accrual Δημοσ. 28 Ιουνίου 2002 Δημοσ. 28 Ιουνίου 2002 Dokimasa na valw ta XP sto sistima mou se disko pou ekana format mesa apo to setup twn XP. Meta to reboot kollise kai evgale minima lathous. Ta logs einai parakatw. Mporei kapoios na pei to ftaiei? Exei sxesi me tin karta eikonas, logw tou VCRTL ? Error: SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN" on line 16. *** Error: Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message : A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. *** Fatal Error: One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. *** Error: SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN" on line 16. *** Error: Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message : A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. *** Fatal Error: One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. GUI mode Setup has started. SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN" on line 16. Failed to install assembly from manifest: "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN"; Win32 Error Code = 14028 Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message : A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. GUI mode Setup has ended because of a fatal error. GUI mode Setup has started. SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN" on line 16. Failed to install assembly from manifest: "D:\I386\asms\6000\MSFT\VCRTL\VCRTL.MAN"; Win32 Error Code = 14028 Installation Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message : A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. GUI mode Setup has ended because of a fatal error. Time,File,Line,Tag,Message 06/28/2002 08:53:22,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,5722,BEGIN_SECTION,Installing Windows NT 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\wizard.c,1568,,SETUP: Calculating registery size 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\wizard.c,1599,,SETUP: Calculated time for Win9x migration = 120 seconds 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,5753,BEGIN_SECTION,Initialization 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,5873,BEGIN_SECTION,Common Initialiazation 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1383,BEGIN_SECTION,Initializing action log 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,,GUI mode Setup has started. 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1388,END_SECTION,Initializing action log 06/28/2002 08:53:25,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1470,BEGIN_SECTION,Creating setup background window 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1481,END_SECTION,Creating setup background window 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1496,BEGIN_SECTION,Initializing SMS support 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1505,,Setup: (non-critical error): Failed load of ismif32.dll. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1507,END_SECTION,Initializing SMS support 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1538,BEGIN_SECTION,Shutting down power management 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1541,END_SECTION,Shutting down power management 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\syssetup.c,1620,BEGIN_SECTION,Processing parameters from sif 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,632,,SETUP: Upgrade=0. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,633,,SETUP: Unattended=0. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,228,,SETUP: SpSetupLoadParameter was unable to find unattendswitch. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,228,,SETUP: SpSetupLoadParameter was unable to find runoobe. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,228,,SETUP: SpSetupLoadParameter was unable to find factorymode. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,228,,SETUP: SpSetupLoadParameter was unable to find EulaComplete. 06/28/2002 08:53:28,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,228,,SETUP: SpSetupLoadParameter was unable to find uniqueness. 06/28/2002 08:53:29,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\cmdline.c,228,,SETUP: SpSetupLoadParameter was unable to find includecatalog. 06/28/2002 08:53:35,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,,One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. 06/28/2002 08:53:35,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,,Fatal Error 06/28/2002 08:53:35,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,,: 06/28/2002 08:53:35,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,,One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. A component's file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest. 06/28/2002 08:53:35,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,, *** 06/28/2002 08:53:44,d:\xpclient\base\ntsetup\syssetup\log.c,133,,GUI mode Setup has ended because of a fatal error. Euxaristw ek twn proterwn.
Melven Δημοσ. 28 Ιουνίου 2002 Δημοσ. 28 Ιουνίου 2002 paketo,de ksero ti ftaiei,ego prospa8ousa extes na ta valo ta xp pali se kainourgio disko kai to installation ta ekane xalia 2 fores epeidi pidikse ena bhma kata to installation kai meta eixa kai edo fata errors ktl..ti na peis... MS,mi psaxnesai poly mias kai eisai stin arxh kane ena format (oxi apo to setup) kai valta kanonika pali mporei na piasei se merikes fores opos kai se mena <img border="0" title="" alt="[Razz]" src="images/icons/tongue.gif" />
@_zerocool Δημοσ. 29 Ιουνίου 2002 Δημοσ. 29 Ιουνίου 2002 Xtes h8ela na perasw se ena filo mou ta XP. Ayta arnountan omws kathgorhmatika na mpoun. Ebgazan mple o8ones ktl. Etsi apofasisa na kanw ena bios update. To ekana lipon kai egine to Install kanonika. Gia des kai mhpws exeis ena kakogrameno CD.( an einai antigrammeno). An exeis tote ksanagraspto h pare ena allo. H dokimase to se ena filo sou. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />
aetos Δημοσ. 29 Ιουνίου 2002 Δημοσ. 29 Ιουνίου 2002 mipos exis ata66 kai exis sindesi skliro eki emena mou evgale to ladi ithele na katevaso neous driver apo to internet.giati i pali ipostirizan mono 98 kai me. <small>[ 29-06-2002, 00:43: Το μήνυμα επεξεργάστηκε από: aetos ]</small>
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