 34 free throws, you don't deserve to call yourselves the best in the world.


The United States hadn't been the best in the world for six years now, and they won't have a chance to reclaim that spot for another two years when the Beijing Olympics roll around. Maybe by then the enormity of what's going on in international basketball will finally sink in. This is a huge, huge story, and folks back home either can't comprehend it or refuse to comprehend it. You're not going to read much about this loss in USA Today, The New York Times, the Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune, the Dallas Morning-News or almost any of the other major metropolitan newspapers who somehow decided what's been happening to USA Basketball over nearly a half-decade was not worthy of their coverage. None of them showed up, because they just don't get it the same way that 90 percent of my e-mailers don't get it.


The basketball world has changed, folks, and Americans have fallen behind. I feel like I'm yelling into the wind when I keep saying how and why it's been happening, but maybe now folks back home will start to understand.


There's a bright side to this loss, believe it or not, and it's this: Colangelo realizes that there is no quick fix to this slippage, that it'll only get fixed by building a program and keeping a team together for three years.


The Americans now must go to Venezuela next summer to qualify for the Olympics, and they'll grow as a team there just as they did here, learning lessons along the way that they never imagined they'd have to learn. Lesson No. 1 moving forward is how to defend the pick-and-roll. Lesson No. 2 is to wake up to the reality that there's a huge gap between the best teams in the world and the rest of the pack. All those victories over the likes of China, Italy, Puerto Rico, Australia, Senegal and Slovenia don't mean much now, do they?


Some might call this Team USA a failure, but it isn't. It's too soon to make any call.


We can judge them two summers from now when they get back from Beijing. Until then, they're a work in progress, a team that's had its eyes opened to how vulnerable and beatable they can be. There is nothing for them to be embarrassed about. They just weren't as good as Greece.


That's the way the basketball world is these days, and if Team USA wants to restore the Old World Order, they're going to have to work at it. You can't just become the Redeem Team overnight. It might take three years, and it might take even longer. For now, they'll learn Saturday against Argentina whether they're the planet's No. 3 or No. 4 team. Then they'll have two years to work together toward being No. 1.




Τα έλεγε τόσο καιρό ο Sheridan αλλά έτρωγε κράξιμο. Pay back time :mrgreen:


Oπως σε ολες τις κοινωνικες πτυχες ετσι και στον αθλητισμο,οι Αμερικανοι παντα προτιμουσαν τον απομονωτισμο


Στο μπεηζμπολ αποκαλουν τους τελικους World Series.Δεν εχει σημασια οτι ειναι οι καλυτεροι μεταξυ 5 χωρων που παιζουν μπεηζμπολ,οτι και ναναι δεν μπορεις χωρις να εχουν παιξει με ομαδες απο αλλες χωρες να αποκαλεις τους πρωταθλητες σου world champions-βεβαια απο την μια λενε "Οι αλλοι ειναι κουλοι αρα ειμαστε παγκοσμιοι" αλλα απο την αλλη θεωρουν το μπεηζμπολ οτι εχει παγκοσμια απηχη.Τελικα τι κανουν οι αλλοι?Ασχολουνται ή δεν ασχολουνται?


Ετσι και στο μπασκετ.Φερνουν Ευρωπαιους με τα καραβια στο ΝΒΑ,τους εκπαιδευουν και τους δινουν πρωταγωνιστικο ρολο αλλα αρνουνται να δουν οτι αυτοι καποια στιγμη θα παιξουν στις Εθνικες τους.Λενε "Αν ειχαμε τον Σακιλ και τον Γκαρνετ..." αλλα αρνουνται να καταλαβουν οτι καμια χωρο δεν εχει αποκλειστικοτητα στο DNA που να δινει ικανοτητες στο μπασκετ,καποια στιγμη και οι αλλοι θα βγαλουν καλους παικτες και εφοσον πολλοι ΕΙΤΕ πανε ΝΒΑ ΕΙΤΕ παιζουν σε ομαδες Ευρολιγκας και προπονουνται σε προτυπα ΝΒΑ,θα ερθει και η εποχη της φαπας


ρε μαγκες αν δε παιξει ο γκασολ θα ειναι η μεγαλυτερη τυχη που θα μπορουσαμε να εχουμε.Οι ισπανοι περσι χωρις τον γκασολ χασανε απο την ομαδα που της ριξαμε χαλαρα 16 στον τελικο

  • Moderators

Όπως και να έχει, οι Ισπανοί δεν θα είναι τόσο εύκολοι...

Μεγάλη μπουκιά φάε, μεγάλο λόγο μην πεις...

Ό,τι και να γίνει πρέπει να είμαστε προσεκτικοί και συγκρατημένοι.

Δεν σημαίνει πως επειδή την Γερμανία την είχαμε πάρει σχετικά εύκολα στο Eurobasket, πως την Ισπανία θα την έχουμε κι εκείνη έτσι. ;)


Εεττσσσιιιιι ρε ΕΛΛΑΔΑΡΑ!ΕΕΕΤΤΤΣΣΣΙΙΙ!!041.gif

Τα είχαμε παίξει από το άγχος ποπο τί ματσάρα! 041.gif fahne90.gif


100+1 άρπαξαν τα κ***αμερικανάκια! 041.gif 041.gif


Προσκηνίστε.... worthy.gif fahne90.gif


επιτρέπεται; http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/9776/tonipianmi6.jpg


worthy.gif fahne90.gif



ο 2ος ημιτελικός,



και έχουμε τν Κυριακή Ελλάδα-Ισπανία.

Μπορούμε να έχουμε χαμηλούς τόνους πλεον...αλλά ποιός δν θέλει να κερδίσουμε!

πΟ ρε δν το είχα δει το θέμα τόσο καιρό!Αλλά δν πειράζει!Πάμε...

βλέπε 2ο ποστ..

  • Moderators
Ξέρει κανείς αν θα ξαναδείξει το παιχνίδι η ΕΡΤ;

Πρέπει να το έδειξε το απόγευμα...


οτι θα το ξαναδείξει είναι βέβαιο


Λοιπον,στο Σπορταιμ στο σαιτ εχουνε ενα κομματι που λεγεται "Ηλιθιες αποριες ενος δημοσιογραφου" η κατι τέτοιο.Προτινω να το ξεκινησουμε και εδω και ισως το βγαλω και σαν ξεχωριστο τοπικ


:arrow: Δηλαδη τωρα ο Σακιλ θα λεει "Ειμαι ο Big Sofoklis"???


:arrow: Ο Κρις Πολ μετα την ταπα του Διαμαντιδη θα λεγεται Κρις Πωωωωωω!! ??


:arrow: Ο Σπανουλης νομιζε πως εχουν αρχισει τα πλευ-οφφ του ΝΒΑ??


:arrow: Γιατι οποτε βαζανε τον Χαινριχ,εμεις βαζαμε τον Σχορτσιανιτη?Υπαρχει κανονισμος που λεει οτι πρεπει να υπαρχουν παντα 5 μαυροι στο παρκε?


:arrow: Αν επαιζε ο Ζησης ειχανε παικτη με τα μαλλια του Βαρεχαο για να τον χτυπησει?


:arrow: Τον Βασιλοπουλο τον εβαλε για να παρει ματς στα ποδια του να ειναι ετοιμος στα σοβαρα παιχνιδια?


:arrow: Δεδομενου πως τους Γαλλους περσυ τους κερδισαμε με ενα σουτ και τους ΑΜερικανους με 6 ποντους,οι περσυνοι Γαλλοι κερδιζαν με 5 ποντους τους Αμερικανους?


:arrow: Υπαρχει αγραφος νομος οτι για να πας μπροστα πρεπει να εχεις μαυρο σεντερ?


:arrow: Ο Διαμαντιδης εβαλε 13 με 2 τριποντα,ο Κακιουζης ειχε 4/4 στο τελος και ο Σπανουλης εβαλε 2 τριποντα σε κινηση απο τα 7 μετρα.Δηλαδη αν δεν ειχαμε και προβλημα στις βολες και τα τριποντα ποσο θα ηταν το σκορ


:arrow: Ο Σπανουλης δεν εχει κανει ουτε ενα καρφωμα.Μηπως δεν κανει για το ΝΒΑ?


:arrow: Με την ρεντα που εχεις ο Κακιουζης με τις δηλωσεις για χρυσο,μηπως θα επρεπε να γινει επαγγελματιας στο Τζοκερ?


:arrow: Ο Γιαννακης γιατι δεν επαιξε σημερα?


:arrow: Ειναι μεγαλυτερη προσβολη να σου ριχνει ταπα στο καρφωμα ο αντιπαλος πλευμεηκερ ή να στην κλεβει ο αντιπαλος σεντερ?


:arrow: Ο Καμπουρης γιατι δεν βαρεσε βολες φετος?

Ξέρει κανείς αν θα ξαναδείξει το παιχνίδι η ΕΡΤ;


Τον έδειξε στις 19:00 και τον ξαναδείχνει μετά τα μεσάνυχτα! (νομίζω 00:30)


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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