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progrma gia dimiourgia ftp


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FTP ιστοσελίδα ?

Μάλλον τα έχεις μπερδεμένα.

Λογικά θες να φτιάξεις FTP με downloads/uploads, που να σου βγάζει στον explorer/web broswer λίστα κατεβατή με τα αρχεία, κλπ... με άλλα λόγια Directory Listing...


http://www.insomnia.gr/vb3/search.php --> Keyword: FTP Server , username: billpeppas

...η απάντησή σου.


Άκομα πιο απλή λύση :

Κατεβάζεις το SlimFTP Server κάνεις install (εγώ το έχω πακέτο με apache , php , mysql και κάτι άλλα μαραφέτια , αλλά προφανώς κάπου θα το βρεις μόνο του)

κάνεις edit to configuration file

Σηκώνεις τον server


Και πολύ απλα στη συνέχεια έχεις πρόσβαση στο ftp σου ως εξής :

ftp://localhost/ (για σένα μόνο) ή

ftp://Α.Β.C.D/ όπου A.B.C.D η ip σου την οποία μπορείς να δεις ανοίγοντας ένα cmd παράθυρο και πληκτρολογόντας ipconfig


Pedia to pedi thelei na anevasei dikia tou ftp selida sto net alla na to sikonei kai na to keleinei autos opos thelei malon thelei na ftiaksei mia ftp san tin dikia mou!!! sto stil (name).homeftp.org Exo ftiaksei ena guide gia opoion xreiastei!!!!




Tutorial for Apache and and DynDns


Prota apo ola prepei na exeis katevasei 2 Programata

1:Apache http://www.apache.org

2:DynDns Updater http://www.dyndns.org


Deuteron prepei na kaneis account sto DynDns.org Meta otan ftiakseis account pas sto email sou ke kaneis confirmation. Meta pas stin selida dyndns.org pas sta services patas Dynamic Dns meta Add Dynamic DNS vazeis ta stoixia pou thes gia to onoma tou ftp sou ke patas add host Meta ksanapas sta services ke patas update client apo ekei katevazeis to programa DynDNS Updater otan to katevaseis to kaneis setup ke to trexeis. Otan anoikseis to DynDNS Updater sou anoigei wizard prota patas next meta patas Dial Up meta next meta Vazeis ton tropo sindesis sou ke patas next meta vazeis to user ke to pass idio me to user ke pass stin selida dyndns.org ke meta patas download now. Molis to kaneis auto pas ke kaneis tis dikes sou rithmiseis apo to programa DynDNS Updater ke teliose i ipothesi me to programa to 1o.


Triton ke telefteon. Kaneis eggatastasi to Apache meta sto Wizard tou setup ekei pou patas next sou zitaei kapies rithmiseis ekei vazeis tis rithmiseis tou host pou eixes kanei sto dyndns.org ke vazeis ke to onoma tou ftp sou. Otan teliosei i eggatastasi pas sto program files ston fakelo htdocs ke svineis oles tis gloses index.html ektos to index.html.el ke sto fakelo auto tha yparxoun ta 3 .gif arxeia ta 2 .png arxeia ke to index.html.el. Se auton to fakelo tha ftiakseis ke to homepage sou ke tha to onomaseis index.html tha pareis to simiomatario ke tha ftiaxneis to menu to backround ke ola osa thes. Perisoteres plirofories tha vreis edo http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp ke edo http://grjava.com/ meta otan telioseis tha pas enarksi meta tha pas sto Apache HTML Server meta Configure Apache Server ke meta Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File meta gia na anevaseis pas peripou stin mesi ekei pou lei



SetEnvIf Request_URI ^/manual/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|ru)/ prefer-language=$1

RedirectMatch 301 ^/manual(?:/(de|en|es|fr|ja|ko|ru)){2,}(/.*)?$ /manual/$1$2



Otan pas ekei afineis 2 grammes ke meta patas auto


<Directory "F:\Ilias 2006">

Options Indexes

AllowOverride None

Order allow,deny

Allow from all



Alias /F "F:\Ilias 2006"


Sto F:\Ilias 2006 vazeis tin topothesia pou thes na anevaseis ta arxeia diladi tin diadromi ke ekei pou exei to Alias /F sto grama F vazeis to grama pou thes na mpeneis sto index tou ftp sou p.x tote I istoselida tha eine: (onoma).homeftp.org/F Otan telioseis auto afineis 3 grammes kenes ke meta apo kato eine



# ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.

# ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that

# documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and

# run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.

# The same rules about trailing "/" apply to ScriptAlias directives as to

# Alias.


ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/cgi-bin/"


Meta otan telioseis oli tin diadikasia auti tha pas ligo pio kato ke ekei pou lei


# IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory

# listings.


IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort


Prostheteis meta apo ena keno sto VersionSort to HTMLTable FoldersFirst NameWidth=* ke etsi ginete



# IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory

# listings.


IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort HTMLTable FoldersFirst NameWidth=*


Teliosame auti itan oli I diadikasia otan ta telioseis ola auta patas sto apache ke kaneis restart ke eise etoimos.


Αυτό το θέμα έχει αρχειοθετηθεί και είναι κλειστό για περαιτέρω απαντήσεις.

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