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Bully (by Rockstar games)


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Bully ...be released in October


Η Ροκσταρ δεν μπορεί να μείνει για πολύ καιρό μακρυά απο μπλεξίματα (βλ. στο στόχαστρο διαφόρων οργανώσεων υπέρ οικογένειας, θρησκείας, ηθικής, κλπ).

Στο νέο της παιχνίδι θα αναλάβουμε το ρόλο ενος μαθητή αντιμέτωπος με school bullies (ας πουμε τραμπούκους), nerds, και άλλα φρούτα με σκοπό φαντάζομαι να γίνει αρχιΜπούλης του σχολείου.

Διαθέσιμα εργαλεία για την επίτευξη των σπουδαστικών στόχων: ρόπαλα μπαίηζμπολ, βρωμούσες, και... μπίλιες.


Ελπίζουμε πάλι σε κάποιο patch που θα εμφανίσει τις "κρυμένες" σκηνές στη σχολική τουαλέτα.



Main character Jimmy Hopkins defends himself at fictional boarding school, Bullworth Academy.


Rockstar, the maker of best-selling video game series "Grant Theft Auto" said on Wednesday it would launch in October "Bully," a game with themes of school fighting that has anti-violence critics up in arms.


The game's main character is 15-year-old Jimmy Hopkins, who must defend :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: himself against school bullies at a fictional U.S. boarding school called Bullworth Academy, while dealing with characters ranging from nerds and jocks to authoritarian prefects.


Weapons included baseball bats that break after several blows (με το αναμενόμενο πάτς, θα είναι άθραυστα, ωστε να σπάνε αντι αυτών, τα κεφάλια) , stink bombs and bags of marbles that when strategically thrown will lay flat most pursuers.


"Finally 'Bully' can speak for itself. People can look at the game and see what it is and what it's not," company spokesman Rodney Walker said.


In March, Florida's Miami-Dade County School Board called on retailers not to sell the game to minors and required the school district to warn parents about potentially harmful effects of playing violent video games.


In a recent demonstration of "Bully," which Rockstar said has not yet been rated, the fighting scenes did not include blood or result in the death of characters.


"We think the school environment is a universal experience that so many people relate to," said Walker, who added that criticism of "Bully" is unique in that it had preceded the release of the game, which has been kept under tight wraps.


August 9 2006: http://money.cnn.com/2006/08/09/technology/bc.media.bully.reut/index.htm?cnn=yes


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